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Genos (12 Boards) => Genos - General => Topic started by: Mike2 on December 29, 2021, 02:41:04 PM

Title: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Mike2 on December 29, 2021, 02:41:04 PM
Are there many with the Genos that don't upgrade?  I have not for the last 2 upgrades. If there are any benefits, I don't really see it. If it would change the whole total keyboard sound, then yes. But for me this keyboard is great the way it is. Just wondering if anyone feels the same.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Bud2 on December 29, 2021, 03:03:39 PM
Hi Mike, no I always upgrade whenever one comes out because sometimes there maybe things that are updated but not in the list, also sometimes you can't do an update if you are to far behind so then have to do these before you can do the latest one. Looks like it is a waste of time me replying as everyone else who has more or less said what I have said have been "liked" but I have not.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: EileenL on December 29, 2021, 03:17:05 PM
Always do the update as little faults that are reported get fixed and make for smoother running.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on December 29, 2021, 03:43:38 PM
Also, Yamaha has given us some very nice extra free toys over the past fast few years. For example, we now need to give the focus to any adjustment before the adjustment can be made. This is the best thing they gave us. With older OS versions, when you touched the volume slider (for example), if you touched it in the wrong spot, you'd kill your audience or blow a speaker!

The bug fixes are critical too - as Eileen mentioned.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Bill on December 29, 2021, 03:47:30 PM

I too always upgrade quickly.  The question is really why would you not. 

The whole process is designed to iron out bugs (some which are not always obvious)


Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Mike2 on December 29, 2021, 03:58:16 PM
Ok thanks for all the info.  So I Can just do the latest upgrade right?
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Mike2 on December 29, 2021, 04:30:16 PM
Just did the upgrade.  It would be nice if Yamaha would give us a few new styles...But that is wishful thinking on my part.
Thanks again...I shall upgrade when it's time again..
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: overover on December 29, 2021, 04:41:29 PM
Are there many with the Genos that don't upgrade?  I have not for the last 2 upgrades. If there are any benefits, I don't really see it. If it would change the whole total keyboard sound, then yes. But for me this keyboard is great the way it is. Just wondering if anyone feels the same.

Hi Mike,

I also recommend that you always update to the latest Firmware version. Of course, if you stick to an old version that's up to you. But you are giving away a lot of potential of your keyboard, which is constantly being improved by the free updates.

By the way, a new version of the Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) often requires a certain Firmware version of the keyboard. Since you also have to use the latest YEM version for relatively new expansion packs, it could be that the YEM "suddenly" is no longer compatible with your Genos if you do not install any Firmware updates.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Wim on December 29, 2021, 06:48:15 PM
See the video from Casper TutorSynth. He gives an explanation and solution of the bug.

And all the best wishes for 2022. And hopefully not with that tiny little creature ;D ;)
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: EileenL on December 29, 2021, 10:38:55 PM
Yamaha gave us 50 new styles with the version 2 update. Also expansion voices and Play list to go with it.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on December 29, 2021, 11:17:43 PM
Eileen, I didn't notice the 50 new styles. Are they mostly European and mid East/Asian? Those are seldom used by us North American style players. Where are they? Thanks.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: overover on December 29, 2021, 11:35:24 PM
Eileen, I didn't notice the 50 new styles. Are they mostly European and mid East/Asian? Those are seldom used by us North American style players. Where are they? Thanks.

Hi Lee,

Eileen is talking about the "Genos V2.0 Superior Pack" and the "Bonus Playlist for Genos V2.0 Superior Pack" that you can download from the Genos download site:

The content of the Superior Pack (Voices, Styles, Registrations) is listed in this PDF file:

The "Bonus Playlist for Genos V2.0 Superior Pack" contains Registration files (.rgt) and a Playlist file (.tsv) for 50 song titles (see attached picture).

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: MadrasGiaguari on December 29, 2021, 11:38:15 PM
Dear Lee,

go to the Yamaha US site/Products/Musical Instruments/Keyboard Instruments/Digital and Arranger Workstations/Genos/Downloads, or click on this link: (

Then download "GENOS V2.0 SUPERIOR PACK". That's it.

