Photo of Hammer

Recent Songs

Back to the Future (3/4/23) Genos (video)

Star Trek the Next Generation (3/4) Genos (video)

Star Trek Lower Decks (3/4) CVP809 (video)

Star Trek VI (10/24/21) Genos (video)

One More Try (10/24) CVP809 (video)

Halo Theme (7/21) Genos (video)

Musical Background

(July, 2021) I have a Civil Engineering degree (University of British Columbia) and a technical diploma in Computer Science (Digipen), but have been programming keyboards since the age of 5. Took 2 months of piano and got bored, so grew up learning Yamaha Electone instead (now PSR’s and CVP’s).

John Williams is one of my childhood heroes, but I love a lot of movie/tv/video game theme music, which is why my YouTube channel is entirely those sorts of covers. That and 80’s rock.

Mark (Amwilburn on PSR Tutorial forum)

Mark's MP3 Song Index

Mark's songs are listed alphabetically by song title. Click on the song title to listen to and/or download the song. Songs recorded on the Genos (G1) or the PSR-SX900 (X9) or CVP809. Click on the "video" to see a YouTube video of Mark performing the song.


Avengers Theme (X9) video

Back to the Future (G1) (video)

Game Of Thrones Theme (G1) video

Halo Theme (G1) video

James Bond Theme (G1) video

One More Try (CVP809) video

Pirates Medley (G1) video

Raiders Theme (G1) video

Star Trek Lower Decks (C8) (video)

Star Trek the Next Generation (G1) (video)

Star Trek VI (G1) video
