Tyros300 Preset Styles

With the introduction of the Mega voice technology in the TYROS, Yamaha paid special attention to the Tyros styles. Here's how they are described in the "Features" section:

The 300 musical Styles found in this digital workstation are best described as having a backup band at your fingertips. Choose a category of music (like Rock, Country or R&B), select a Style from the menu and play your favorite song. It's that easy. Each Style has up to 8 different musical parts that provide drums, bass, guitar, horns, strings and any other musical instrument that suits the genre of music you have selected. TYROS also features many different types of Accompaniment Styles. Pro-styles provide professional and exciting arrangements combined with perfect playability. Session-styles automatically enrich the player's chords with additional color notes or even harmonic progressions. Basic-styles cover a wide range of music while the arrangement is kept basic and generic, and therefore extremely versatile....

Yamaha has always had great Styles, but with TYROS, they are taken to new heights of realism because of the Mega Voice Technology. An example is the new Unplugged Styles. Because the Unplugged Styles are guitar-focused, a major amount of time and effort was dedicated to making sure that these Styles "voice" like a guitar would, on both regular and extended chords. For the ultimate realism, the guitar parts in these Styles were actually played (and programmed) by an LA session musician using a Yamaha Pacifica Guitar with a G50 MIDI converter! You can rest assured that our Global Style Programmers take all of the work out of making realistic band tracks that you can use for live performance, studio work, song writing and MIDI file creation. With TYROS, just do what you do best – sit back and play.

Looking for musical Styles for your local church choir? TYROS has you covered with many new additions to our gospel section. They're so good, you'll want to get on your feet and clap along. How about jazz? One of the goals of the US part of the Global Style Team was to incorporate some Styles that would work for hobby and gigging musicians that like to play jazz. The goal was to make it so you can grab your favorite fake book, sit down, select a jazz style and play. Great detail was spent on the walking bass and guitar parts, making sure that they voice correctly for extended chords (like 13s, sharp and flat 9s and sharp 11 chords). When you get your hands on a TYROS, try the Slow, Moderate and Fast Jazz styles and the Slow and Moderate Jazz Waltz styles. They really swing!

This same team of programmers also decided to apply their musical knowledge and expertise to some of the R&B and Latin styles in TYROS. When you combine this extraordinary programming ability with the tremendous sounds in the keyboard, you can't help but make good music. You can use the built in Styles, play Styles directly from floppy disk or optional hard drive, purchase Styles at YamahaMusicSoft, search the Internet for Yamaha Styles that other customers have created, or create your own. And TYROS is backward compatible with Styles created for other Yamaha products.

While the TYROS was backward compatible, that is, styles made for the 9000 Pro or earlier PSRs could be played on the TYROS, the reverse is generally not true. The mega voices used by many TYROS styles simply do not exist in earlier keyboards. The velocity settings used to trigger effects of the mega voices, just cause unwanted sound when played on earlier keyboards. So these styles must be converted for use with earlier keyboards. The conversion involves removing the mega voices and substituting voices used in the TYROS that are not available on other keyboards. You will find a number of such conversions available here in the style pages for those earlier keyboards.

For newer keyboards, such as the PSR3000 and the Tyros2, most of these styles will work just fine, although again, some tuning may be required to adjust the balance of the voice volumes or to substitute voices. In all the keyboards since the 2000, the styles included voices in the four one-touch settings. These panel voices often have to be adjusted to match the panel voices in your own keyboard.

The TYROS styles are listed below by category. You can click on the category titles to download a zip file of the styles in that category. The default tempo and signature is shown with each style.

