You may have noticed that while the styles in the PSR and Tyros keyboards are grouped by category, it isn't always so obvious where you will find a particular style. For example, on the Tyros3, waltzes can be found in many different categories (BALLAD, BALLROOM, COUNTRY, ENTERTAINER, MOVIE&SHOW, R&B, SWING&JAZZ, and WORLD). Styles for Country songs can be found in COUNTRY, POP&ROCK, BALLAD, and BALLRROM.
Grouping Style Types in a Registration File
To simplify finding styles of a particular type or genre, you can pick out your favorite styles and save them in a single registration file, which can hold at least 8 different styles, one in each of the 8 registration buttons. Suppose you saved all your favorite waltzes in a "Waltz" registration file. Then, whenever you come across a waltz you want to play, just load your Waltz registration file and you will have your favorite Waltz styles to choose from. You can "name" each registration buttons with the name of the waltz style saved there.
Standard style names do not always give you a good idea of what the style actually sounds like. But you could name the registration button after a song that would go well with that style. A simple way to do this would be to use the Music Finder to find songs with a 3/4 beat. Sort those songs by Style and you will have a quick list of many waltz styles along with songs that go well with that style. Select a song you know with the Music Finder, which will configure your system so that it is ready to play that song. Now, "memorize" your keyboard setup in one of the registration memory buttons in your "Waltz" registration file. Name that button after the song title. Be sure to save the registration file. When you get all 8 registrations filled, you will have a variety of waltz styles and the songs that they go with. If you are familiar with the songs, this gives you a good idea of which style to pick when you want to play a new waltz.
Modifying Preset Styles
While there are some very nice styles included as preset styles in the PSR and Tyros, not every style may be to your liking. Of course, you can adjust or "tune" any of the preset styles by adjusting the volumes of individual instruments, by changing the instruments used in the accompaniment, or by changing the OTS voices included with the style. This can dramatically change how a style sounds. All of your alterations can then be "saved" in a single registration button. Using this method, your "waltz" registration bank would hold not only a variety of waltz styles, but styles that you have altered to suit your playing. For example, suppose you always play a left-hand voice and, normally, one different than Yamaha uses as the default left-hand voice with a style. You would want to load the preset style, select the appropriate left-hand voice, turn it on, and make whatever additional adjustments you want (perhaps you want to also alter the default right-hand voices). When the style is the way you want it, you would THEN save it to one of the registration memory buttons. Now, that button brings up the indicated "preset" style and then makes all the adjustments saved in that registration.
You could also, of course, simply copy the style to the USER area and make all the changes you want there, including changing the one-touch settings. But if you save the modified style in the USER area, you will be using up quite a bit of the limited amount of memory available for user files. You are saving, after all, the entire style and all your adjustments to the style. You don't, however, have to save the entire style; it is built into the PSR. By saving your adjustments in a registration memory button, the preset style is loaded and then all of your adjustments are applied. A registration file only takes about 11 to 12K of memory and can store up to 8 setups. The size of a style varies. On the PSR3000, preset styles ranged from 20k to 109k with an average of about 40k. Using that average, 8 styles would use up 320K of memory -- that's quite a bit more than 12K in a registration file. You can easily see the advantage of saving adjustments to internal styles in a registration memory file.
Note, however, that with the introduction of USB drives (replacing the Floppy drive), storage limitations are virtually eliminated. A USB drive can hold thousands of styles so you could alter the preset styles to your liking and simply store them on the USB drive. If you have a Tyros model with a hard drive, you do not, in reality, face any space limitations on storing styles in your keyboard. The space saving feature of registrations is most applicable to models that only have floppy drives for user storage.
Expanding Voice Options
When you are "tuning" a style, if you save a MAIN and/or LAYER voice (RIGHT1 and RIGHT2 in later models) that is not already in one of the four OTS buttons in a registration memory button for that style, then you can have five voice sets (R1 and R2) readily available for that style rather than just the four you get with the OTS included with the style. But you can go even further. You can use the [FREEZE] button to freeze the currently loaded style so that it does not change when you press a different registration button. So, after you select, for example, the style saved in registration memory 1 [RM1] and then [FREEZE] that style, you can now select any of the other registration buttons ([RM2] ... [RM8]) and the style, including the left-hand voice, will not change, but the right-hand voices will change. So, with the initial style, you have access to the voices in its 4 OTS settings, plus the voices you have saved in the 8 registration memory buttons.
