Author Topic: Genos in Canada  (Read 19532 times)

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Genos in Canada
« on: October 13, 2017, 03:25:53 PM »
This topic is specific to Canadians - although our friends from other countries are more than welcome to chime in :).

I spoke with Long and McQuade in Oshawa, Ontario yesterday (October 12, 2017) and they expect the Genos to be available in their stores across Canada the beginning of January. They anticipate the price to be $5,999. That is straight from their Yamaha rep in Toronto. Just a heads up for you.

For those outside Canada, Long and McQuade is the largest music store chain in Canada, with 50 stores. Their business model is among the best I've ever seen.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Offline alans

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2017, 03:42:27 PM »
Thats dissapointing for Genos buyers in Canada,is there any specific reason why you can't  get them sooner,apart from high demand in other countries ??
How does the price compare to US prices ?

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos
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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2017, 03:53:14 PM »
Hi Alan,

It seems three quarters of the world wants to live here, but so often we are last on the list to receive goods. I have know idea why that is, other than most companies favor the more populated countries. It really pisses me off to see a picture of 50 or 100 Genos keyboards sitting in an empty classroom somewhere in Asia, while we have to wait. Typically, all new Yamaha products reach us about 4 to 6 months after the rest of the world's users have scratch marks all over their keyboards. When I bought my T5 in 2014, the other countries had received them 6 months earlier, and I have it on pretty good faith that the day I picked mine up, there were only 6 in Canada!!!!!! Ridiculous!!! And of course, our wonderful government makes it impossible for us to buy from a U.S. dealer - mainly because of outrageous duty tax. We can't even buy a car in the U.S. without jumping through a billion legal hoops. Very sad...

The price is comparable to the U.S. as far as I know.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.
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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2017, 03:55:05 PM »
My Yamaha dealer here in the Niagara area also mentioned January, but said it could be sooner. US delivery was early, so maybe Canada isn't that far behind, typically a month. I keep clear of my local Long & McQuade store for large purchases, because they won't move or do a better price than their listed price. Maybe the larger Long & McQuade stores might negotiate if manager is present. I was given that $5,999 CAD($4,800 USD) quote as well, but can do a lot better.


Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2017, 04:08:56 PM »
Hopefully, you're right regarding the timing Marcus. I have spent so much money with Long and McQuade over the past 25 years, they will price match anyone out there. I far prefer them to the smaller stores because they give me great trade-in value. It saves me wasting hours and days with "tire kickers" on a private sale :). Plus, we only pay the outrageous HST (13%) on the difference. Wow, a break from the Canadian government and their wasteful ways - whoo-hoo - how rare!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 04:10:33 PM by Lee Batchelor »
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Offline alans

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2017, 04:19:51 PM »
In the western hemisphere it seems be US buyers will get theirs first,then mainland Europe and hopefully Uk buyers late OCT or very early NOV .
I sincerely hope Canadian buyers can get theirs ASAP.

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2017, 04:30:37 PM »
Hopefully, you're right regarding the timing Marcus. I have spent so much money with Long and McQuade over the past 25 years, they will price match anyone out there. I far prefer them to the smaller stores because they give me great trade-in value. It saves me wasting hours and days with "tire kickers" on a private sale :). Plus, we only pay the outrageous HST (13%) on the difference. Wow, a break from the Canadian government and their wasteful ways - whoo-hoo - how rare!!!!!!!

I always done well with local classified ads selling my previous keyboards. Large population pool in the GTA area and southern Ontario. A Toronto Recording Studio bought my Tyros 4 from my Kijiji ad. Potential buyers just meet me in my garage (not in my home) with the board setup and deal only in cash. Kijji online service works great and can get a better difference than trading your board in. Smaller music stores won't even touch a TOTL arranger in a trade in, at least in my smaller city and area.


Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2017, 05:20:34 PM »
Good for you, Marcus. I live in a small town and am the only one with these levels of keyboards. The GTA is far away. I'm compelled to go the path of lesser resistance :).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Offline mark fernando

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2017, 08:42:02 PM »

It is a sad story when getting latest electronics in Canada. Couple of years ago I lived & worked in Asia, Gulf countries and getting the latest technology is not an issue at all. After I migrated to Canada I had to spend about 30% more to get the same keyboards which I used earlier.



Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2017, 09:02:27 PM »
Hi Mark,

We are taxed to death in Canada, but I also realize we have some of the finest social programs anywhere in the world, hence, why people like to come here. I'm certainly not complaining, other than the fact the Canadian government wastes so much money and considers the public purse a bottomless pit. I'd wager much of that 30 percent price difference you saw was because of taxes at all levels of government.

On a less depressing note, I emailed my rep at Long and McQuade (L&M) to ask whether the delay on the Genos is really a Yamaha issue or an L&M issue. I think it's possible L&M is waiting on some verbal commitments from its loyal customers before purchasing a few Genos keyboards. I'll let you know what he says.

Thanks to all who are contributing to this discussion :)! I'm reasonably sure I'll be trading my T5. I'll just be "relatively" a little older than the same person who managed to get theirs first (LOL). Lucky you!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 09:05:22 PM by Lee Batchelor »
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Offline porterma

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2017, 12:09:55 AM »
Hi Lee,
Here in Vancouver we have both Tom Lee Music and Long and McQuade Music as the major retailers for guitars and keyboards.
Tom Lee has been stronger in carrying Yamaha Tyros keyboards in the past and they are who I purchased my Tyros 4 from.
All the information they have been able to tell me regarding "Genos" is that they have been promised that in November some time their keyboard sales staff will get to demo the new Genos.
No word on when they would be available for public purchase or what the cost will be.
However, I would be very surprised if they were not available sometime in December, before Christmas - January and February are not good months to try and sell a new product.
Do you have Tom Lee Music in the Toronto area ???



Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2017, 01:02:41 AM »
Hi Mark,

Thanks for chiming in. The only reference to Tom Lee Music is their Steinway stores in the Toronto area. So, I suppose not. However, what you say makes sense - L&M would be wise to push all keyboards, including Genos BEFORE Xmas. As mentioned, I sent that email into my rep at L&M Oshawa. I'll see if that pushes the Genos availability. Crap, we're the second largest country in the friggin' world. Why would Yamaha drag their feet to our market?? I'm really starting to suspect the delay is more at the music store level and their desire to NOT lay out the big bucks on the Genos. Why would they (even L&M) when their bread and butter market is the cheaper PSR pianos?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2017, 01:03:42 AM by Lee Batchelor »
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2017, 01:28:04 AM »
Same here Lee - my L&M dealer in Calgary said that January he "might" see the Genos. I'll try to sell my Tyros 3 meantime on Kijii :-)  And don't get me started with this government and taxes -  I might just loose it - hehe  ::)  Cheers, Roland

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2017, 02:17:51 AM »
Good stuff, Roland.

I still don't know why Canada is treated like the bottom of the toilet by Yamaha. It has been this way for EVERY new release keyboard I've bought in the past 25 years. We're always last. If the Canadian market is "so small," as the Yamaha rep from Toronto mentioned, then why the **** can't Yamaha spare 50 or so?? That would keep people like you and I happy. It's not like we want a product run of 5,000 - or maybe Canada has that many sales?? If Yamaha didn't have such a good product, I'd be looking elsewhere in a big hurry!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2017, 04:32:20 PM »
Hello Lee,

I can well understand your frustration - same here. But my thinking is that it's just typical Big Corporate thinking: They prioritize where they can get the "biggest bang for the buck" - it's just business - never mind priority one; "A happy customer - no matter where" :-) So what can we do about that in Canada? We go camping and fishing meantime - hehe.

Cheers, Roland


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2017, 05:08:20 PM »
The wait isn't really bothering me, I got a good price and I am preparing my Christmas material for the upcoming Holiday season on my Tyros 5. I am learning a lot before hand from this fine forum and other demos and reading through the manuals.

