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A new update 1.4 has arrived

Started by ckobu, June 28, 2019, 01:57:14 AM

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Eric, B

I don't know any KB on the market that is perfect or ever will be as our needs change.
However, a good friend of mine is still gigging with his trusted PSR-3000 full time.
I have never heard him complain.
He just makes music, puts on a killer show and supports his family.
I have gigged with many KB's. All have given me tremendous joy.
Sorry you find the Genos unusable for gigging.
Maybe you should look into other options as there are many out there.
Nobody can tell us what to buy or play.
Hopefully we make the best educated decision and go with it ....
At least it works for me.
Keep writing to Yamaha. They might listen.
They had meetings in Germany with users and listened.
Many things were implemented.
Who knows. Don't give up.  ;)
Genos, PSR-S970

Fred Smith

Quote from: Kaarlo von Freymann on June 28, 2019, 05:21:53 PM

I installed 1.4.  not understanding that unlike previous updates it was not reversible. 

All you had to do was read the warning on the download page. That's why they put it there.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Hi Ladies and Gents,
     Hate to sound like an ingrate---but--Yamaha could have thrown in a couple of new styles and Registrations
Thanks Frank

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: Fred Smith on June 28, 2019, 05:58:41 PM
All you had to do was read the warning on the download page. That's why they put it there.


Yes Fred, you are right, I goofed,   :o  I overlooked the warning,  which did not cause me any problems in this case as for me 1.4. was an improvement. and what was removed did not matter to me.

I will have to be more careful and check there is not a sign at my  gas station saying

"Warning,  we will remove your battery  when you bring your car for the free oil change we offer"  ;) ;) ;)



Eric, B

That's why you always carry a spare battery ...  ;D
Or was it a tire ...
Genos, PSR-S970


Firmware upgrade will not go past step one.waited 30 minutes and only thing on screen is program installer


Hi Abby :

It looks like you must have no fear to install the new update 1.4.

According to our experts like Eileen and others the update only makes your Genos a lot better than it ever was before.

Plse read their comments and you might be convinced.

Good luck !


Hi franksboard,
  I would download the update again to your computer just incase the first download got corrupted. Once on your computer click to open folder and then you will see the file. Just highlight this and copy and then paste it to your USB. Of course make sure the USB stick you are using is good quality and has enough space on it to take the update.
  It must work because a lot of us have updated with no problems.


Quote from: Pianoman on June 28, 2019, 06:42:29 AM
I have to sing and play every day, so I think I'll wait at least a month before installing this
update. To see how others are getting along with their update.
I can't afford to have something weird happening during a gig.

Yamaha, The Journey Continues.

Best Regards.

The "Yamaha, The Journey Continues " statement above  was of course sarcasm.

Yesterday, at the last minute, I said to myself what the hell and installed the update

The gig went without a hitch but now there is a huge kind of beat or tempo bar at the
top of the screen goingr from left to right that I find ugly and can't remove it.

I had already assigned a small discreet tempo display at the bottom of my screen.
The huge bar makes one look very amateur.

I appreciate that one can now touch the on screen buttons without making people jump
in fright or blowing ip your speakers.
The slider manipulation seems to have been improved too.

From what I have read, It seems a lot of the other stuff is related to Midi and Midifile users,
which is really not for me, as I never use Midifiles and never will.

Ibiza is full of Midifile users faking that they are actually playing, and I find that disgusting,
as it takes work away from real musicians who have spent decades, if not a lifetime,
training and perfecting their playing.

I don't understand why any self respecting musician would want to use these things

I won't have time to look at whatever other features are there till next Wednesday when I
will have the evening off, so I can't comment on things that I haven't looked at yet.

My Genos and all my other gear stays in my car in the garage all week, except on my day
off, when I bring it inside.

Best Regards.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on June 28, 2019, 09:39:25 AM
.... - especially since you can't revert to Version 1.3. I've never heard of that in all the years I've been working with computers.

Well, in my IT career, I did come across situations where reverting to earlier software releases was not possible. It mainly had to do with changes beeing implemented in internal file or data structures of the O.S.
When installing the release that introduced those changes, a conversion process took place to change the structures from the old format to the new one.
If afterwards an older software version was installed again, then this old release was not able to read the new data structure format, causing it to fail to run.

