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Genos2 / Re: transpose Genos2 with midi out to midi in Yamaha mx49
« Last post by overover on Today at 02:17:09 PM »
My pleasure, Speedy. Thanks for your kind feedback! :)

Best regards,
Genos2 / Re: transpose Genos2 with midi out to midi in Yamaha mx49
« Last post by Speedy1957 on Today at 02:06:10 PM »
fantastic...thanks Musicmen
Genos YEM & Expansion Packs / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Del B on Today at 01:15:28 PM »
Hi Casper
Thanks for that, I now see the exclusive downloads in the list whereas I did not before but now all new ones downloaded just got to put them in YEM now

Regards Del
Genos YEM & Expansion Packs / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by ckobu on Today at 12:50:04 PM »
@Del B, Look at the download process, I made a video.

@Bill, thanks for the info, it's about time Yamaha installed something like that.
PSR-E Series / Music Database for PSR-E463 / PSR-EW410?
« Last post by BartVB on Today at 12:28:57 PM »
Hello good folk!

Me and my SO are on a journey to learn playing the piano. We recently upgraded from my old Casio Privia PX160. I did quite a bit of research, arrived at the Yamaha DGX-670 (great value for €1000!) but the wife deemed it 'way too ugly' and 'way too many buttons'. I see where she's coming from :) Of course I listened to our wishes so now we have a different digital piano which is very nice to play and sounds great, but it's also button-less and very boring :D

Sooooooo... I couldn't help myself and picked up a second hand Yamaha PSR-EW410 which has been a lot of fun already :) One of the main selling points for that are the styles, I figured that this would make it a lot more fun to learn/dabble with contemporary music.

But it's not that easy. Apparently Yamaha dropped the 'Music Database' from these keyboard which makes the styles much harder to use. I now have a keyboard with 200+ style but no clue as to which style would be suitable for which song. I'm an absolute beginner, say 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star'-level :) So a bit more help is much  appreciated.

The Music Database seems to be a built in database of registrations which specify a style, tempo and main voice for a list of songs.

Is something like that available somewhere? I have been looking (and has been an extremely valuable resource) but haven't been able to find a list/database with something like:

- Song title
- Artist
- PSR-E style name
- Tempo
- Voice
- Link to a score sheet would be extremely awesome

That would make the EW410 even more fun  8)
Genos YEM & Expansion Packs / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Del B on Today at 12:28:36 PM »
Hi Bill
Will try again later still not showing thanks for the info

PSR-E Series / Re: Rock registrations for PSR-E433
« Last post by SciNote on Today at 12:08:54 PM »
If you haven't read my previous post, please read that to see my answer to your question about the styles I used in my demos.

Now, before I go on, I need to point out that I may have accidentally given you wrong info about setting up a registration in such a way so that the style will not change when selecting the registration.  I said to hit the Song button, and then hit the Voice button to start with your settings.  However, I tried that tonight, and it did not work.  I may still need to experiment (it had been a long time since I started a registration from scratch -- I have mainly just been editing existing ones).  If you hit the Voice button first and select your main voice to get started, and then hit the Song button, I think that will work.  And then, after hitting the Song button, you then use the dual and split buttons as I described before (hit and hold them down to get to those parameters) and the category plus and minus buttons to go to the various parameters.

I know that, once a registration is saved, if you want to edit it, you can hit the Song button first, then select the registration that you want to enter and edit, and then just change the parameters and save the registration like normal.  If you hit the Song button after you have already started changing the parameters, then it might change some of the parameters you have already set and saved.  As far as I know, it mainly just changes the Reverb type and the Chorus type, but there could be other parameters affected that I am not aware of.

Now, as I said before, I have been working on an update to my Eighties Synth, and so far, I have come up with this...

Rockin' 80's Synth -- REVISED!
.....................................Main........ .............Dual...................Split........ .....
Voice .....................140-80s Brass.....74-SynStrings....165-Saw Lead....
Volume .........................105..................... ...95....................110.............
Octave ........................... -1....................... -1...................... -1..............
Pan ................................64............... .........64......................64..............
Reverb ...........................75.................... ....75....................100..............
Chorus .........................100..................... ...60....................100.............
Attack ............................64................... .....64........................................
Release .........................64...................... ..64........................................
Cutoff ............................57................... .....62........................................
Resonance ....................64........................64. .......................................

Reverb: 3-Hall3, Chorus: 4-Flanger2

I'll post a demo another time.  But this sound ROCKS!  And it is very versatile.  Set up this sound, and then play with the filter controls (set the live control knobs to filter and adjust the cutoff and resonance), and you can get all kinds of cool synthesizer sounds!  You can also experiment with setting the dual voice octave to -2 instead of -1, and that gives it a fat, full sound for synth leads.
Genos YEM & Expansion Packs / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Bill on Today at 11:36:20 AM »
Hi Del

Try tapping the green icon in the top right hand corner of screen or use the more direct link in my post.
It would appear as though Yamaha are currently updating the Hub.

Genos YEM & Expansion Packs / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Del B on Today at 11:28:45 AM »
nope went there couldn't see it :o
Genos YEM & Expansion Packs / Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Bill on Today at 10:34:44 AM »
Hi All

It would appear that Yamaha have released 31 packs that have been converted to work with Genos 2.

You will need to visit the Yamaha site where you registered your Genos 2, login then tab to My Products then Special Content — Exclusive Downloads.


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