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From the Internet ... to your PC ... to a USB drive ... to your Yamaha!

This Internet site,, as well as many other sites on the Internet, provides a variety of Yamaha related files that you may want to transfer from the internet to your Yamaha keyboard. To conserve server space and to minimize the time it takes to transfer a file down to your computer, these files are usually compressed to a smaller size. To utilize these files in your Yamaha, you need to follow the following steps.

1. Download the compressed file from the Internet site to your personal computer (PC).

2. If this is a compressed file, such as a ".zip" file, you need to UNZIP the file to return the contents to their original formats.

3. Copy the files from your computer to a USB drive.

4. Plug the USB drive into your Yamaha keyboard.

5. Using the keyboard operating system, navigate to the USB and load the file you want to use.

Some of you are old hands at this and certainly don't need any help.  However, if you're just starting out, these notes should help with the first step in the process outlined above.


The term "downloading" refers to the process of moving a file from a central computer to your own personal computer, that is, from another computer somewhere in the world, which is connected to the Internet, to the computer in your home, which is also connected to the Internet, perhaps through a phone line or with a direct high-speed connection. When you are browsing an Internet site, you notice many words or phrases may be underlined indicating that they are LINKS.  If you click on the link, the link is activated and you may find yourself looking at a new Internet page.

A link can also be a link to a file rather than to another Internet page.  Clicking on the link, in this case, would start the process of transferring a file. Since so many people are on the internet and need to know how to download, there are plenty of online lessons on how to do this. Listed below are some links to downloading lessons that will be helpful to new downloaders.

Hopefully, one of the above will give you the information you need to download files to your PC.

If you are uncomfortable downloading or if you do not want to take all the time needed to: (1) search for files on this site available for download, (2) download the files to your computer, and then (3) unzip the files so you can use them, there is a simple solution. The PSR Tutorial resource collections include thousands of styles ready for you to use. There are also midi and MP3 collections available. You will find these and other products on the Orders page. When you order a collection, you receive an email with several links to large compressed files from which you can rebuild the collection. If you include the available 16GB USB drive in your order, any of the data collections ordered are copied to the USB drive, unzipped and ready to use, and the drive is mailed out to you. Ordering any of these data collections not only saves you time and effort, it also help support the PSR Tutorial since sales of these resource sets are used to cover the operation and maintenance of this web site.


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This page updated on February 15, 2024 .