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Expansion Packs

Started by Sharon, June 28, 2021, 08:34:10 AM

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I wonder if anyone could tell me where I can get expansion packs ready to install on to my PSRS975 keyboard.  I am totally blind, and am unable to use the expansion manager, as it does not work with my speech program on my computer, and am therefore looking for a USB stick which contains expansion packs ready to load on to my keyboard.

If anyone has any ideas, or help on how I can obtain these I would be most grateful.

Many thanks.



Hello! I can help you do it. It is better if you do it by yourself so you can have the expansion packs you want. :D


Hi Sharon,

Please tell me, if you can read this Yamaha site with your speech program on the computer:

At the top left of this page is a dropdown box. If you select your keyboard model (PSR-S975) there, only the compatible Packs will be displayed. (This is a total of 35 Packs.)

Since the S975 only has about 768MB of Expansion memory, only a part of the available Packs can be installed (at the same time). So if you can read the mentioned site, please make a LIST of the Packs that you would like to install, sorted according to their importance to you, and post this list here.

I would then download the Packs for you (as many as there is space in the Expansion memory of the S975), import them into the YEM and create a Pack Install file (.cpi) for you. I could then upload this file to my Dropbox. All you have to do then is download the file, copy it to a USB stick, connect the stick to the keyboard and start the Pack Installation there.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

Many thanks for your very kind offer to help me.

I will take a look on that website and let you know what I want.  I do really appreciate the help.

I'll do this tomorrow, and let you know.

I will then hopefully be ableto install them on to my keyboard, and thanks once again.

It means a lot to know there are such kind people around willing to help.



Hi Chris,

Thanks once again for your assistance with the expansion packs.

I have now looked on the website, and would be interested in the following packs if possible.
Best of Europe, Church Organ, Salsa, Entertainer, and if you know of something with choirs in, or electric pianos that would be great

Thanks once again,

Sharon .


Quote from: Sharon on June 29, 2021, 06:19:57 AM
Hi Chris,

Thanks once again for your assistance with the expansion packs.

I have now looked on the website, and would be interested in the following packs if possible.
Best of Europe, Church Organ, Salsa, Entertainer, and if you know of something with choirs in, or electric pianos that would be great

Thanks once again, ...

Hi Sharon,

I propose the following Pack composition for you:

Yamaha Packs (Size in Expansion memory: 231MB)
- Best of Europe
- Church Organ
- Church & Chrismas (includes some lovely choirs :) )
- Entertainer
- Salsa

I additionally made a custom Pack with high quality CMS voices for you (by the German company "CMS Sounddesign"). Size in Expansion memory: about 524MB. This Pack (I called it "CMS Sounds Sharon") contains: 19 E-Piano voices, 2 Pad voices, 4 Choir voices.

The Expansion memory of the S975 (about 768MB) will be completely filled with this content. ;)

So that I can create the Pack Install file (.cpi) for you on the YEM, I need an S975 Instrument Info file (.n27). Please let me know whether you can export this file from the S975 to a USB stick using the following instructions and then send me this file by email:

1) 1 Connect the USB flash memory to the [USB TO DEVICE] terminal.

2) Call up the "OWNER" display: Press [FUNCTION] > Tab MENU 2 >  button [G] SYSTEM > Tab OWNER

Or use the following method to call up the "OWNER" display: Press the [DIRECT ACCESS] button (it's to the left of the "1" up/down buttons below the display), and then press the [DEMO] button (it's just below the MASTER VOLUME dial).

3) Press the [D] (EXPORT INSTRUMENT INFO) button.

4) You probably have to confirm the saving of the file with YES or OK. The saved file is named "PSR-S975_InstrumentInfo.n27".

(You can find similar instructions in the S975 Reference Manual, page 23.)

If you can do the above, I would send you a PM (Personal Message) with my email address.

If you are unable to send me this file because of your visual impairment, this is no problem either, because another user can certainly send me an S975 Instrument Info file (.n27).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,  Many thanks for your suggestion on a pack for me, it sounds just what I wanted.  I will get theinfo you need tomorrow, I'll ask my husband to read the screen for me, and get what you need. 