I just got a new PC with Windows 10 and I can start fresh in the new year setting up the YEM for my Genos expected in January. Meanwhile I can still wait for the ongoing Expansion Pack upgrades, which are due within the coming weeks, and a shorter wait for the usual major firmware update that works out most of the startup bugs.

Once I get my Genos, I'll be busy (and happy) for years. Real exciting times in this modern era with the constant technological changes. Truly amazing times to be alive and thankful for what we got. Hopefully, and I pray things and conflicts around the world improve in the coming year. You can really sense polarizing forces around the world building towards something...I hope better than worse.


Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2017, 03:02:52 AM »
Truly wise words, Roland and Marcus.

Roland - Big Corporate thinking =  corporate greed.

Marcus - me waiting on fresh technology pales in comparison to the crap that's going on all over the world...agreed...I can wait. The Genos is full of bugs anyway :)!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Offline digriz67

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2017, 12:01:01 AM »
I'll add to the thread that I have just received my Genos today, from Long & McQuade in New Brunswick. I was told it would not arrive before the middle of January, but Santa came early this time!

I was very happy I ordered it. It's as good as I hoped it would be. Now if only I could play as nicely as this keyboard deserves...


PSR 950; Genos

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2017, 01:12:52 AM »
Thanks for chiming in, Luigi.

I was going to start a whole new thread about how poorly Canada is treated by Yamaha, however, I made contact with my keyboard guy at L&M Oshawa, Ontario. He spoke with the L&M purchasing guy and it looks like Yamaha Canada has been given a few Genos keyboards to those who prepaid for a keyboard. My L&M rep said if I were to put down a deposit, it would arrive sooner. I'm starting to think that Yamaha may not be entirely at fault. L&M may not want to float a few Genos keyboards because they are very expensive. At $,6000, their cost is likely around $4,000 or more.

I'm going to place a $500 deposit and see if a "Genos all of a sudden" appears in the L&M Oshawa store. The deposit is completely refundable, so it won't matter should I decide to keep my T5. Interesting mind games these big guys play.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 01:25:41 AM by Lee Batchelor »
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.
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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2017, 07:45:01 PM »
I'll add to the thread that I have just received my Genos today, from Long & McQuade in New Brunswick. I was told it would not arrive before the middle of January, but Santa came early this time!

I was very happy I ordered it. It's as good as I hoped it would be. Now if only I could play as nicely as this keyboard deserves...


Wow, Luigi, that's exciting news. Congrats and enjoy. I was in Toronto visiting family yesterday and missed the forum. Hope now that I might get my Genos for the holiday season instead of January. Won't matter for my playing schedule because I am set for the Christmas season with my Tyros 5. Maybe the Canadian Genos stock is coming from the east coast instead of the west coast and working it's way across Canada via sleigh dogs as I first thought.  :D

Anyway, while in Toronto, we were treated to the "The Illusionists - Live from Broadway" show. Great seeing these world class performers live, from the latest Grand Illusionist like Darcy Oak or An Ha Lim or Classical vaudevillians like Charlie Frye. Made me think of the comparison to the latest and greatest Genos arranger, with all the bells and whistles, to just a great pianist performing a masterful piano piece on a grand. Like comparing illusionist Darcy Oak with all the grand spectacle of modern digital lighting, effects, professional dancers embellishing the ultimate illusion performance to the TOTL (Top-Of-The-Line) Genos, to old school performers I equally enjoyed in the show compared to a Classical pianist or organist playing their Classical instrument.

I guess a Genos can give us the best of both worlds, all the fancy bells and whistles embellishing our playing, or play a wonderful solo passage of music to whatever skill level we process. My choice is a TOTL arranger, like the Tyros/Genos to help inspire, arrange, create, tweak and then ultimately perform top quality sound. Looking forward to experiment with REX files and some quality audio records with my new Genos.

Regards, Marcus

The following users thanked this post: digriz67

Offline digriz67

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2017, 08:12:30 PM »
My L&M rep said if I were to put down a deposit, it would arrive sooner. I'm starting to think that Yamaha may not be entirely at fault. L&M may not want to float a few Genos keyboards because they are very expensive. At $,6000, their cost is likely around $4,000 or more.

