PSR 2000 - New Gospel Worship Style/Beat Request and others Questions

Started by kohp, November 19, 2019, 08:42:37 AM

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Hello Everyone,
Thank you for having me in this forum... Looking to learn...
Would like to go ahead and apologize if I'm asking a "out of tune" question...

But, just got a PSR 2000 recently from someone, and been trying to learn how to make use of it the Max.

So 4 Questions

1- I often hear great Gospel and Worship beats, and was wondering how do I get my PSR to produce realistic Style/beat as possible? (any practical videos on it? - cause the ones I tried to do are just WEIRD!)

2- Alternatively, where could I find a repertory of New great Gospel and Worship Style/Beat that would work with the PSR 2000?

3- How do I get the midi port to play out/in through an audio interface like the UR22 Steinberg ?

4- When connected to my Mackie mixer sounds gets out great... but when using same cable connection to a friend's old mixer, sound is severely distorted, and I can't figure out whether it's his mixer, or the keyboard.. (I have a PSR EW-410 that play great sound through that same old mixer - sorry forgot the mixer brand) ... So is there any known issues when connecting the PSR 2000 to "old mixers"? else how to make sure the settings are perfects for every mixers it connects to?

PS: I'm just a self taught and started playing just a year ago... Always loved to learn, but only now I have started. So please, be merciful if you feel I'm too amateur.

Thank you for your patience into answering any or all of these 4 questions.


First go to the lessons pages of the site.  You will find a link at the top of the first page of the forum.  There you will find hundreds of styles for just the 2000.  Go through the tutorial pages as you will learn what a powerful kb you have and how to best use it.  The 2000 uses SFF1 style files.  The new kb's after the 3000 use SFF2 files and you need to convert them and tweak them to work well on the 2000.  I don't want to discourage you but the arranger kb is NOT an organ.  To get good stuff out of it will take some learning.  Believe me though that the more time you spend with it the more you will get out of it.


The beats that sound WEIRD are you making them from scratch. As in trying to record each drum pattern into the style yourself?

If so, you need to learn to "walk before you try and run" with that keyboard.

First look for the beat in another style your keyboard already has. Take that drum beat and find the bass pattern in another style. Match and mix what you already have ready to use.

Otherwise I believe you will need a DAW program to micro create a good sounding style. 

I started off with at PSR2000 and collected and made a library of 532 styles I used with it. Here is link to my page, go to the bottom of the page and get those styles for yourself. What ever you need will be there.
