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Yamaha Psr SX-900 and SX700 sound comparison

Started by Keyboard Master, October 21, 2022, 03:27:52 AM

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Keyboard Master

Hi everyone I just watched a video of comparing the quality one things that threw me off was the sx700 sounded mono and the 900 wide srereo. I have watched other videos of the sx700 and it sounded wide stereo watch and have a listen and see what i mean i think the uploader did something behind the scenes to make people buy the 900


Eh, this video is worthless -person that made it, has no idea how to make sound comparison properly.
When making sound comparison, first one needs to make clear what he's comparing: is it on-board sound (built-in loudspeakers), or is it internal audio signal (recorded wav or Line-out).

In short, internally SX700 and SX900 use the same sound engine, so the recorded wav audio (or recorded via Line out), will sound exactly the same. Means, there's no difference between SX700 and SX900, if they're connected to external (PA) speakers.
However, SX900 has "better" speakers built-in (actually, only tweeters are different) and so, in direct comparison, SX900 might maybe sound better than SX700. Anyway, that difference alone (if there's any) shouldn't be deciding factor between these two keyboards -SX900 has other advantages, that are probably more important.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on October 21, 2022, 05:25:37 AM
Eh, this video is worthless -person that made it, has no idea how to make sound comparison properly.
When making sound comparison, first one needs to make clear what he's comparing: is it on-board sound (built-in loudspeakers), or is it internal audio signal (recorded wav or Line-out).

In short, internally SX700 and SX900 use the same sound engine, so the recorded wav audio (or recorded via Line out), will sound exactly the same. Means, there's no difference between SX700 and SX900, if they're connected to external (PA) speakers.
However, SX900 has "better" speakers built-in (actually, only tweeters are different) and so, in direct comparison, SX900 might maybe sound better than SX700. Anyway, that difference alone (if there's any) shouldn't be deciding factor between these two keyboards -SX900 has other advantages, that are probably more important.


Technically the woofer driver is different too, not just the color. I have the SX900. And of course everyone wants to have the SX900 ;)


Quote from: mixermixer on October 21, 2022, 07:33:29 AM
..And of course everyone wants to have the SX900 ;)
-"everyone" is quite heavy word, but I get the point  ;)
On more serious side... Yes, SX900 is better than SX700. In my opinion however, it's far from +1000$ better. But then, it's great we have choices.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on October 21, 2022, 05:25:37 AM
In short, internally SX700 and SX900 use the same sound engine, so the recorded wav audio (or recorded via Line out), will sound exactly the same. Means, there's no difference between SX700 and SX900, if they're connected to external (PA) speakers.

Just looked at the Service Manual for both keyboards. They use the exact same digital logic/DAC board. After the tone generator (identical in both cases), the SX700 and SX900 differ by what the SX700 does not have, e.g., no SUB OUT. The SX900 speakers are bi-amped while the SX700 speakers have a single amp.

One could compare sound through the speakers, but the two models are certainly different in that regard. Comparison of MAIN OUT is the way to go. I don't expect any difference when the tone generator is configured for the same voice and effects.

Hope this helps -- pj


The sound routed through the main output will be the same for the same voice; but there are a lot of additional voices on the sx900, and the piano is more dynamic. Obviously the speakers are better, too, but the sx700 only has the choir "ooh ahh" voices, the sx900 has all the voice samples from the T4/T6/Genos. The sx700 only has the drum kits up to the T5, the sx900 has revo compatible ones that let you play back all the Genos/CVP809 styles without filtering out all the additional hi hat variants. The sx700 has only 400mb on board samples, of which almost half is already used by preinstalled sounds. The sx900 has the same, but with 1gb of available sample ram, that means you don't *have* to erase the presets. There are also a lot more T5 guitar sounds on the sx900 (the sx700 is based on the T4), include the ultra wide "twin" guitars where they routed 6 pickup poles across the entire stereo width, and it sounds amazing, as well as true flamenco guitar (the sx700/s970 flamenco guitar is the same as the concert Classical, the sx900 is quite different).

Bottom line though, if the piano, vocal harmony, speakers, choir, drums, installable sample library and future style compatibility aren't important to you, then you should probably get the sx700 (which is still a really good board, roughly equivalent to the s970/975)


edit: forgot 1 more difference; the sx700 doesn't have built in sampled solo strings (violin, cello) the sx900 does, *but* that can be mostly alleviated with downloadable samples.


