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Info about PSR-S910 Firmware Update

Started by Giuseppe Giovane, June 05, 2023, 12:26:54 PM

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Giuseppe Giovane

Buona sera .
Nel Mese di Aprile ho acquista una tastiera Yamaha PSR S910 usata certo so che e vecchiotta ma per le mie esigenze va bene sono molto soddisfatto. tuttavia non riesco ad aggiornare il Firmware Updater  V1.00 attuale con V1.30 pur seguendo le istruzioni contenute nel sito non riesco ad aggiornare.
qualcuno può aiutarmi a capire come fare?
nell'attesa di qualche suggerimento porgo distinti saluti Giuseppe Giovane

Google translation by overover:

Good evening .
In April I bought a used Yamaha PSR S910 keyboard of course I know it's old but for my needs it's fine I'm very satisfied. however I can't update the current Firmware Updater V1.00 with V1.30 even if I follow the instructions on the site I can't update.
Can anyone help me figure out how to do this?
waiting for some suggestions, best regards Giuseppe Giovane

Topic title edited by overover 2023-06-05


Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, Giuseppe!

However, please note: Please respect our forum rules and post only in English here. For example, you can use an online translation tool like Google Translator. Then simply copy the translated (English) text into your forum post.

Just for info: If you repeatedly post in Italian here, an administrator could limit your user account so that you can only read, but no longer post yourself.

All the best from Germany,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Guiseppe,

I assume that you have correctly downloaded the S910 firmware updater to your computer, e.g. from here:

Then unpack the downloaded zip file on your computer, preferably in a new folder.

Make sure your USB stick is either formatted directly on the S910 or formatted on the computer in FAT32 format.

Then copy the (7) extracted files (file extensions ".PRG" and ".prg") directly into the root directory of the USB stick, NOT into a folder on the USB stick. Be careful not to copy the folder from the computer that contains the files.

Connect the stick containing the update files to the switched off S910.

Press and hold the STYLE START/STOP button while turning on the S910. (Do not release the button until the black display of the update tool appears.)

Follow the instructions on the display.

Some sticks cannot be used for updates. This is the case if the stick is not recognized as a "Removable Drive" but as a "Local Disk" on the computer. Therefore, use a different USB stick if the problem persists.

I wish you success!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)