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T5-76 Memory Question.

Started by Graham UK, August 24, 2019, 12:18:04 PM

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Graham UK

Recently purchased a nice T5-76 with HD.
There does not appear to be any extra memory fitted, does this mean I can't load other .UVN & .VCE

Had T2 for past 12 years so things are a different but in a good way.

Replies appreciated.


Toril S

Hello Graham! Congratulations on your T5!!! You will need the flash memory module to use expansion packs on the T5. T5 is compatible with Yamaha Expansion Manager.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Graham :

Great ! A super pro keyboard.
Congratulations. 💐

Toril explained what you need to make your beast complete.
2 GB cards are also available.

Good luck !
A very happy T5/76 owner

Graham UK

What I would like to know is...

1. I have downloaded .UVN files. If I understand you EX-Memory is required to be able to load these ?

2 I also have .VCE files, is extra Ex-memory also required to load these ?

3 If I want to tweak the internal voices can I just save these to HD without having Ex-Memory ?.

Thank you.


Hi graham

Are u sure the memory module
Isn't in your t5 as when I bought
Mine I got it free just incase.  Jim


Quote from: Graham UK on August 24, 2019, 01:53:08 PM
What I would like to know is...

1. I have downloaded .UVN files. If I understand you EX-Memory is required to be able to load these ?

2 I also have .VCE files, is extra Ex-memory also required to load these ?

3 If I want to tweak the internal voices can I just save these to HD without having Ex-Memory ?.

Thank you.

Hi Graham,
1. The uvn files will need to be imported into a pack in YEM on the computer at first. Once done they need to be installed (eg. Transferred  via wireless or usb) to Tyros which by this point will need to have the necessary memory module installed to receive them.

2. Normally vce files are freely loadable into Tyros, being derived from "ordinary" preset voices and do not require special memory. (Note if you happen to have obtained vce files made from expansion (custom) voices which you have not yet installed to your Tyros's memory module they wiil not work.)

3. Yes!



Hi Graham,

right on the Tyros5 there is no possibility to display if an Expansion Memory Module is installed or not. (Of course, you could open the expansion slot at the bottom of the Tyros5 to see if there is a module installed.)

However, the recommended method ist: Go to the "Function - Utility - Owner" display and export your "Instrument Info" file to a connected USB stick. Then connect the stick to the PC, open the Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) program, click on the PLUS sign near "Install Target", select "Import Instrument Info", select the Instrument Info file (.n27) on the USB stick and click OK to import it.

Now click on the new Install Target "TYROS5" in the YEM. IF some Expansion Memory is installed, you can see the available "Vocal Wave Size" at the top of the YEM window (511, 1023 or 2047 MB).

Note: If you would change the amount of the installed Expansion Memory in the future, you will have to re-export the Instrument Info, delete the "old" Install Target in YEM and import the new Instrument Info.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Graham congratulations on your update :)

No more strange noises in your styles now unless you are using an unmodified expansion style or original style of a newer keyboard like the Genos. If you don't have an expansion module and knowing you by now as someone that likes to try out non standard things on your keyboard I'd say buy such a module. Whether that will be a 1 Gigabyte modue or the 2 Gigabyte module is ofc up to you. But, if you are someone who rather wants to experiment withj the free voices and not the (nice but expensive) yamaha and 3rd party packs I advise a 2 Gb card. These uvn and cms and sf2 free stuff usually take up a lot of memory. At least a lot more than the official expansion packs/voices. It all depends on what you want and can afford and .... what is still available.

Good luck,


Graham, just a further qualification on my post.
If your uvn's are all based on sample voices taken from the keyboard they will probably not have a need for external memory, since all they need are links to samples that are already burned in. (I found this to be the case with custom voices with earlier Tyros's although by the time I had Ty5 I had already purchased a mean half gigabyte memory module).
So it is possible you might "get away with" transferring that type of voice to Tyros without needing to purchase extra memory. You could try installing from the computer and let YEM tell you if there is a problem or not.
OTOH if some of your uvn's are based on external samples or you are interested in using external voice packs in future you might want  to get a memory module anyway to have the flexibility.