Well, OP only asked about sound differences...

Quote from: Amwilburn on October 21, 2022, 12:25:40 PM
...The sx700 has only 400mb on board samples, of which almost half is already used by preinstalled sounds.
-these preinstalled packs aren't really some keepers and are (I assume) deleted by most owners anyway.

Bottom line though, if the piano, vocal harmony, speakers, choir, drums, installable sample library and future style compatibility aren't important to you...
-the way you said that, it sounds like SX700 is an empty plastic box  ;D
And about future compatibility.. it's lost with every new generation of keyboards. So, for example, we can't expect current Genos will be capable to play everything from upcoming Genos (or whatever it will be called) -if that would be the case, then it wouldn't be some progress.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on October 21, 2022, 01:29:10 PM
-the way you said that, it sounds like SX700 is an empty plastic box  ;D

That's right! I forgot Bogdan was the one who brought up another difference; the sx900 has fixed line level recording outputs, the sx700 only has the variable main out.

As for an empty box, hardly: that's *all* the differences I could list; usually there's a lot more! which is why the end of my sentence said the sx700 is still really good. But for example, the difference between the Korg PA700 and PA1000? PA1000 includes Vocal harmonizer, much better speakers (best built in speakers I've ever heard on an arranger), and 300mb of sample ram vs 128mb. That's one of the smallest differences ever.

On the other hand, if someone asks me to list the difference between a Genos and an sx900, it goes on for about 2 screens  ;D

Working at a store, I have access to side by side comparions, and have delved into the difference between every board; about a decade ago I'd written up a report on the  total difference for all Yamaha arrangers from the 2000's, and this forum helps me tremendously for current differences; like the fixed aux output you pointed out for the sx900, or that the only current arranger with an audio interface is the sx600!(what a strange choice)


Keyboard Master

Oh I See and how i like to compare them is use the headphone jack and load a style from the sx700 and put it onto the sx900 so on both keyboards the style will use the same voices, Also make sure the master eq and compressor is set to the same parameters. then do a true comparison 8)


Hello Mark,

Quote from: Amwilburn on October 21, 2022, 04:21:14 PM
As for an empty box, hardly: that's *all* the differences I could list;...
-I hope you recognized my "empty box" comment was meant as a (sarcastic) joke..  :D

Anyway, I agree with what you said. Yes, we can find differences in specifications. But for many, especially for hobby musicians (or first time buyers), they are not that obvious -that is, what those differences actually mean.. their importance. But then, many times we just don't know what we will need (or wish to have) in future. Usually it will happen later, when we are confronted with certain limitation. In short, forum can be a great place to find other's people real life experiences and opinions.
Many times however, we just don't have a choice: we can only buy what we can afford.

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Quote from: BogdanH on October 22, 2022, 03:21:59 AM
Hello Mark,
-I hope you recognized my "empty box" comment was meant as a (sarcastic) joke..  :D

Yeah, don't' worry, I got that  ;)


Quote from: Amwilburn on October 21, 2022, 12:25:40 PM
The sound routed through the main output will be the same for the same voice; but there are a lot of additional voices on the sx900, and the piano is more dynamic. Obviously the speakers are better, too, but the sx700 only has the choir "ooh ahh" voices, the sx900 has all the voice samples from the T4/T6/Genos. The sx700 only has the drum kits up to the T5, the sx900 has revo compatible ones that let you play back all the Genos/CVP809 styles without filtering out all the additional hi hat variants. The sx700 has only 400mb on board samples, of which almost half is already used by preinstalled sounds. The sx900 has the same, but with 1gb of available sample ram, that means you don't *have* to erase the presets. There are also a lot more T5 guitar sounds on the sx900 (the sx700 is based on the T4), include the ultra wide "twin" guitars where they routed 6 pickup poles across the entire stereo width, and it sounds amazing, as well as true flamenco guitar (the sx700/s970 flamenco guitar is the same as the concert Classical, the sx900 is quite different).

Bottom line though, if the piano, vocal harmony, speakers, choir, drums, installable sample library and future style compatibility aren't important to you, then you should probably get the sx700 (which is still a really good board, roughly equivalent to the s970/975)


edit: forgot 1 more difference; the sx700 doesn't have built in sampled solo strings (violin, cello) the sx900 does, *but* that can be mostly alleviated with downloadable samples.