I'm going to place a $500 deposit and see if a "Genos all of a sudden" appears in the L&M Oshawa store. The deposit is completely refundable, so it won't matter should I decide to keep my T5. Interesting mind games these big guys play.

It's very similar to what happened to me, only I was told that here in NB the only way to get a Genos would be to put a (fully refundable) deposit down. The L&M rep also said that I could purchase the keyboard and return it if I were not fully satisfied... But after hearing the demos online and learning about its potential, I was pretty convinced I would not return it. So, I did not test the theory that I could return it for a full refund; and I hope I will not need to test it anytime soon: I've been waiting for this keyboard since the Tyros 5.

PSR 950; Genos

Offline digriz67

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2017, 08:17:11 PM »
Wow, Luigi, that's exciting news. Congrats and enjoy. I was in Toronto visiting family yesterday and missed the forum. Hope now that I might get my Genos for the holiday season instead of January. Won't matter for my playing schedule because I am set for the Christmas season with my Tyros 5. Maybe the Canadian Genos stock is coming from the east coast instead of the west coast and working it's way across Canada via sleigh dogs as I first thought.  :D

Agreed 100%. I don't do gigs (I wish I had the skills) but if I did, I'd be very conservative about introducing the Genos in my routine. I wouldn't do it until I'd have formed the muscle memory and habits that allow me the same confidence I had on my previous keyboard. Practice, practice, practice... Which is a very enjoyable part of making music anyway!

PSR 950; Genos

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2017, 09:01:31 PM »
Interesting, Luigi. I know L&M has a no quibble policy - even on expensive gear. They're so huge, they can sell it elsewhere. i'm going to put a healthy deposit down to see if that gets me one quicker. I'm playing a jazz Xmas gig tonight, and two on NYE day. After that, I have time to explore!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2017, 09:42:58 PM »
Right on Lee, it's all BS! I'm sure you're familiar with the squeaking wheel syndrome. Get on your dealer's ***, he knows you'll buy it WHENEVER he gets around to doing something about getting you one. Use words like 'can you direct me to a dealer that wants a quick sale', or should I call Yamaha on your behalf, or can you arrange a dealer-trade with another dealer? Your dealer has a lot of other products to sell and I'll bet you aren't at the top of his list. I spent the majority of my working days in business for myself and learned real early the phrase 'Money talks and you-know-what walks'. If they delivered them alphabetically by country you'd already have yours. By the way, if you have any friends that want to buy a T5 with stand, speakers and some free flash drives with about a million styles tell them I'll meet them in Windsor, 'cause you know a guy that knows a guy, etc. Go Wings, boo Babcock.  Don in MI

Offline porterma

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2017, 10:19:41 PM »
Hi Lee,
Tom Lee Music in Vancouver just received an order of I believe 11 Genos. I am going to try it out tomorrow.


Offline tangothomas

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #25 on: December 14, 2017, 11:46:48 PM »

I have read all your angry posts - So I think we get it! but stay cool - Jan 2018 is soon here.

Genos has been available in Sweden for a month or so. And we are such a small country.

(And we are also on top of the Northern Hemisphere - like Canada - The Alcohol belt. And sometimes we flatten you in ice-hockey)


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2017, 01:31:40 AM »
Unfortunately you're right T, but the Leafs are comin' here tomorrow night and I'm pumping laughing gas into their locker room. It's unfair of Yamaha to put out a tease and then not deliver. They should wait 'til they're ready to R & R before they put it out there. I can't even use all the stuff on my T5, why should I have to wait to not be able to use the stuff on the Genos. Any old person will tell you 2018 is a LONG way off, we don't think much passed tomorrow. Did you ever notice how much Ya-ma-ha resembles Ca-na-da?  Don in MI

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2017, 01:21:17 PM »
Excellent replies, everyone! It's advice like this that justify a forums existence.

