Author Topic: CVP 805 - Bosendorfer sounds quiet  (Read 959 times)

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Offline jcm2016

CVP 805 - Bosendorfer sounds quiet
« on: January 23, 2023, 12:08:51 PM »
When I select the Bosendorfer, it sound much quieter than the other pianos.  I don't just mean mellow (the way the Yamaha is brighter).   It's as if the volume goes down a lot.  This is both in Piano Room and in the regular sound section.  I found myself turning up the volume quite a bit.  In Piano Room I had the lid all the way open.

I've never played an acoustic Bosendorfer -  are they actually much softer?  Am I mixing up mellow Vs bright for soft Vs loud?

What do you think?

Thanks as always.