Mark you gave a great summary on your assessment here. 

I've recently purchased an SX700 for a good price and after exploring it, I was quite surprised at how many things have been stripped away from it's bigger brother, the biggest surprise was the revo drum samples, they should have kept some of those in at least. Also almost all of the vocal stuff too, not bothered about the scats and the shoobeedoos but disappointed that the AccompOoh and AccompAah wasn't at least retained. I really like the Boys Choir samples but should have included some female sounding samples as well.

But other than that, it's still an excellent keyboard and it does feel like you're playing an SX900 sometimes, the key feel is the same.

What would have been really good in making the SX700 a distinct model would have been to include the Audio Styles of the S975 to offset and balance it out a little.

I just wished Yamaha adopted Korgs policy as there isn't a great difference between the Pa700 vs Pa1000, in fact the main differences between them are cosmetic (eg, colour, aftertouch, tilt screen, weighted keys, hard buttons, harmoniser), but if you played the Pa1000 styles in the Pa700 (and the Pa4x styles for that matter), they almost always play well, and if they have sounds missing in the styles, Korg seems to map them cleverly to the GM equivalent so it doesn't sound a mess, only sometimes you'll need to change the drums but the majority of them sound the same.


More than a year since this thread started.. and it's still relevant I think.
I checked what I wrote here at that time, just to see if I meanwhile changed my opinion about SX900 vs SX700.. in sense, if I regret that I didn't decide for SX900 instead of SX700.
Honestly, not at all. Yes, SX900 is better obviously. But the differences don't justify the price difference of 66% here in Europe (2000€ vs 1200€). And even if the price difference would be smaller... Except the amount of memory, I really don't miss anything else from SX900.
However, if SX900 would (at the same price) have the same keybed as Genos... darn, that would be a challenge  :D

PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube



Take a look at my website and listen to the style demos. I recorded a demo for every style on genos, sx900, and sx700. I do my best to make them sound as better as possible. Sometimes, the differences are almost imperceptible. So you can listen and conclude by yourself if one sound so much better than other or not.

Best wishes.


Quote from: Danny1972 on February 06, 2024, 12:25:00 PM
... how many things have been stripped away from it's bigger brother ...

Quite enjoying this discussion!

I don't think of features stripped away. To me, it's a matter of Yamaha evolving voices, styles and effects through feature tiers.

There are a few features which are specific to particular product tiers (Genos, 9xx, 7xx) such as video out and such. Features like SArt2 (almost) define a tier.

When it comes to voices, styles and effects, I think Yamaha shuffles them down from one generation to the next.  For example, the current SX700 is what the S9xx used to be, a generation or two ago.

BTW, my Clavinova CSP-170 is roughly equivalent to the SX700, plus Clavinova piano voices, of course. When Yamaha puts together a consistent, interoperating sound set (voice set, styles, effects), they keep the sound set together. Why re-invent the wheel with every product generation?

Just a few thoughts -- pj


Quote from: BogdanH on February 06, 2024, 02:08:42 PM
More than a year since this thread started.. and it's still relevant I think.
I checked what I wrote here at that time, just to see if I meanwhile changed my opinion about SX900 vs SX700.. in sense, if I regret that I didn't decide for SX900 instead of SX700.
Honestly, not at all. Yes, SX900 is better obviously. But the differences don't justify the price difference of 66% here in Europe (2000€ vs 1200€). And even if the price difference would be smaller... Except the amount of memory, I really don't miss anything else from SX900.
However, if SX900 would (at the same price) have the same keybed as Genos... darn, that would be a challenge  :D


Hi Bogdan,

I think you are absolutely correct in what you said. I have been using the SX700 in pretty much the same way as I have been the SX900, I even found a workaround for the lack of Oohs and Aahs, there's a couple of decent voices in the Legacy bank that are quite useable. I don't tend to use the additional new Pop or Dance styles in the SX900 anyway and I think the majority of the ones missing are from this category. Also, I compared the drums side by side to the same style, I used FunkPopRock and it sounded almost identical whereby the SX900 using the Revo sample of course, it didn't sound too different from the SX700. The SX700 makes for a great backup keyboard and I am so glad I got it and I don't have to lug the SX900 around anywhere now.