I think whataguy nailed it on the head. If you look at geography, it seems both Canadian coasts are receiving small batches of the Genos. Canada is a huge country where deliveries to the "interior" are expensive and must be justified. By the time everyone gets their share of the delivery price and ridiculous tax grabs along the way, there must be a sale at the other end. If you are willing to slap your coinage down on the table, you'll get a Genos much sooner.

What I detest is the deception and outright lying. The Yamaha rep in Toronto told me flat out, there won't be any Genos keyboards in Canada until probably February. As of October, she had hers and now several Canadians are indicating their arrivals. If she meant "regular stock in the Toronto warehouse," then say just that!!!!!! At the time of our conversation, she also mentioned the U.S. didn't have any either. That was three weeks after some members from upper New York state were providing us with their initial impressions. I called here on that, and all I heard was a bunch of excuses and back-pedaling to save face.

Today's extreme appetite for profit has changed the entire business landscape. When I was in my youth, companies would kill for your business. Today, they still want it but under their own terms. Tangothomas is also correct - January is around the corner. I can wait another few weeks. I just don't like being kicked and insulted by a company with whom I have spent thousands over the past 25 years. (Tangothomas - you're right about the hockey. You folks have had some amazing teams over the years! Besides, our national sport is not hockey, like most people think. It's lacrosse!)

I'll put some coins on the table today and see if that tickles Yamaha's "delivery" bone. Don't you just hate begging companies to take your money?
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2017, 06:15:00 AM »
      They anticipate the price to be $5,999.   

Please do not misunderstand me but i just don't believe that price to be net Canadian or on the other hand that price may actually be USA dollars.

As most Canadians reading this forum topic know the conversion rate ( from US to Canadian )  is horrendous these days.

Personally speaking i can make better use of software DAW's and purchase of VST or AU plug-ins   costing me far less.

I also find that in my business of audio/video production there is very little need for keyboards even this glorified keyboard.

My work takes place using computers and computer software.

However if a person having the money and just requires an all in one production type keyboard then a Genos may be their answer.

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2017, 09:26:58 PM »
I just ordered my Genos from L&M. The confirmed price is $5,999.99 (CAD). Of course, there is $780 tax on top of that :(! I suppose it costs a fortune to finance an idiot Liberal government whose full time job is to see how much money they can waste at the Provincial and Federal levels. Our boys and girls in office have that scam down to a science.

I was told it would likely be February before it's here. I do get priority, having put my money on the table - should one come in a little earlier. Here's hoping that I can become an "official" member of the Genos forum sooner than later.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2017, 09:28:32 PM by Lee Batchelor »
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2017, 02:11:19 AM »
I got a surprise phone message earlier in the week while I was in Toronto. My local Yamaha dealer confirmed that half my order came in and I got my Genos early. Wonderful, I get to briefly try it out before Christmas while I must use my Tyros 5 for the coming season. I was quite busy this week, but there was a keyboard slot left empty on my home studio 2 tier stand while my backup Tyros 5 was tucked in my gigging bag, so I couldn't wait to hook it up.

Firstly, I was surprised on how light this new 76 note board was and lifted easily onto my top keyboard stand. Beautifully designed board with both the generously sized touch screen and music rest moved forward for easier viewing compared to the Tyros series. Yes, the keybed is slightly heavier, but super high quality and wonderful feel of the Tyros series. Familiar button layout and I easily navigated the touch screen menus and functions with no issues at all. Most likely because I studied the manuals and followed many of the excellent posts in our forum here.

I was struck immediately to the higher quality sound and realism of the voices on the Genos compared to the Tyros 5. It confirmed my more prudent decision to order two Geno boards at a time to replace my Tyros 5s and save a few more hundred. This was based on my assumption that even if I spent time to rework my Tyros 5 to sound like the Genos, I could perhaps make my Tyros 5 sound about 75% the same as a Genos, but that 25% difference was still worth the upgrade to me. My estimate was drastically incorrect. The Genos is easily 50% newer and better in every category. Even Genos styles of the same name and most of the same voices are not even close to the Tyros 5 versions. This keyboard exceeded my expectations...can't wait to delve deeper after the Christmas rush into the coming weeks.