This pack of 50 styles is very good, and offers styles of various genres. I'm sure that you will find many suitable to North America taste.



Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on December 30, 2021, 01:01:23 AM
Thanks, Chris and Angelo! Looks like some really good files ;).
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Gunnar Jonny on December 30, 2021, 06:20:08 AM
Just did the upgrade.  It would be nice if Yamaha would give us a few new styles...But that is wishful thinking on my part.
Thanks again...I shall upgrade when it's time again..

As well as the superiorpack that Eileen mention, Yamaha also gave us all the addonpacks that we usually had to pay for, for free.
That's not only a few more styles, but hundreds of styles and sounds. 🎶🎹🎶 (
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on December 30, 2021, 02:12:21 PM
Hi Gj. A lot of those are styles I can't play but there are also some very interesting ones. Thanks!
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: dinapoli on December 31, 2021, 04:55:30 PM
I don't think I ever upgraded my Genos.  I was of the opinion if it's not broken why fix it?

Where do I find a list of benefits to upgrade and how do I upgrade?

Happy New Year!

Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Bud2 on December 31, 2021, 06:52:58 PM
They put out updates for a good reason some make things better sometimes they put right something they have forgotten in the original OS.
It is always best to update.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Bill on December 31, 2021, 08:04:13 PM
I don't think I ever upgraded my Genos.  I was of the opinion if it's not broken why fix it?

Where do I find a list of benefits to upgrade and how do I upgrade?

Happy New Year!



Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: tyrosman on January 02, 2022, 12:08:52 PM
Just did the upgrade.  It would be nice if Yamaha would give us a few new styles...But that is wishful thinking on my part.
Thanks again...I shall upgrade when it's time again..
  but why would they do that they gave you all the packs for free
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Mike2 on January 02, 2022, 12:51:18 PM
Because I don't think they were selling.  Yes, they were for free but my opinion is, people don't like going through the process of using pack. Personally it's a pain and outdated.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: dinapoli on January 02, 2022, 01:51:59 PM
Thank you Bill,
This is a long list of fixes!  I never noticed anything wrong with my Genos.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: tyrosman on January 02, 2022, 03:41:24 PM
Because I don't think they were selling.  Yes, they were for free but my opinion is, people don't like going through the process of using pack. Personally it's a pain and outdated.
that is one thing its not and that is outdated >:(
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on January 03, 2022, 02:55:57 PM
Perhaps not so much "outdated" but most of the free packs are for a specific market. There's very little there that I need. I can't play 90% of those styles. I wouldn't know where to begin :(.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Mike2 on January 03, 2022, 08:23:50 PM
Outdated wasn't what I should of said.  Lee, I feel exactly the same way there is very little that I need as well, and I can't play those styles either.  Well said!
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: EileenL on January 03, 2022, 11:24:08 PM
What styles are they that you can't play. Most play on Genos with no problem.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on January 04, 2022, 12:39:47 AM
They play just fine, Eileen. It's me who can't play songs with them. I know nothing about the genre ;D. The airplane is fine. It's the pilot :o.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: EileenL on January 04, 2022, 12:58:06 PM
Well Lee I tend to try them and sometimes a song will spring to mind that works well. Then I save it with a new name. I suppose we all have our own idea's.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Gunnar Jonny on January 04, 2022, 04:23:19 PM
Hi Lee.
Like Eileen, I tend to explore and try the styles in multiple contexts and regardless of what song or genre they were originally intended for.
If you clear your brain, forget intros and song titles etc. and just play through the different rhythms and variations at random, a completely different song or melody may appear that the relevant accompaniment is intended for.
I do this often, just sit down and fool around with the styles, and all of a sudden there is a rhythm that gives inspiration in completely different directions than you might think. With all the rhythms we have access to, there are endless possibilities.
Happy New Year!
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on January 04, 2022, 05:41:54 PM
You both make excellent points. When playing any song, there are two basic approaches.