Some Sample Registration Files
The sample files provided below were were created for the PSR-2000 and should also work on the PSR-2100. If you have a later keyboard, you can use the idea suggested here to create your own category registrations. In fact, my "favorite" styles changed as later Yamaha arranger keyboard were introduced. I also found, somewhat to my surprise, that my "favorite" voices also changed with newer keyboards. So, a "Ballad" registration category for the Tyros3 would be significantly different than one created for the PSR-2000.
Additional registration files can be found in the Styles > Other > Registrations section as well as in a number of the Styles > Gig Disks pages.
In setting up each of the category-based registrations below, I tried to use a different MAIN voice in each registration button, so that if you do freeze the style when it is first loaded, you can then switch to any of the eight registrations main voices while that style is playing. Note also that I seldom like the LEFT voice specified with the internal preset styles so I usually change it. By "freezing" the style, the LEFT voice is also frozen with the style. So, the other registration buttons that change the MAIN voice, will not be changing the LEFT voice. All of these registrations are available in a single zip file. If you just want to "try out" one or two, you can click on the registration file category title do download just that file.
Swing & Jazz - Moderate | ||||||||
R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | |
Style | JazzBallad1 | BBandBallad | MoonlightBld | JazzClub | Swing1 | BBandMid2 | Swing2 | BBShuffle2 |
Tempo | 72 | 82 | 82 | 114 | 118 | 130 | 140 | 148 |
Left | NylonGuitar | GrandPiano | Strings | Live!Strings | BrightPiano | GrandPiano | GrandPiano | JazzOrgan3 |
Main | Harmonica | NylonGuitar | GrandPiano | SClarinet! | STrombone! | AirTrumpet | SoftTrumpet | AltoSax |
OTS1 | ModernHarp | Vibraphone | STrombone! | GrandPiano | GrandPiano | SClarinet! | Musette | 60sClean |
OTS2 | Vibraphone | MutedTrump | SoftTrumpet | JazzGuitar | STenorSax! | STrombone! | Strings | JazzOrgan1 |
OTS3 | STenorSax! | STenorSax! | SClarinet! | STenorSax! | RotorOrgan | BrassSection | SFlute! | GrowlSax |
OTS4 | GrandPiano | WWEnsemble | Sax Section | PopBrass | PopBrass | PopBrass | STrombone! | STrumpet! |
Swing & Jazz - Bright | ||||||||
R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | |
Style | BBandFast1 | BBShuffle1 | CatGrove | BBandFast2 | Charleston | Ragtime | Dixieland | GypsySwing |
Tempo | 152 | 158 | 180 | 182 | 206 | 210 | 220 | 232 |
Left | BrightPiano | GrandPiano | GrandPiano | GrandPiano | BrassSection | Sax Section | HonkyTonk | BrightPiano |
Main | SClarinet! | STenorSax! | Vibraphone | STrombone! | SoloTrumpet | Banjo | SSopSax! | GrandPiano |
OTS1 | STenorSax! | GrandPiano | JazzOrgan1 | GrandPiano | Banjo | HonkyTonk | HonkyTonk | SoloViolin |
OTS2 | BrightPiano | GrowlSax | JazzGuitar | SClarinet! | HonkyTonk | SClarinet! | SClarinet! | NylonGuitar |
OTS3 | PopBrass | 60sClean | STenorSax! | STenorSax! | SClarinet! | MutedTrump | STrumpet! | Small Accord |
OTS4 | SClarinet! | PopBrass | Sforzando | PopBrass | MutedTrump | STrumpet! | STenorSax! | SClarinet! |
Ballad | ||||||||
R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | |
Style | Unplugged | LoveSong | CountryBld | PopBallad | PianoBallad | 8BeatMod | 8BeatAdria | AcousticBld |
