MFC-10 and page-turn facility on android tablet for MobileSheets

Started by RvL, May 17, 2021, 03:37:44 AM

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Hi all,

I'm using a Genos with MFC-10 and are looking for a page-turn facility on my android tablet for mobilesheets.

1. Have anyone a setup with MFC-10 to be used for that as well?
It seems that mobile sheets support a midi-connection for that although I don't know how to put the settings for such connection.

2. If not, has anyone a fine solution? Another footpadal makes it a bit busy for the feet and there is not much room.
I want to keep the hands on the keyboard and the tablet does not recognise my eye-movement-instruction (LOL ;D).
Keep up with a midifile is not an option beceause I am a beginner.

Thanks for answering if you do so - much appreciated!



I don't have an MCF-10, so I can only give pointers, not step-by-step instructions ...

I have built myself a midi pedal board, using the pedals from an old Lowrey home organ.  I have added 5 switches, one of which acts as the page turn command for Mobilesheets.  What I did was set that switch to send an 'E -1' (midi note 16) on channel 15.  An E -1 is too low for the Genos to play, but can be watched for by Mobilesheets.  In the midi settings of MobileSheets, make sure the channel is set to whatever channel the MCF-10 is using.  Then under Midi Actions, I suggest using the "Activate Link or turn to next page".  The Midi command is Note On, Value is 16.  The Activate Link or Turn page allows you to set links to jump you to the correct next page, if needed.

So, if you can program the MCF-10 to send a note event, you should be able to do the same sort of thing.

Hope this helps!


PS.  In Mobilesheets, did you know that you can set custom page orders?  Including duplicates?  So for example a song that has a repeat back to page 2 and the second ending is on page 4:  On the files tab, set the pages as 1,2,3,2,4. 

Current Projects:
Arranging Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for the Genos
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Sing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)


Hi Adam,

Thank you so much and I believe that what you decribes should work on the MFC-10 as well.
However I am not technical - have seen the MFC-10 programming steps on the forum and it makes me a bit dazzling.
I guess I need some time and courage to give it a try.

I don't know where I can enter the Midi command Note On with Value 16: this is in the MIDI section of the options of the program MobileSheets?

I was not aware that you can set custum page orders - thanks for mentioning!
I use jumpers instead but then I have to touch the screen and want to avoid that and with this solution it is again a step closer :-).

Have a nice evening.



Quote from: RvL on May 17, 2021, 12:36:44 PM
I don't know where I can enter the Midi command Note On with Value 16: this is in the MIDI section of the options of the program MobileSheets?

Yes, indeedy.

Open settings, choose Midi Settings.  At the bottom, choose Midi Actions.  Click on the +.  It will open a new Window "New MIDI Action".  Under Action, select what you want.  As I said, I use the "Activate Link or Turn Page".  Then click the + in this window.  That will bring up a dialogue box where you can select 'Note On' under Command Type.  '16' goes in the Command field.  The Label is anything you wish.  Push OK and you're done.

Remember, 16 is the midi note for E -1.  You can use any note you want.  Just make sure the MCF-10 is sending the same note that MobileSheets is listening for.  Technically, you could set it for middle C -- midi note 60 -- but then mobile sheets would turn the page every time you played middle C.

As for programming, it probably looks worse than it is.  I have an FCB-1010, and it was like that.  Written, the directions were daunting, but when I tried it, I found that it actually wasn't that bad.  Having the 1010 in front of me made the directions make sense.  Incidentally, I will be selling the FCB-1010, since with the Midi Pedals, I no longer have need of it.  I'll list it in the classified forum here once our local lockdown has lifted.

Good luck!

Current Projects:
Arranging Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for the Genos
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Sing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)


Thank you Adam!

I will give it a try when I have the time for it and with try and error it should come ok; there can nothing be hurt anyhow I suppose and can allways go back to what the MFC-10 is programmed for now.

Very nice of you to help me out here, much appreciated!



You're welcome!   :)

Glad to share, and good luck with your project!

Current Projects:
Arranging Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for the Genos
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Sing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)



I'm sorry to say that I may have accidently given bad advice.  I'm sure I had that system working before, but after making some changes to the Midi Pedal setup, somewhere, somehow, I'm not getting the Note On messages through the Genos to the Tablet.  The Genos is receiving them, but isn't passing them on.  I'm going to have to look into this some more.  I'm guessing that there is a setting that changed that I missed, but I haven't figured it out.

So, if I inadvertently caused extra difficulty, I apologize.

Current Projects:
Arranging Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for the Genos
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Sing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)

Wim NL

I don't have mobile sheets but when you have no same connection in the midi setup it wont work.

@Adam did you change in MIDI Setup : External Controller > Midi Port or MIDI Ch than before?
The Midi Port and MIDI Ch has to be te same.
Best Regards,


Quote from: Wim NL on May 24, 2021, 06:23:31 AM
@Adam did you change in MIDI Setup : External Controller > Midi Port or MIDI Ch than before?
The Midi Port and MIDI Ch has to be te same.

I did make a change in the Midi Setup ...  I moved the control notes to a different channel.  As it stands, the Midi Pedals that I built sends out the Pedal Notes on Channel 8, and the non-playing note switches on Channel 15.  It is plugged in through MIDI A.  Therefore the External Controller is set to Port A, and Channel 15.  The tablet, plugged in through the USB, is listening on channel 15.  The Genos responds to the both the pedals and the switches.  The tablet sees nothing

When you say they have to be the same, I'm not sure what they are supposed to match.

I'm not at all confident that the Mobile Sheets program is actually listening on Channel 15.  The next test I want to try is connecting the Computer to the Genos via USB, so I have a better Midi monitor.  But first, I have to find my USB extension cable.

Testing continues ...

Current Projects:
Arranging Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat for the Genos
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Sing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)