Tyros Preset Styles
BALLAD - 26 Styles
16Beat 80
16BeatBallad1 76
16BeatBallad2 66
6-8ModernBallad 64
6-8Orchestral 62
6-8SlowRock1 73
6-8SlowRock2 105
8BeatAdria 100
8BeatBallad 101
AcousticBallad 158
AnalogBallad 77
ChartBallad 62
Chillout 80
EasyBallad 94
GuitarBallad 90
GuitarSerenade 106
LoveSong 70
OrganBallad 78
PianoBallad 68
PopBallad 77
PopNewAge 66
PopWaltz 94
PowerBallad 60
R&B 83
RomanticBallad 68
Slow&Easy 64
BALLROOM - 30 Styles
9-8Waltz 100
ChaCha 128
ClassicWaltz 180
DiscoFox 125
DiscoHands 122
EnglishWaltz 90
Foxtrot 184
Jive 176
OrganQuickstep 200
Pasodoble 122
PolkaPop 126
PubPiano 130
Quickstep 200
Rumba 108
Samba 110
Schlager 120
SimpleChaCha 128
SimpleFoxtrot 180
SimpleQuickstep 208
SimpleRumba 116
SimpleWaltz 125
Slowfox 108
Swingfox 192
SwingWaltz 90
Tango1 130
Tango2 130
TheatreOrgMrch 124
TheatreOrgQStep 200
TraditionalWaltz 180
VienneseWaltz 180
COUNTRY - 21 Styles
Bluegrass 150
CntryBrothers 112
CntrySing-along 160
CntryTwoStep 126
Country2-4 105
Country8Beat 148
CountryBallad 72
CountryPop 148
CountryRock 128
CountryShuffle 126
CountrySwing1 150
CountrySwing2 130
CountryWaltz 140
CowboyBoogie 178
FingerPickin 94
Hoedown 128
ModCntryBld1 66
ModCntryBld2 68
ModCntryPop 68
NewCountry 118
SingrSongWriter 106
DANCE - 40 Styles
6-8Trance 155
70'sDisco1 120
70'sDisco2 117
70'sDisco3 122
70'sDiscoFunk 112
80'sDance 120
ChartPop 92
ClassicHipHop 93
Clubdance 123
ClubHouse 128
ClubLatin 124
CoolBlues 94
DiscoChocolate 106
DiscoFunk 126
DiscoPhilly1 100
DiscoPhilly2 118
DiscoTeens 138
DreamDance 128
EuroHipHop 90
EuroTrance 140
FrenchHouse 123
Garage1 127
Garage2 133
Groundbeat 94
HipHopGroove 85
HipHopLight 90
HipHopPop 104
House 115
Ibiza2000 128
Ibiza2002 135
LatinDJ's 127
NewR&B 98
RetroPop 128
SaturdayNight 110
SwingHouse 120
TechnoParty 132
TripHop 109
UKPop 124
USHipHop 105
USPop 96
LATIN - 33 Styles
Beguine 113
BigBandMambo 104
BigBandSalsa 102
BigBandSamba 114
BossaNova1 140
BossaNova2 140
BrazilianSamba 96
Calypso 112
Caribbean 106
Carnival 116
CubanBolero 90
FastBossa 175
GypsyRumba 166
HappyReggae 88
JumboReggae 100
Latin-a-GoGo 180
LatinDisco1 124
LatinDisco2 100
Mambo 104
Merengue 130
Montuno 100
PopBossa1 160
PopBossa2 150
PopLatin 103
PopRumba 160
PopSamba 110
RockChaCha 120
RumbaFlamenca 110
RumbaIsland 112
Salsa 106
SheriffReggae 92
SlowBossa 106
Tijuana 200
MOVIE&SHOW - 13 Styles
ChristmasSwing1 158
ChristmasSwing2 184
ChristmasWaltz 80
ModBrdwayBld 60
MovieBallad 80
MovieDisco 108
MoviePanther 114
MovieSwing 90
Sci-fiMarch 130
SecretService 80
Showtune 135
TapDanceSwing 125
WildWest 150
POP&ROCK - 30 Styles
16BeatUptempo 100
60's8Beat 130
60'sGuitarPop 128
60'sRock1 152
60'sRock2 142
60'sRock3 126
70's8Beat 182
8Beat 116
8BeatModern 92
BritPop 86
BritPopSwing 110
BubblegumPop 128
CaribbeanRock 138
Cool8Beat 100
FusionShuffle 92
GuitarPop 100
HardRock 116
HeartBeat 148
JazzPop 102
KoolShuffle 100
Live8Beat 86
PopShuffle1 90
PopShuffle2 120
RockBallad 72
RockShuffle 137
RootRock 128
SoftRock 75
SouthernRock 131
Unplugged1 120
Unplugged2 120
R&B - 35 Styles
6-8Blues 65
6-8Soul 48
60'sRock&Roll 170
AmazingGospel 58
BlueberryBlues 96
BluesBallad 70
BluesRock 120
BluesShuffle 115
BoogieWoogie 166
ComboBoogie 166
ComboTwist 172
CrocoTwist 176
DetroitPop1 172
DetroitPop2 150
FranklySoul 128
GospelBrothers 108
GospelFunk 106
GospelSisters 90
GospelSwing 110
JazzFunk 120
KoolFunk 130
LovelyShuffle 120
ModernR&B 100
MotorCity 98
NewGospel 94
Rock&Roll1 172
Rock&Roll2 176
Rock&RollShfl 192
Skiffle 190
SlowBlues 49
Soul 117
SoulBeat 124
SoulShuffle 106
Swingin'Boogie 178
Twist 174
SWING&JAZZ - 42 Styles
30'sBigBand 120
40'sBigBand 82
AcousticJazz 160
AfroCuban 200
Bebop 240
BigBandBallad 82
BigBandFast1 180
BigBandFast2 185
BigBandMed1 130
BigBandMed2 130
BigBandShuffle 158
CatGroove 180
Charleston 206
ClassicBigBand 120
CoolJazzBallad 70
Dixieland1 224
Dixieland2 220
EasyListening 72
ElectricJazz 120
FastJazz 205
Five-Four 168
GypsySwing 232
JazzClub 164
JazzWaltzFast 194
JazzWaltzMed 180
JazzWaltzSlow 110
JumpJive 200
LoungePiano 75
MediumJazz 142
MidnightSwing 82
ModernJazzBld 61
MoonlightBallad 82
OrchBigBand1 144
OrchBigBand2 133
OrchestraSwing 126
OrchJazzBallad 72
Ragtime1 176
Ragtime2 210
SimpleShuffle 132
Swing1 162
Swing2 152
Swingin'BigBand 200
WORLD - 30 Styles
6-8March 120
BandaPolka 120
BandaVals 195
Casatschock 136
Enka1 82
Enka2 66
Flamenco 169
FolkRock 124
FrenchMusette 200
GayGordons 190
GermanMarch1 112
GermanMarch2 112
GypsyPop 120
Hawaiian 100
HullyGully 126
IrishDance 94
JapaneseFolk 93
Jig 120
LimboRock 92
MariachiWaltz 170
MexicanDance 120
Norteno 120
OberPolka 128
OberWalzer 192
PopEnka 92
ScottishReel 112
SpanishPaso 135
Tarantella 136
USMarch 116
Zirtaki 137