Quote from: Sharon on June 29, 2021, 02:05:29 PM
Hi Chris,  Many thanks for your suggestion on a pack for me, it sounds just what I wanted.  I will get theinfo you need tomorrow, I'll ask my husband to read the screen for me, and get what you need. 

Hi Sharon,

I just sent you a PM (Personal Message) with my email address. Please send your file "PSR-S975_InstrumentInfo.n27" to this email.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Sharon,

I just sent you an email with detailed information on downloading and installing the S975 Pack Installation file that I created for you today. :)

If you have any problems in this context, please contact me either by PM or simply by email!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Please can someone help me with psr s975 church organ expansion pack


Quote from: Archi on August 20, 2021, 08:11:45 PM
Please can someone help me with psr s975 church organ expansion pack
What type of help you need?


I can't install church organ expansion pack cpf file on my part s975
Chris please help me..  Below is my personal email
Thank you

Edit: Email address deleted by Roger Brenizer.  Please don't post email addresses in the public forum, Archi.  Any member of our forum can find your email address by clicking on your Username or Avatar.


Quote from: Archi on August 24, 2021, 05:56:11 PM
I can't install church organ expansion pack cpf file on my part s975
Chris please help me..
Thank you

Hi Archi,

It is important that you have downloaded the S975 version of the Church Organ Pack. To be on the safe side, download the Pack again from the following link:

All other information about this Pack can be found here:

Unzip the downloaded file "" on your computer in order to get the Pack file "ChurchOrgan_S975.cpf". Then import this .CPF file into the Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) installed on your computer. The current YEM version is 2.8.1. However, you could also use V2.7.0 or V2.6.0 (if you should still be using Windows 7).

If you have not yet installed the YEM on your computer, please get in touch here again and state which operating system you are using (Windows or macOS and the exact version).

It is important that there is enough free space in the Expansion Memory for the Wave data of the Pack to be installed. The Church Organ Pack only needs about 29 MB here. In addition, about 200 KB are required in the User drive of the S975 for the other Pack data, i.e. voice set files (.VCE), styles, registration files and the demo MIDI file. The User drive of the S975 should not be "full to the brim". ;)

The best thing to do is to export the Instrument Info file (.N27) from the S975 now to a USB stick (again if necessary). You then connect the stick to the computer and import the .N27 file as "Install Target" into the YEM. (If you have done this before, DELETE the previous Install Target "PSR-S975" before importing the new .N27 file.)

If you click on "My Packs" in the YEM, you will see all the Packs that have been imported so far.

Now click on the Install Target "PSR-S975". In this view you select all Packs that you want to install on the S975 afterwards (so that all Packs have a light green tick). At this point it doesn't hurt to check that ALL Pack contents are selected in the lower area of ​​the YEM window.

At this point, check that the available storage space is sufficient: If "Voice Wave Size" is selected in the top left of the YEM window, the bar must be green (NOT RED!) And the value to the left of the slash must be smaller than the value on the right (MB). If you switch to "User Drive Size" in this drop-down box, you can control how much storage space the Packs to be installed require in the User drive. (If necessary, you have to delete some styles / MIDI files from the S975 User drive to free up space.)

Now click on the "Save as Pack Install File" button and save the current Pack Install file (.CPI) on the USB stick.

Then you connect the USB stick to the S975, select "Pack Installation" (MENU > Expansion > Pack Installation) and install the .CPI file previously saved on the stick.

After completing the Pack installation, the instrument must be restarted. Finished! :)

If needed, refer to chapter 14 "Expansion Pack Related Operations" of the S975 Reference Manual (from page 134).

If you continue to have problems installing the Church Organ Pack, please report back here. However, you then have to write exactly what you have done so far and WHERE EXACTLY you are stuck or there are problems.

I wish you success!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks Chris,
Pls I'm still struggling with the installation of the church organ expansion pack on Psr s975... Can I send u the instrument info then u do it for me?


Quote from: Archi on September 06, 2021, 06:28:15 PM
Thanks Chris,
Pls I'm still struggling with the installation of the church organ expansion pack on Psr s975... Can I send u the instrument info then u do it for me?

Hi Archi,

did you do as I described for you in my previous post? What exactly did not work in your case?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)