Just the default style and voices at startup are clearly upgraded from any voice on the Tyros 5. The default SkyPop style, Left (70sSuitcaseClean), Right1 (CFX ConcertGrand), Right2 (KinoStrings), and Right3 (SteelAcousticFinger) voices easily outperformed any Tyros 5 voices. My favorite Tyros 5 acoustic guitar for realism and great SA effects is the ConcertGuitar. Even the first default Genos acoustic guitar that pops up sounds more authentic than my best Tyros 5 guitar. I am just blown away by this board.

The new Real Reverb+ DSP is outstanding, even higher quality than the Tyros 5 Real Reverb. I immediately used the Utility Parameter Lock to lock the new Real Reverb+ DSP into the default Reverb Block in the Genos Mixing Console. This made all my transferred Tyros 5 Voice Bank registrations sound even more sonically authentic, even before tweaking and upgrade to some of the new Genos voices. The new Revo kits are best I have heard and particularly like the Revo JazzStickKit and the JazzBrushExpanded kits.

I haven't checked out the Arps feature yet or the changes to the VH2, but my bracket for my external Roland VP-7 Vocal Harmony processor fits perfectly into the similar speaker mount holes. Ironically, my Roland VP-7 unit sits nicely above that blank Genos panel area on the top right side. I can shorten the bracket down quite a bit since no buttons are near to be covered up as on my Tyros 5. Time will tell, if the Genos VH2 can totally replace the VP-7 unit. Thank you Yamaha for the early delivery, kept the price even below a Tyros 5-76, and produced a super quality arranger that I can't wait to dig in.

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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2017, 03:00:07 AM »

although i gave you a like it was a struggle to so do to a guy that has that dream machine and so if you take it out of your house on a gig be careful that i'm not in the crowd because....   ( just kidding my friend !!! ).

Enjoy your Geno and thanks for the great write up and giving us the inside facts.


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2017, 04:53:17 AM »

although i gave you a like it was a struggle to so do to a guy that has that dream machine and so if you take it out of your house on a gig be careful that i'm not in the crowd because....   ( just kidding my friend !!! ).

Enjoy your Geno and thanks for the great write up and giving us the inside facts.
Thanks psrguy for the like.

I bought the best state of the art security system for my Genos. It weights over 200 lbs and comes with a Genos bolt-on kit and drilling is required, but worth it.  8) 8) 8)


Offline rbackes

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2017, 12:35:34 PM »
Great, ROTFL  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2017, 04:06:45 PM »
That should really increase the trade-in/resale value! On the other hand, you can sit on the ball, Marcus. I'd advise a suitable cushion.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Offline Pianoman

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2017, 05:00:27 PM »
Well deserved congratulations Marcus.

For the patience of a Saint, as you watched your cousins down south already receiving theirs over a month before you.

I expect you will give your Genos a good thrashing and report the results here, or maybe even post a demo.

I hope that you have a patient and understanding wife.

Best Regards and Merry Christmas.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 05:09:57 PM by Pianoman »


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Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2017, 06:38:56 PM »
Well deserved congratulations Marcus.

For the patience of a Saint, as you watched your cousins down south already receiving theirs over a month before you.

I expect you will give your Genos a good thrashing and report the results here, or maybe even post a demo.

I hope that you have a patient and understanding wife.

Best Regards and Merry Christmas.
Thanks for the kind comments. I wasn't in any hurry to upgrade from my Tyros 5 to a Genos, but I learned my lesson regarding getting my second backup Tyros 5 back in 2014. I originally got a great price on my Tyros 5 back in 2013 when it first came out and the Canadian dollar was doing well to the US dollar. I found that I loved the Tyros 5 Organ World and Ensemble too much to have my previous Tyros 4 as my backup, so a year later (2014) I priced another new Tyros 5. The price jumped $500 to compensate for the fluctuating exchange rate. I ended up getting a demo Tyros 5 in Toronto (practically brand new and with the factory 2 year warranty) for less than the cost of my first Tyros 5.