Now I am wondering if maybe, just maybe Yamaha introduced changes in their internal file structures in this 1.4 update because they are needed for other, bigger functionality changes that will come in the next (rumoured) release of later this year....
They could of course have introduced the file structure changes and the functionality changes in one and the same software release, but maybe they decided to split it up into two updates in order to reduce complexity ....
I have seen that happen for this reason before ...

Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets



One big plus from the update is there are a number of bug fixes around the Genos freezing.

From the Yamaha firmware update page, Version History:

-Fixed a problem in which the instrument would occasionally become unresponsive to operations when executing Search.
-Fixed a problem in which the instrument would occasionally become unresponsive to operations when changing the mode of Wireless LAN.
-Fixed a problem in which the instrument would become unresponsive to operations when the pop-up window is closed in certain situations.
-Fixed a problem in which the instrument would become unresponsive to operations when saving a file in certain situations.

Perhaps one of these actions led to your previous Genos freeze?

We may never know but hopefully no more freezes from now on.  :)



Fred Smith

Quote from: reya on June 29, 2019, 07:25:56 AM
Now I am wondering if maybe, just maybe Yamaha introduced changes in their internal file structures in this 1.4 update because they are needed for other, bigger functionality changes that will come in the next (rumoured) release of later this year....
They could of course have introduced the file structure changes and the functionality changes in one and the same software release, but maybe they decided to split it up into two updates in order to reduce complexity ....
I have seen that happen for this reason before ...

I agree, Rudy. I've seen lots of cases where you couldn't revert because of a file structure change.

In the case of 1.4, I suspect it's because the registration file changed to accommodate the splitting of Song into Midi Song and Audio Song. When new registrations are created with this structure, the old OS would not be able to handle them and would fail.

Those clamoring for improvements to the Genos will have to accept that fact that to move forward, you can't go backward.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Pianoman on June 29, 2019, 06:15:33 AM
.....there is a huge kind of beat or tempo bar at the top of the screen going from left to right that I find ugly and can't remove it.....

....Ibiza is full of Midifile users faking that they are actually playing....

from the movement you are describing I tend to believe it is the old time classic Atari ping pong.
Usefull for the user to have fun until the midi file is over maybe! :)


i have a I mac how can i open this file EXEC? 

Fred Smith

Quote from: Carlos84 on June 30, 2019, 02:39:23 AM
i have a I mac how can i open this file EXEC?

You don't open it. You just follow the instructions.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: Pianoman on June 29, 2019, 06:15:33 AM

I had already assigned a small discreet tempo display at the bottom of my screen.The huge bar makes one look very amateur.

Dear highly appreciated Abby,

here the difference between  a highly accomplished professional younger performer and the old color  blind amateur gigger  manifests itself; I was very happy to finally have a  big "walking" beat indicator.
BTW I remember how happy I was to upgrade to a new Tyros when YAMAHA finally after many years realized some 6 % of the world population cannot see the difference between green and  red and did replacee green by blue. The Genos buttons are very much to my liking.
It has been said they will not stand up in professional use. I believe they will just as the excellent keys. My Genos keys are from Tyros I and have stood up for would you believe it 17 years of use.
(I added a little bit of extra weight to them due to arthritis in my fingers, a work so time consuming I have always transferred the keys to the next model) 
Knowing they were exactly the same I could not help smiling  when Genophones claimed the new keys on Genos were one of the many improvements. ;)

an implementation you Abby will never use but some do use. I do for backing up my singing and melody improvising.  I need to concentrate on using  both hands  for that, which I cannot do using styles. Second truth, YES, definitly, but so are styles ;)  Where is the drummer ? He lost his job just like the switchboard operator. (I never went to a disco, wonder whther at the Walldorf they still have a lady playing a harp ?)

