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Voice Registrations

Started by porterma, May 21, 2023, 02:14:19 PM

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One of the things you can use registrations for is to create registration banks of specific voices or instruments for R1 , R2 and R3 voice selections.
So you create a bank of 10 different voices (or voice combinations) using the 10 buttons within a bank.
When selected, this type of registration can be used with any style that you choose - thus, you not only have the 4 OTS voices to use with the style you also have  the 10 registration buttons, each with a different voice, to use as well.
When creating these registrations you make sure only the "voice" and possibly the "keyboard harmony/arpeggio" boxes are the only ones selected.
I am wondering if others have tried this and might share their experiences on using these types of registrations banks.


Hi Mark!

Yup, that works too! Just be aware:

If you don't save the style data, the left voice isn't saved either; It sounds like you want to extend OTS, so yes, save the intended style as part of the registration bank, and name it after the intended song for the sake of finding it later.

However, if you want to save only the voices? Check the style anyway, but create a dummy style and when you're done creating the registrations, delete the dummy style... it will still call up your voices, but being unable to find your style. it won't be able to load it. Do *not* call the dummy style test or newstyle, since those will inevitably show up.



Yes, I am in the process of building several banks of registrations of 3 RH voice combos as you describe. So far it's working well for me in terms of interchanging different Styles, as long as I remember to uncheck Style before each save. I made a post about this topic a few weeks ago and received some good strategies from various people here on the best ways to do this.

the other Mark,
Just curious, how is a "dummy" style made? Thanks.


SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+


Quote from: p$manK32 on May 21, 2023, 07:45:52 PM
Yes, I am in the process of building several banks of registrations of 3 RH voice combos as you describe. So far it's working well for me in terms of interchanging different Styles, as long as I remember to uncheck Style before each save. I made a post about this topic a few weeks ago and received some good strategies from various people here on the best ways to do this.

the other Mark,
Just curious, how is a "dummy" style made? Thanks.


Hi Rich,

When creating "Voice Registrations", which later (in addition to the Right Voices) should also switch the Left Voice but not the Style, it must be ensured that the memorized Style can no longer be found later by the registration in question.

This can be achieved as follows:

1. Copy any Preset style to the user drive. Rename the style to e.g. "_Dummy" and then load this style.

2. Make the desired Keyboard Voice settings (Left, Right1-3), memorize them to the desired Registration buttons (with boxes "Style", "Voice" and "Keyboard Harmony" ticked) and save the Registration Bank (in the User Drive or on the USB stick).

3. Now delete the "_Dummy" style in the User drive or rename it (e.g. to "_Dummy_off"). The registrations in which the Dummy style is memorized will now no longer be able to find the style, and therefore the current style will not be switched by these registrations.

By the way, you could alternatively use a USB stick for the Dummy style, which you use exclusively for this purpose: Create the Dummy style on this USB stick as described above, load it from there and create the desired registrations. Then simply remove the USB stick and the registrations can no longer find the style either.

I mainly work with Voice Registrations that only toggle the Right Voices. In this case, of course, NO dummy style is required. It is important that the boxes "Voice" and "Keyboard Harmony" (!) are ticked in the memory dialog. I also check "Pedal" because I always work with the same pedal settings (Volume Pedal only affects the Right Parts). In the file names of my Voice Registration Banks, I use the letter "v" at the beginning (e.g. "vPianoStrings") to be able to quickly distinguish them from "normal" Registration Banks.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks, Chris. That makes sense. Like you, since I only need the right voices memorized I can skip the dummy step.

SX900, DGX-640, E373
previous: MODX7+

Graham UK

My DGX670 I use my Favorite Teaked Voice RGTs most of the time.
I always use LEFT MAIN & LAYER.
I don't normally get a problem if I remembering to have Style Unticked when saving the Registration.
Having a Dummy suggestion is also a good idea but I don't find it necessary.


Thank you everyone for responding to my posting.
Mark's suggestion (along with Chris's explanation) of a "dummy style" is a great way to include the left hand voice in the registrations.
I appreciate all of your inputs.



Another way for me, but this method requires that the registration be linked to the original style

I've been using the "Freeze" registration button to use both Right and/or Left voices, and Harmony/Arpeggio with any style.

Load up your registration that contains voices you created (with or without a style). If that saved registration contains R1, R2, R3, and Left Voice, and Harmony/Arpeggio, you can then use that setup with any style as long as the freeze button is on.

But you need to set up the Freeze Registration with Voice, Style, and Keyboard Harmony/Arpeggio, unchecked.  (This is a global setting and won't change when switched off and on)

Just remember to turn on that freeze button when using this method.

Larry   PSR-SX900
My You Tube Recordings


So how do you organise your voice registrations?

By instrument type or music genre?

Do you have a naming system for each registration.

Graham UK

DGX60 Has 4 RGT buttons. I name Voices by what they are as follows.

Just Suggestion...Pino. Gtr. Chr. Stgs

Iterested in other sugestions.



I keep a couple of styles that I would never use on a USB stick. I load one into my user section when setting up a style free registration. I set up all ten buttons with what I want to happen when pressed. I also change style variations in some and use a left hand voice. I like to name my buttons with the voices used ie. Piano Strings Big Band Mix Pan Flute and vocal etc. When I have it as I want it I then delete the old style used and remove the USB stick that I only use for this purpose.


So far I only have a couple of Voice Registrations saved on my Genos.
Both start off with a piano variation, then piano and strings,  a classic guitar voice, an acoustic guitar, a choir or chorus, trumpet sound, oboe voice, electric guitar, and a saxophone sound.
I don't know if it is possible, but it would be very helpful if we could post say our favourite voice registrations for each of us to try out on our keyboards. Might have to indicate which keyboard they were from( genos, tyros 5 or 4, PSR ?, DGX?) however, as they might be very specific to the voices contained within the keyboard.


Here you go Strings with Analogue strings slightly detuned in unison or octaves works well together


Hi Porterma,
Realised benefits of this method about a year ago. Like others on the forum I use OTS rather than Registrations because they are quick and easy. I have about 30 edited OTS for fun playing.
Then I was watching a video of a Lowrey and the penny dropped....all those 8 Reg buttons could be used as voice setups.
Now I have 10 banks to help OTS:
Big Band, Country, Hammond, Hawaiian, Lowrey, Orchestra, Organ & Solo, Solo,, Wersi, Wurlitzer.


It's ok using the registration bank per song method, but it's quite restrictive. By using the method you use above it gives you more freedom.