Additional Styles for the Tyros1

All of the styles found on the PSR-3000 styles page should play directly in the Tyros1.

Tyros1 Demo

Yamaha Unveils TYROS

High-End Portable Keyboard Reproduces Incredible Voices, Lifelike Guitar Sounds, With Yamaha's Exclusive Megavoice Technology

Tyros keyboardBUENA PARK, CA (November 6, 2002)—Yamaha Corporation of America, Portable Keyboards, has launched a new dimension in sound and performance with the introduction of the TYROS keyboard.

Even before hearing TYROS, the innovative, functional, and beautiful design indicates that this is something quite new. Easily morphing from a keyboard with or without speakers, TYROS is an extremely versatile unit for stage, studio, or home. Control surfaces are designed for high visibility in low light environments, and include several different formats for speakers, depending on application. Add a huge, adjustable color display and the overall impression is stunning.

Like its predecessor—the PSR9000—TYROS is a 61-key, portable keyboard complete with microphone input, digital mixer, vocal harmonizer, a built-in digital audio system, and professional features like aftertouch, pitch bend and mod wheels. Designed for users at every level, TYROS includes GM compatibility and auto accompaniment features, and can be connected directly to a computer via its USB port. In addition, TYROS is fully compatible with the software of the PSR9000 and PSR8000.

Armed with Yamaha's new megavoice technology, the hallmark of TYROS is stunningly realistic sounds, complete with physical characteristics of the sampled instrument.

"Most digital keyboards can play back a recorded sample of a guitar," states Jim Presley, marketing manager, Portable Keyboards. "However, the guitar is a dynamic instrument and can sound quite different, depending upon how, and by whom, it's being played. Pick noise, string noise and other natural characteristics occur with different playing styles, and are lost in most digital keyboards. megavoice returns the 'missing elements' to produce a sound that is indistinguishable from the original."

The stunning sound quality is the best ever produced by Yamaha. Expanded to 128 notes maximum polyphony, TYROS is loaded with incredible voices that reproduce all the timbres and nuances of acoustic and amplified instruments. Innovative "Live Drum" sounds contain six layers of samples which cross fade from each other, based on velocity. They have been recorded in stereo, resulting in realism never before heard in sampled drums.

TYROS contains a large music database called "Music Finder" and all operations have been simplified through the direct access function, one-touch settings, and on-screen guidance—a necessity for the performing musician who must change settings quickly. The help screens can be accessed in 6 different languages for even more versatility.

A video output allows TYROS to display lyrics from a MIDI song file through a projector or directly into a television monitor—an especially attractive feature for houses of worship that display lyrics, or for home users as a karaoke device.

"The user interface and auto-arranger functions of TYROS are perfect for the beginner, as well as the professional musician who doesn't play the keyboard, but plans to use it as a writing tool," adds Mark Anderson, product manager, Portable Keyboards.
