Started by DIANADIANA, April 06, 2018, 04:35:46 PM

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I have downloaded some styles from new keyboards, but have strange notes
How i can edit styles for have one right intonation
Which software i can use
i enclose one mp3 sample

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Hi --

For which keyboard are the styles designed?

What is your keyboard, that is, the keyboard which will play the styles?

This information is important to understanding your situation.

Thanks -- pj


I have problem with styles of tyros4, tyros 5 or recent keyboard model
I have the old yamaha psr 3000
Is one problem with notes, perhaps
But i don't know the solution for straighten up these styles



The problem is that there are two style formats SFF1 deesigned for the earlier instruments and SFF2 that ofter has some tracks ( e.g. guitar) that will not reprocuce well on the older instruments.

The simplest solution is to look for collections of newer styles that have been converted (perhaps other users of the older PSR's can suggest some good sources).

Otherwise, Joprgen has some useful programs here:


Michael P. Bedesem
Tyros 5



I agree with Michael but using Style Magic Yamaha one can easily convert SFF2 to SFF1. Of course there's some tweaking to do.

Regards <> Piet
Yamaha Tyros 4 - Yamaha KX 25 - Gem WSII module


I have try to edit some styles directly with my keyboard
For one moment i have found one great solution, but i have try to edit another styles with the same method and i don't have results.
The internal function in the style editor is "root fixes"
I have try with one dance style and i have correct the note of single parts (bass, ch1, ch2 and other) and i had one great result
For example if the correct note is C, i have found another notes for example E or F in the wrong parts.
I have think these. If the right note is C, i must insert C value for all notes.
But i don't know because these method is not correct for all styles. If these styles coming from the same type of keyboard.
In these case i have downloaded some dance styles from yamaha genos

I must try with another styles of another genre, perhaps rock or latin. I think these it depends from dance styles.
Perhaps dance styles have one different internal construction
I have hear some another styles from other genre and the instruments are not great, but not so bad as dance styles


You will never get Genos styles to sound as they should on other keyboards. A lot of the newer voices will not be present in older keyboards or the drum kits.