Graham UK

All your reply's are very much appreciated. I'm only on day 2 with the T5 so will be on learning curve a while.

I had extra memory board in my T2 (SOLD) but only needed it occasionally so for a start I will keep T5 how it is and can always purchase expansion memory latter.

Thankfully YouTube is a wonderful source of video information.


Hi Graham,

only .UVN/.UVD voice files with a file size of 1 - 4 KB (kilobytes) are completely based on internal Tyros Samples (and can therefore be used without an Expansion Memory Module on T5).

All .UVN voices over 4 KB contain their own SAMPLES (wave data). Normally, .UVN voices have file sizes from a few MB up to several tens of MB.

By the way: You can also use .TVN voices (from Tyros2), but they must be converted to .UVN format first (by using the Yamaha "Tyros3 FileConverter").

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Graham UK

Chris. Your reply is very helpful as I do have TVN's saved from my T2.  Looks like I will have to without sleep this coming week..Ha!!!

Question. So what are .VCE files ?


They are just ordinary voice files. You may choose to use voice set to alter some of the parameters to give the voice a different sound. You would then save these as User voices which you can use at any time. As they are using the on board sounds you don't need special memory.


Hi Graham :

It might be more useful if you should focus on packs ( ppf etc. ) to be loaded in your T5 instead of the old T2 stuff.

I understand you want to keep it but packs will give you much more satisfaction and fun, IMHO.
Plse find information on the internet and Youtube.

Good luck !

Graham UK

EileenL. On the T2 there was a voice button to be able to load individual voices...that button is missing on this T5 ?.

To load .vce files into T5 do I have to use YEM....Is this the only way ?.


No Graham as explained these are normal on board voices that have just had different effects added to them. You save them to your user section. I usually make a folder called EL user voices and then save any voices I tweak into that so they are easy to find. On Tyros 5 you should see a button marked
Expansion/User. Press this and select User to use your voices.

Graham UK

Reply's appreciated...So I make a named (Folder User VCE) ?. on the Hard-Drive and save and load voice edits from there.

Sorry for my YEM questions but this is new to me and things are taken for granted and not always explained, so my aging brain needs to be kicked in action.
T2 was much simpler.

EDIT. Eileen. Expansion/User you listed was the answer, so now I can load.vce's I have download into MY-USER..




They are just ordinary voice files. You may choose to use voice set to alter some of the parameters to give the voice a different sound. You would then save these as User voices which you can use at any time. As they are using the on board sounds you don't need special memory.

No Graham as explained these are normal on board voices that have just had different effects added to them. You save them to your user section. I usually make a folder called EL user voices and then save any voices I tweak into that so they are easy to find. On Tyros 5 you should see a button marked
Expansion/User. Press this and select User to use your voices.

You answered my questions without asking, Thanks Eileen

Joe H

Quote from: Graham UK on August 25, 2019, 07:19:38 AM
... Question. So what are .VCE files ?

Hi Graham,

The .vce (User Voice) file is used with the Left and Right Voices only.

When you load a Left, R1, R2, or R3 voice the Preset (or expansion Voice) is loaded first then, the .vce file which is just a simple MIDI file that contains information that will alter the Voice loaded.  Things like Volume, DSP Type, Octave shift, Filter, etc.

The .vce file is NOT loaded when we select a Voice for a style Part.

You could select a Legacy Voice and then open Voice Set (.vce file) and add a DSP and other settings and save the file as a User Voice.  The User Voices (.vce files) can be saved anywhere you like.  They are very small files and don't take much memory at all.

BTW... If you create say a (User) Suitcase E.P. and name it Graham E.P.  What will happen is when you load the Graham E.P. you will see displayed... Suitcase E.P.  This happens because as explained above, the Preset Voice is loaded first then your custom settings (the .vce file).

So... what you will hear is your custom E.P. Voice with the original name displayed.  This confuses many people, but it's just a matter of understanding how the keyboard works.

Hope this explanation helps.

Joe H
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