Again, this time around, the Genos is so much more than a Tyros 5. Impractical to keep a Genos and then a Tyros 5 for backup ... too much a compatibility issue with my custom work. Afraid the Genos price might jump in the coming year, I ordered 2 at a time now with significant savings. I'll have no problems selling off my Tyros 5s privately. Pianoman, if budget is an issue, go with the Tyros 5 arranger, but if cost isn't the priority, go with the Genos. The sound quality and upgraded style programming is huge on the Genos. Try one yourself, you are in for a treat...worth every penny.

I had a few custom styles on my Tyros 5 with matching custom multipads, that I can run out of polyphony on my Tyros 5 and certain layered Right Hand voices can cut out from time to time while playing. I tried that same styles on my Genos with no note drop off at all, and that was with no expansion voices. The Genos polyphony increase by the specs state (128 for Preset Voices + 128 for Expansion Voices) which I thought would make no difference on my Genos, but obviously the preset voice polyphony was doubled (guessing that the Tyros 5 was 64 + 64 because of stereo samples). So just on the polyphonic increase alone, I would never go back to a Tyros 5.

I also sync/start MIDIs with styles, so I can simultaneously run up to 25 channels at the same time (8 style/ 8 MIDI/ 4 hand parts/ 4 multipads + 1 midi bass pedals), which sounded great on the Tyros 5 with it's high quality D/A output converters, but the new 32bit DAC output circuit and increased polyphony on the new Genos, the Genos takes it over the top performance wise. Note that even the Tyros 5 quality D/A output converters exceed the Korg PA4X, important if you want to really push your arranger to the limit.

I will certainly report in the future and include some of my usual samples/demos. I want to get in depth with the Genos VH2 and check those improvements and dabble with REX2 files and the YEM, and make more serious recordings. I made several pro backup vocal studio recordings for local musicians back in the day, but I should record more of my own work before my aging voice gets too bad. The pro sound quality of the Genos should help me do so.

Regards, Marcus 

Offline pjd

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2017, 07:50:17 PM »
I got a surprise phone message earlier in the week while I was in Toronto. My local Yamaha dealer confirmed that half my order came in and I got my Genos early.

Firstly, I was surprised on how light this new 76 note board was and lifted easily onto my top keyboard stand.

Hi Marcus --

Congratulations, mate, I took delivery yesterday, too. (Photo attached.) Thank goodness it arrived yesterday, not today -- snow and freezing rain. Another drive-by delivery. Genos is now safe and warm.  :)

I'll second your comment about handling. The girth around the middle is pretty big, but the Genos "winglets" to either side facilitate handling. It might be a wide stretch of the arms for some to handle the Genos in this manner. Works for me.

Short story from my end, the sound is really worth the wait. It's a keeper.

Enjoy yourself!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday no matter what you celebrate -- pj

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline alans

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2017, 08:09:05 PM »
Hi Marcus and pj

Santa really smiled on you this year 😄😄😄 ho ho ho

I wish you both a merry Genos Christmas  and happy playing New Year

Best wishes

Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2017, 08:40:49 PM »
Pjd, where are you located? It seems Genos is leaking in all over the place in Canada, except at my favorite music store. Me thinks it's time for a change.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Offline Pianoman

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2017, 09:09:55 PM »
Congratulations PJ.

First Marcus Antonius, and now you too Brutus. (Sorry, couldn't resist throwing in some Julius Caesar.)
You'll be having a very Merry Christmas indeed. Give it a good thrashing for me.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Best Regards,
« Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 09:11:02 PM by Pianoman »


  • Guest
Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2017, 09:35:46 PM »

Fantastic news, I’m happy to hear you’ve taken delivery of the Genos.  Talk about “Santa Claus Coming to Town.”   Have fun and please try to get some sleep :) :)   I know when I got mine for the first 2 weeks, I saw 1:30 AM, had to force myself to get to bed!

Marcus CONGRATS to you too as well!!  Thanks for your review.  Merry Christmas.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 09:46:18 PM by stephenm52 »

Offline pjd

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2017, 10:10:58 PM »
Pjd, where are you located? It seems Genos is leaking in all over the place in Canada, except at my favorite music store. Me thinks it's time for a change.