Tempo | 68 | 70 | 72 | 77 | 78 | 92 | 100 | 158 |
Left | PolarisEP | SoftAccord | NewTines | Live!Strings | DrawbarOrg | JazzChorus | NylonGuitar | DreamHeaven |
Main | BrightPiano | Vibraphone | Fiddle | NylonGuitar | SoftTrumpet | GrandPiano | STenorSax! | Oboe |
OTS1 | NylonGuitar | NylonGuitar | NylonGuitar | SSopSax! | GrandPiano | SSopSax! | STrumpet! | 12 StringGuitar |
OTS2 | SSopSax! | SSopSax! | ModernHarp | GalaxyEP | SPanFlute! | SuperDX | Musette | SmallAccord |
OTS3 | LeadGuitar | SPanFlute! | PedalSteel | FolkGuitar | SSopSax! | Wire Lead | Mandolin | SPanFlute! |
OTS4 | Live!Strings | GrandPiano | GrandPiano | WireLead | Live!Strings | Live!Strings | SweetHeaven | STrumpet! |
Country 1 | ||||||||
R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | |
Style | FingerPickin | Cntry2-4 | CntryShuffle | CntryRock | Cntry8Beat1 | CntryPop1 | Cntry8Beat2 | CntrySwing1 |
Tempo | 94 | 105 | 112 | 128 | 134 | 142 | 148 | 150 |
Left | FolkGw3 | BrightPiano | NylonGuitar | ClickOrgan | HyperTines | JazzChorus | StageEP | HonkyTonk |
Main | PedalSteel | VintageOpen | ModernHarp | SmallAccord | HawaiianGuit | 60sClean | Fiddle | GrandPiano |
OTS1 | NylonGuitar | Musette | 60sClean | VintageOpen | StageEP | PedalSteel | ModernHarp | ModernHarp |
OTS2 | ModernHarp | PedalSteel | SmallAccord | ModernHarp | SolidGuitar | SmallAccord | StageEP | StageEP |
OTS3 | SFlute! | GrandPiano | PedalSteel | PedalSteel | GrandPiano | VintageOpen | PedalSteel | PedalSteel |
OTS4 | Strings | Strings | Strings | Strings | PedalSteel | GrandPiano | GrandPiano | Fiddle |
Country 2 | ||||||||
R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | |
Style | ModCntryPop | CntryBrothers | BluegrasS2 | HullyGully | Hoedown | Bluegrass1 | CowboyBoogie | CountryPop2 |
Tempo | 70 | 112 | 120 | 126 | 128 | 142 | 164 | 180 |
Left | PolarisEP | E.Guitar | BrightPiano | 60sOrgan | HonkyTonk | Bow Strings | Pizz Strings | Elec. 12String |
Main | ModernHarp | GrandPiano | Musette | SoftTrumpet | Fiddle | ModernHarp | TrumpEnsem | 60sClean |
OTS1 | NylonGuitar | StageEP | Fiddle | BrightPiano | Banjo | Banjo | Elec.Guitar | Super DX |
OTS2 | StageEP | Musette | VintageOpen | TuttiAccord | ModernHarp | VintageOpen | Musette | SmallAccord |
OTS3 | SolidChord | VintageOpen | HonkyTonk | JazzOrg1 | PedalSteel | HawaiinGuit | HawaiinGuit | PedalSteel |
OTS4 | GrandPiano | Strings | Fiddle | PopBrass | Strings | HonkyTonk | GrandPiano | Live! Strings |
Waltz | ||||||||
R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | |
Style | EnglishWaltz | SwingWaltz | PopWaltz | GuitSeranade | CntryWaltz | BandWaltz | TradWaltz | OberWaltzer |
Tempo | 75 | 90 | 94 | 106 | 128 | 136 | 160 | 192 |
Left | Orch. Oboe | GrandPiano | Jazz Chorus | BowStrings | ModernEP | BrightBrass | HahChoir | Strings |
Main | SFlute! | Musette | SClarinet! | ModernHarp | NylonGuitar | BallroomBrass | Orch.Brass | Clarinet |
OTS1 | BrightPiano | GrandPiano | SSopSax! | NylonGuitar | ModernHarp | Musette | Musette | Musette |
OTS2 | NylonGuitar | STenorSax! | ModernHarp | SmallAccord | BrightPiano | GrandPiano | SmallAccord | Hachbret |
OTS3 | STenorSax! | STrumpet! | VenusEP | SSopSax! | PedalSteel | SClarinet! | SClarinet! | SClarinet! |
OTS4 | Live!Strings | Live!Strings | GoldenAge | Live!Strings | STrumpet! | STrumpet! | STrumpet! | STrumpet! |
This page updated on July 29, 2024 .