Genos still lacks a " move a track to another midichannel" feature which  I have been griping about. (many readers, no replies).
You may have a piano on several  tracks if the creator was professional like  the excellent programmers at YAMAHA Soft who also never change the instrument on a track like some others do,  but add a track in case it is needed. Right hand piano and left hand piano always have their own track. But even they have only standardized the drums to always be on ch 10, bass may be on any channel so you have to put it in"your standard place". Mine is 8 so I see it on the first mixer page.
But Genos shows a piano icon on the tracks you have deleted instead of something indicating it is empty. "Genophones" will advise you there is a Work Around, e.g. go to mixer page and you will see some pianos do not play.   Best possible implementation of the best top keyboard ever ?  ::)

I for one never did run out of  "length" so that did not matter to me, but I am happy those who did have a problem now have been helped.
Like our friend from Rumania feels:  Genos fortunately for YAMAHA appeals to different users and unfortunately that means YAMAHA  will be requested to take care of a lot of different requirements.

The  posters insisting "if you bought it and don't like,  it sell it or shut up" are not only not nice to fellow buyers,  :( to me it seems manufacturers' who in the past subscribed to that idea are gone. I remember quite a few.




Quoting Kaarlo,
"Genos still lacks a " move a track to another midichannel" feature which  I have been griping about. (many readers, no replies). "
I'm not sure it does (lack it). Tyros had a merge feature in midi which let you do it. This now metamorphoses into a Mix  feature in the Multi recorder screen of Genos. You can select up to 2 source channels and merge or transfer them into a destination channel. I rarely use midi nowadays, preferring audio at present, but it might be worth you checking it out to see if Mix will do what you want.



Yes John,
This I think is what Kaarlo is wanting to take two piano tracks and merge them into one. You can then just delete the track you have moved and free it up for further use.

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: EileenL on June 30, 2019, 07:02:39 AM
Yes John,
This I think is what Kaarlo is wanting to take two piano tracks and merge them into one. You can then just delete the track you have moved and free it up for further use.

Thanks Eileen,
Sorry, once again as so often I was not able to put in English what the issue is . I am not trying to merge anything.  With 16 ch available that need is very rare and in that case I will rather delete a less imortant channel than merge anything to free up a channel. 16 channels  already sound like "a recording" not someone playing.

I am trying to put tracks in the standard order I have them in, in order to be able to use the mixer intuitively during playback. The base might have sounded ok at home but needs volume adjustment in a"boomy" gig environment. If channel order is not stadardized in the heat of the moment I will not move the right slider.   I have done this reordering for decades on Midifile Optimizer.  E.g.  Melody on  ch/track1, second voice on ch/track 2  rhythm guitar on 3  ..... base on 8 and of course leave drums on ch 10.

Genos relieves me of going to my PC to do that with a well laid our page.  There is a copy, there is a transpose, there is a delete function. Even a very good "undo" button. All very necessary as you may want to transpose the file to suit your voice which may make a track sound too low or high.
But there is no  "move ch X to ch Y" function. You can copy channel X to channel Y in case Y is empty (and it will not copy if  X to Y if Y is not empty, (but does not tell you why it did not) 
Then after the first operation you have to delete X  as the function is COPY not move,  but the icon will change to piano, which is confusing to me as there is no piano in the empty ch and on other channels having the piano icon there is for instance  left hand and right hand piano. 
I trust a professonal programmer (that is what separates them from the mateurs, I do not say that to bash them, I am hard pressed even to record a chord progression, which btw was extremely easy on Technics) never to put left hand and right hand on the same channel as you might fot instance if you sing to the file want to change the boogiewoogie left hand piano to bass. It would be nice ito have a move function but more imortant  an emptied channel  show it is empty, NOT carrying the piano icon. A deleted bass turning into piano confuses me. 

Additionally on my Genos it is often from the very beginning in the copying procedure  impossible to chose  "source" and "destination" track, no amounta of clicking will let you override what the software has decided is "source" and what is "destination". Only power cycling will help.

Hope I was this time able to explain what I mean. 

Thanks for any help.




 Hi Kaarlo,
  This is easily done. Select your midi file in song creator. firstly make sure track eight is empty. Find the track with the bass on Let us say it is eleven. At the bottom of the screen you will see Copy. Press this and you will now see at the right of the screen source and destination. Press the source track which will be eleven Press this and you will now see source under the track. You want the destination to be track eight so press eight and you will see destination under the track. Now press Execute. Your bass will now be on track eight. Remember to save the song again.
  I have just sat and done it so I know it works fine.