Hi Lee -- I'm passing as Canadian.   ;) I've lived so far north most of my life, I'm almost there.  :) The box did have both a French and English owner's manual, so maybe Japan has finally discovered Canada.

Thanks Alan, Pianoman and Steve. I'm thrashing like mad. I've set-up about 80% of my church registrations and if freezing rain wasn't predicted for Sunday, I'd be sorely tempted to gig with it. (No case or bag yet.) Darn the brass, strings and woodwinds are good.

Take care, folks! Lee, I'm rootin' for ya -- pj

Offline travlin-easy

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #43 on: December 22, 2017, 10:20:40 PM »
Ya gotta love it when UPS leans a $4,200 keyboard against your front door and drives away. My mailbox is nearly 300 feet from my front door and I cannot see it. The US Mail guy couldn't fit a laptop box in my mail box, so he just sat it on the ground near the driveway, right next to the trash cans that were there for refuse collection that day. Thank goodness I saw it before the trash truck arrived or it would have ended up in the landfill, or in the home of one of the trash collectors and no one would be the wiser. I raised bloody **** with the local post office, but I doubt that it did any good. The postman for our neighbor is a young kid in his early 20s and probably don't give a damned about anything other than getting his route done as quickly as possible.

Enjoy that Genos,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


  • Guest
Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #44 on: December 22, 2017, 11:52:43 PM »


Firstly, congratulations on getting your XMas present extra early and your are also lucky Santa did not drop in down the chimney.

I am sure you have heard/watched in the news about post office deliveries being snatched/stolen from the front doors by person's following a postman making their deliveries.  Our local police are suspicious that those post delivery persons are in cahoots with the person steeling the delivery.  The police are saying that those post delivery persons are casual/part-time workers hired for the XMas rush.

Meanwhile, how do those French Horns  or those country western Hawaiian guitars sound ?.  Any Zither's in the sound bank to play that third man theme ?

Ohh, and by the way Enjoy your Genos and a very merry XMas wishing good health to you and yours.

Offline Ed B

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #45 on: December 23, 2017, 02:59:24 AM »
Congratulations Marcus and PJ on getting your Genos.
Merry Christmas to all and Lee I do hope you get yours soon. Oshawa is not off the beaten path.
Ed B
Keep on learning

Offline Pianoman

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #46 on: December 23, 2017, 08:16:59 AM »
Hello Gary.

I've re-read your post twice already but I am still confused.
It seems like you have also received your Genos. If that is the case, then please allow me to offer my hearty congratulations.

Best Regards and Merry Christmas,
« Last Edit: December 23, 2017, 08:18:35 AM by Pianoman »

Offline travlin-easy

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #47 on: December 23, 2017, 04:00:39 PM »
Sorry guys, I have not purchased the Genos, yet. I was commenting on that photo of the keyboard resting against the door posted earlier. I could easily buy one, but considering the state of my health and what little time I have remaining in this life, I opted not to buy the Genos and stick with my trusty PSR-S950.

Sorry about the confusion,

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...


  • Guest
Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #48 on: December 23, 2017, 04:29:19 PM »
Sorry guys, I have not purchased the Genos, yet. I was commenting on that photo of the keyboard resting against the door posted earlier. I could easily buy one, but considering the state of my health and what little time I have remaining in this life, I opted not to buy the Genos and stick with my trusty PSR-S950.

Sorry about the confusion,

Gary  8)

The Yamaha PSR-S series are great arrangers as well. It will be interesting what the new PSR-S model will have in store and what Genos features will trickle down (sound quality being the number one).

Your potential theft story reminded me of a recent Video I enjoyed with his so-called "boom box". Fun video to watch.

Tacoma man creates "Boom Box" to deter package thieves

Merry Christmas and I hope your health holds up into the coming years,

Offline travlin-easy

Re: Genos in Canada
« Reply #49 on: December 23, 2017, 09:04:06 PM »
Marcus, loved the link and I just spent the last two hours watching many more posted by the same group. Really funny stuff.

All the best,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...