You play a version of the original that matches your style of playing. The original melody and basic chord structure is maintained but everything else is open to interpretation.

The song is played almost identically to the original. No interpretation is allowed.

I prefer a mix of the two. Where your ideas may work is by assigning an Asian style (for example) to a Western style song. Perhaps I'll download some of these styles and listen to see what my aging brain can cook up ;D.

There is a good example of a Hawaiian chap on YouTube who plays his ukulele to a Reggae beat and sings Over The Rainbow. It's a totally bizarre interpretation but it really works!
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Mike2 on January 05, 2022, 06:47:49 PM
I feel like Lee does.  I don't have any problem playing a song with any style. It might not give that song much listening. Like playing Silent Night with a bluegrass style. But I have experimented with many songs, playing them in my own style of choice, and have been told by my listeners, that it's nice to hear it differently, not that Silent Night would sound ok with a bluegrass style. I could play it with that style if someone requested it. My point is, I don't read music, and can play any slow songs in an up tempo style. The same if I have to play fast songs in a slow tempo, which ever style. I enjoy styles that are created for certain songs. An example would be the song I just Called To Say I love You by Stevie Wonder. There is a style that with a little tweeking, sounds great...Just my two cents worth..
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Toril S on January 05, 2022, 10:14:12 PM
I listen to a lot of styles, Some of them do not "speak" to me at all, so I put them away. Others inspire me to play a certain song, but the most fun I have when a style "speaks" to me and begges me to make a melody. That is how I compose my songs. And sometimes I go back to the styles I didn't like the first time I heard them, and suddenly they come alive and I can use them.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: MINKYCATS on January 07, 2022, 10:41:09 AM
Hi guys and gals,

I wonder if you could help me with getting this upgrade to work using my iMac computer. I have never had a  problem with previous upgrades but I’m really stuck with this one. I have been trying for a week now but I think the time as come for me to draw on your wisdom.

I can download the the 2.1 Upgrade from the Yamaha website with no problem. I have saved it on the Desktop so I can easily find it.

I have formatted a 16GB usb stick on the keyboard successfully.

But I can’t move the Upgrade from the Desktop to the USB stick which I believe would be the next step and this is where I need some help please.


Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Mike2 on January 07, 2022, 02:55:14 PM
I would go to my PC and open the USB up. Making sure the updated folder is unzipped extract. Slide the folder extracted to your usb.  This way you will know it is on there.  Try that.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: RONBO on January 07, 2022, 03:24:59 PM

I have a Mac computer and I had no issues with the upgrade.

Just click and hold and slide over to the usb stick, which should show on the desktop also, and then once you see a plus sign or something to that effect let the mouse go and watch the move take place.
Then proceed after safely ejecting the USB and then insert the drive into genos and carry on from there


Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: MINKYCATS on January 07, 2022, 03:48:16 PM
Hi Mike and RONBO

Thank you very much for your replies. The problem is that I can’t get the USB stick to show on the Desktop.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: RONBO on January 07, 2022, 03:54:41 PM

That happened to me once before..
the stick was defective so I used another one,,

There are cheap sticks available these days that are no good from the get-go


Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: MINKYCATS on January 07, 2022, 04:01:53 PM

Thanks for your input. I will try another genuine USB stick and let you know if that solves the problem.

Much appreciated.

Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on January 07, 2022, 06:37:11 PM
Also Trevor, make sure when you do get the update moved to the USB stick, that the update resides in the root director of the stick, not inside a folder.
Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: MINKYCATS on January 07, 2022, 07:48:32 PM
Hi RONBO and Lee,

RONBO you were right about the USB stick - it was the source of the trouble. I replaced it with a brand new one which I had and first formatted that on the keyboard  and then put it into the computer. Sure enough it appeared on the Desktop. I then followed your instructions and it worked like a charm. My Genos is now running on the v2.10 upgrade. I am most grateful for all your help.

And Lee - thank you for the reminder about the root directory.


Title: Re: Genos 2.1 Upgrade
Post by: Lee Batchelor on January 09, 2022, 02:06:51 PM
Glad to help, Trevor.