I have just thought of one thing which I definitely thought they would address, that is the keyboard still does not go to lower case after you have selected upper case and typed that first letter, like it does on every electronic keyboard I have used. I would have thought this was a quick and easy fix seeing as all electronic keybords do it. Shame on you Yamaha.


Quote from: Bud2 on June 30, 2019, 03:09:14 PM
I have just thought of one thing which I definitely thought they would address, that is the keyboard still does not go to lower case after you have selected upper case and typed that first letter, like it does on every electronic keyboard I have used. I would have thought this was a quick and easy fix seeing as all electronic keybords do it. Shame on you Yamaha.

Never thought about it but i think this will actually be useful!

Kaarlo von Freymann

Dear Eileen,
as always your immediate answer is something we all VERY much appreciate. Thanks!

" Select your midi file in song creator.  done   firstly make sure track eight is empty. done   Find the track with the bass on. Let us say it is eleven. I am not sure I understand what you mean by find, am I correct that does not mean you have to do anything before pressing COPY  after which you choose source  11 and destination 8  ?At the bottom of the screen you will see Copy.  seen    Press this (COPY) and you will now see at the right of the screen source and destination.   seen   Press the source track which will be eleven    done   Press this (11) and you will now see source under the track.   seen  You want the destination to be track eight so press eight and you will see destination under the track.  seen Now press Execute. Your bass will now be on track eight.  it is Remember to save the song again"    done

I am afraid I am aware that is the way to do it, and I believe that is exactly the way I go about it. That it functions 2/3 of the time seems to confirm that.  I just did it again  4 times, but again I had one time when the software would not let me choose the source and the destination after pressing COPY, the software had already made the (wrong) decision for me and no amount of pushing anything made it change its mind e.g. the Song Creator once again stalled.  As earlier it let me do  my choices  after repowering  Genos.  And again during the proceeding the

deleted channel on my Genos still shows the icon of what was on the channel before the delete operation, so I always feel unsure whether I successfully deleted the track and

after saving and reloading the file I have the piano icon on the deleted channel though there is no piano on it. I must check that in the mixer. (If I remember correctly that actually was the same on T5. Empty channes misleadingly carry the piano icon instead of something explanatory ) 

(The whole process is a prime example of an implementation being vastly more complicated and less intuitive than it was on the previous top model, which some of us do not expect when we "upgrade" May be we live in times gone bye).

Dear Eileen, I hate to bother you, but could you please just confirm   1  and  2  is how it is  on Genos.

The need to repower  1/3  of the times I do not ask you to confirm, as that might be a bug in the software that has not been taken care of since os 1.1.

Once more thanks for your time.





The piano icon will always be shown on an empty track the same as most Yamaha keyboards.
  You can always check if a track is empty by starting the song playing and watching the red indicator
light on the channels that have data in them.


Quote from: Bud2 on June 30, 2019, 03:09:14 PM
I have just thought of one thing which I definitely thought they would address, that is the keyboard still does not go to lower case after you have selected upper case and typed that first letter, like it does on every electronic keyboard I have used. I would have thought this was a quick and easy fix seeing as all electronic keybords do it. Shame on you Yamaha.

I brought this up a while back:,47621.msg373037.html#msg373037

And I repeat, moving the apostrophe to the first page would be great!




Quote from: Fred Smith on June 30, 2019, 04:17:19 AM
You don't open it. You just follow the instructions.
but i read this  C it say Extract the prg  file but how can i extract it if i not can open it?

1) Download the firmware
a) Download the Zip file to the computer.
b) Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.
c) Extract the *.prg file and copy it to the root directory of your USB flash drive.


Quote from: Carlos84 on July 01, 2019, 01:58:48 AM
but i read this  C it say Extract the prg  file but how can i extract it if i not can open it?

If you cannot open ZIP file ( ??? ...  ) you must install 7-zip, or any archive software . But, I recommend 7-zip. 64 or 32 bit, depending on your OS version.

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

Lee Batchelor

QuoteAnd I repeat, moving the apostrophe to the first page would be great!
Yes!! The period or inner and outer brackets could be replaced with the apostrophe!! Obviously, the designer of this QWERTY keyboard languages is NOT well versed in English.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.