¿como conseguir cargar extension VCE, LIV .. en la Expansión Manager?

Started by victorsp, February 09, 2020, 08:46:03 AM

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Buenos días a todos los participantes en el foro, muchas gracias al administrador por aceptarme en el foro.
Soy propietario de un psr sx900.
Me gustaría asignar a los midis o styles los sonidos VCE, LIV ... (registros de voces personalizados). ¿A alguién se le ocurre algún truco, método, para ser convertido a ppf y cargarse en la Expansión Manager o como alternativa poder asignarlo de forma directa a un midi o style.
Muchas Gracias por su atención.


Translation by Roger Brenizer

Good morning to all the participants in the forum, thank you very much to the administrator for accepting me in the forum.
I own a psr sx900.
I would like to assign the sounds VCE, LIV ... (custom voice records) to midis or styles. Does anyone come up with some trick, method, to be converted to ppf and loaded into the Expansion Manager or as an alternative to assign it directly to a midi or style.
Thank you very much for your attention.

PSR SX900,  TYROS 4,  PSR 910, TYROS 2, PSR 3000


Hello, if you mean voices that you have edited on the keyboard yourself, you can save your sounds in user memory, after that you can use it in any song or style, and save it in a record bank. there is no need to use YEM, unless they are voices of some expansion package. I hope this helps. regards. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Gracias Hans por contestar.
Estas voces pejemp  VCE que llevan asignadas registros de efectos personalizados las puedes tocar en vivo pero si la asignas a una parte del style no te respeta los efectos.


Translation by Roger Brenizer

Thanks Hans for answering.
These voices pejemp VCE that have assigned custom effect records can be played live but if you assign it to a part of the style it does not respect the effects.

PSR SX900,  TYROS 4,  PSR 910, TYROS 2, PSR 3000


Hi Victorsp, you're right. You cannot assign custom voices to a style or song. The only way is that you record a line melodica in the style or song you prefer with some of your edited voices. but remember to press SETUP in multiple recording mode and check the boxes you want to save in your song or style, and after that press SAVE. I hope this helps. regards. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Buenos días Hans

Es lo que hago, pero de la otra forma sería más cómodo, rápido.

Muchas gracias Hans.


Translation by Roger Brenizer

Good morning Hans

It's what I do, but otherwise it would be more comfortable, faster.

Thank you very much Hans.

PSR SX900,  TYROS 4,  PSR 910, TYROS 2, PSR 3000


Hi Victor, it's true. it would be great if Yamaha gave us the option to save our edited (custom) voices on our keyboard as new voices and also assign them to any style or song. regards. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Hi victorsp,

you can use the PC (Windows) program "PSRUTI" (developed by Heiko Plate):


With the function "Voicefile Revoicing", you can use your User Voice files (e.g. .VCE) for revoicing MIDI files. Please read page 12 in the PSRUTI manual:


To use PSRUTI with Style files, you could use "Style Split and Splice" (developed by Jørgen Sørensen):


In this forum it is common to write in English. Please use a translation tool (such as Google Translator) so that ALL forum members can read or understand your postings better. Thanks a lot!


Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris, thanks for your advice. I hadn't thought about the PSRUTI option. much appreciated. regards. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Good afternoon.
Thank you very much overover, sorry for not answering before since I could not.
I just saw your proposal and do it automatically and it works. A MILLION THANKS.
Also thank you for telling me that the forum content has to be in the English language.
Thanks to overover and Hans for answering and finally resolving.

I am so happy..... :) :) :)
PSR SX900,  TYROS 4,  PSR 910, TYROS 2, PSR 3000


"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"