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PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: SX700 revoicing
« Last post by EileenL on Today at 11:41:38 AM »
If these styles are from an expansion pack the voices may well be part of that pack and not on the keyboard at all.
Genos2 / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Mikimiki on Today at 11:29:53 AM »
I checked those.
They are not all there.
PSR-E Series / Re: Rock registrations for PSR-E433
« Last post by SciNote on Today at 09:15:06 AM »
Glad you're getting the hang of it!  And in no way is this a bother to me!  I can talk about the PSR-E433 all day long!

Concerning your question about the SONG mode...

This does not have to do with avoiding the auto-accompaniment.  It is to keep the style from changing when you go from one registration to another, whether you are using auto-accompaniment or not.  Yes, like you said, it allows you to keep the same tempo when going from one registration to another, but not just the tempo -- It keeps the entire style from changing.  Without doing this, individual registrations can be saved with their own style settings -- including the style number and the tempo.  If that data is stored in a registration, then if you select that registration, whatever style and tempo you had selected and were playing before will immediately change to whatever is stored in that registration.  Sometimes, that might be desirable.  For example, there could be a song that has style and/or tempo changes in the song -- an example of this is "Saturday in the Park", a 1972 song from the rock group Chicago.  Most of the song has a rock 4/4 rhythm, but there is a part in the middle where it goes to a 12/8 style, before going back to 4/4 again.  So, you could have a registration set up with a 4/4 style, and another one set up with a 12/8 style, and then you could easily go back and forth between the necessary styles with just the press of a registration button at the appropriate points while playing the song.  But of course, with only 32 registrations, it doesn't give you a lot of room to dedicate specific registrations to individual songs.  Of course, you could always use a flash drive to use more registrations.

Normally, I do not do this -- I do not store styles in the registrations.  I just set up the style and tempo for the song that I want to play, and then just use the registrations for changing the sounds that the keyboard plays (most of the songs I play have pretty basic backgrounds with a consistent tempo throughout the song).  So to do this, I have to make sure that no style gets stored in the registration, and that is done by making sure the keyboard is in SONG mode when a registration is saved instead of STYLE mode.  And that's why you hit the SONG button when setting up a registration -- if you do not want a style saved with the registration.

You mentioned hitting the SONG button after setting up your main voice parameters.  In reality, I don't think you have to -- or would want to -- hit the SONG button after setting up all of the main voice parameters.  Remember that when you hit the SONG button, it causes the keyboard to call up certain information about the song it retrieves, and this could change some of the parameters you set for your registration.  This is why you want to hit the SONG button as early in the registration set-up process as possible.  You would just hit the SONG button right after selecting your main voice -- just the voice number.  Then, after selecting the main voice number, you hit the SONG button, and then you set up the rest of your main voice parameters, like volume, octave, pan, and so on.  I believe this is how it works -- like I said, I have not done much creation of registrations from scratch recently (except the new 80's synth sound I posted) -- I have been mainly editing existing registrations that I have developed over the years.

By the way, not to make things more confusing, but I believe that instead of a style, you can set up a registration with a DJ pattern, if you want.  And I think that if you have a DJ pattern in a registration, but are using a style for the background to play a song, you can still call up that registration without affecting the style.  It would only change the background music if you were already playing with a DJ pattern set up and active.

You also asked about the arpeggio function.  This is a cool feature, though I have not used it much.  I think that if the split voice is off, then the arpeggio function applies to the whole keyboard.  But if the split function is on, then the arpeggio function is only active on the left-hand side of the split.  However, I do not know how using auto-accompaniment factors in to all of this.  I'll have to experiment with it.

PSR-E Series / Re: Adding Indian Rythmic Cycles to PSR-E373
« Last post by andyg on Today at 09:06:59 AM »
That sounds like it might be possible, but it will be trial and error with whatever audio to MIDI app you use. I can't recommend a particular app, but I'm sure you can find one.
>> download the specific Yamaha midi usb driver for your keyboard

I don't think that this is a solution. I don't need to connect Genos or any other keyboard via MIDI to my computer. I just want an audio driver without latency.
Everything working just fine until the update of the "new and improved" version 2.10

>> The audio playback then takes place directly via the Genos2 connected via USB

I do not want Genos to work as audio interface. I want ASIO4ALL drivers to play this role. This works perfect until the update. The computer I create my sounds is not connected with Genos and this is not what I want (move Genos to different studio in order to connected it with the computer in order to have a 5000 USD audio interface !!!!)

ASIO4ALL works just fine for more than 5 years in this computer and still works perfect with ANY other application (Cubase, Kontakt, Melas Montage/ModX editor etc.) EXCEPT the "new and improved" YEM 2.10 version

I just want to know if other users have the same problem or is just me?
PSR-E Series / Re: Rock registrations for PSR-E433
« Last post by Mick47 on Today at 07:12:17 AM »
Thats exactly what i was doing wrong .I would make changes and hit registry 1 to make sure it was the right area...bit paranoid about writing over an already saved registration. Great tip with the registrations being pre selected and ready to go...just hit the registrations. Not quite up to that yet...playing around with your other tip on adding a dual voice while playing. Leaving DUAL light off when registering but having a DUAL voice in the parameters is great to bring up...this is scary...starting to sound like i know partly what i'm doing.!!
Still a little confused as to why i hit SONG after the VOICE parameters are done...this keeps the same TEMPO when changing registrations? Is that the reason?
I understand that this whole process the excludes the ACCOMPANIANT you use this much?
The ARPEGGIO button...does that work on a SPLIT setting?
Think i've hassled you enough...thanks for that last post.
Genos2 / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Christophermoment on Today at 05:36:37 AM »
Can anyone post them for us in third world country like Canada to get them?

Already posted by 'overover' ;,67898.msg512504.html#msg512504

PSR-E Series / Re: Adding Indian Rythmic Cycles to PSR-E373
« Last post by goutambaul on Today at 04:25:44 AM »
Thanks andy for enlightening me. If I get a mp3 file that only has the "tabla" playing (basically single note), will that can be used to generate a reliable MIDI file? Can I add the sound of "tabla" to the MIDI file while generating the style file? What is the procedure to generate style file from a MIDI file?

Please clear these cobwebs from my thoughts.

With regards,

Genos2 / Re: Genos 2 Converted Packs
« Last post by Mikimiki on Today at 02:46:12 AM »
Can anyone post them for us in third world country like Canada to get them?
PSR-E Series / Re: Music Database for PSR-E463 / PSR-EW410?
« Last post by overover on Yesterday at 09:38:57 PM »
Hi BartVB,

Maybe the following list from our forum member Heidrun will help you:
>>> Songs & Styles - Complete list for all keyboards.pdf

On Heidrun's website (in German language) there is also a "Songs and Style Database" as well as many other downloads:

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
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