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Genos Speakers / Foot Pedals / Re: Yamaha HS Speaker Recommendation
« Last post by rick76 on Today at 01:48:08 PM »
Thanks for your input. Have a great day.
Genos Speakers / Foot Pedals / Re: Yamaha HS Speaker Recommendation
« Last post by maarkr on Today at 01:41:06 PM »
too much for small rooms?  I have HS8s and a sub in a small bedroom and I can get a full sound.  Any speaker system will distort if pushed too much.  I use them for music production with Studio One and they translate nicely to online music files.  I test mixes at 85dB before release.  If you want super loud, get like a 1000W QSC speaker which is used for small venues.
Genos Speakers / Foot Pedals / Re: Yamaha HS Speaker Recommendation
« Last post by rick76 on Today at 11:09:27 AM »
Thanks for your time and explanation.

Have a good day.
PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: sustain pedal
« Last post by BogdanH on Today at 10:15:46 AM »
As other have mentioned, there are a lot of things for which we can use pedals.
I have FC-7 pedal, however I don't use it really. I think the typical use would be for playing organ... listen to this song and pay attention on how organ volume changes -but believe me, it's much harder to accomplish this than one might think. FC-7 really needs a lot of practicing.

I mainly use normal sustain/switch pedals (sustain pedal is switch actually, it only has different shape and feel). I use pedals for changing something that's hard to do while both hands are busy playing: switching from one style variation to next one, repeating variation (to insert fill-in), to switch trough registration sequence, to change OTS voice, etc. In short: that way I have my hands free for playing only, without the need to push buttons while I play.
Yes, sometimes I wish SX700 would have 3rd jack for pedal  :)

Genos Speakers / Foot Pedals / Re: Yamaha HS Speaker Recommendation
« Last post by BogdanH on Today at 09:47:26 AM »
hello Rick,
I have KRK 5G4 in a smallish room of about 12m^2. Let me clarify few things...
We need to be specific when we talk about bass problem. Bass has a frequency range of about 50Hz to 250Hz (roughly C1...C3 on keybed) and KRK 5 has no distortion in this range. I assume, the problem that you have, is sub-bass range below 50Hz (most left octave on Genos): there's no rich deep bass. But this cannot be solved with EQ. We must keep in mind that we're only applying EQ adjustment within range that the speaker is capable to play. We cannot force speaker to play below 50Hz by increasing EQ level in that range. If we increase too much, we will get distortion in the range that speaker is otherwise capable to play perfectly fine.

According to tests and specifications, KRK 5 frequency range starts at about 55Hz and the same is true for HS7 -and so you cannot expect any difference in sub-bass range. HS8 starts at 47Hz and even that doesn't seem to make some difference, it is much better (in sub-bass region there's a battle for every Hz).
Btw. there's no such thing as too much for small area -I mean, we can always decrease volume. The only thing that might be too much in this case, is speaker size. And if size is no problem for you, go for HS8.
However, HS8 will still not solve sub-bass problem, because starting at 47Hz is not low enough for that.

What I recommend is, that you keep KRK 5 and get a decent subwoofer.

Genos2 / Re: SSS test
« Last post by soundphase on Today at 09:43:03 AM »
Hi soundphase,

Before I removed the attached file in your post above, I downloaded it and uploaded it to my account for you. Here is the link to this Registration Bank file:
>>> TestPSRTutorial.T559.rgt

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I cannot test/examine the file at the moment.

Best regards,
There is no urgency for the study results :-).
Could you just confirm that you easily reproduce the issue using the registration file on your own Genos2?
Thank you!
Yamaha Keyboards - General / Re: How Many Styles Do We Need ?
« Last post by andyg on Today at 08:58:30 AM »
Attending keyboard demonstrations you often hear people saying they have the same model at home but it does not sound as good as the demonstrators keyboard.
Nothing to do with professional playing

Having heard that comment for around the same time as you, starting with organ demonstrations long before keyboards came about, I'd say that it actually has an awful lot to do with the playing skills, as well as the abilities of the demonstrators to get the best out of the instrument. They usually know it inside out, upside down and backwards. Do we (and I have to include myself) adjust from the 'stock' settings? Of course we do, though I'd usually make a point of showing some things 'out of the box' as well. Did we use extra speakers/amplification? Depended on the venue. 1500 seater theatre - of course. In-store party? Hardly ever, again dependent on the size of the dealer's shop.

The first Hammond organ show I went to was presented by the UK's "Mr Hammond", Keith Beckingham. I can't quote him exactly from memory but it went something like this. "You know, some people tell me that they'd give their right arm to make their Hammond sound like this. I tell them that's not a practical solution!"
The vagueness on recommended number of files in a directory I think comes down to the internals of the FAT32 format.  A directory can have 65536 'entries'.  Each file will require multiple 'entry' - at least 2, and more if longer file names are used.  I think therefore the 255 guide is not unreasonable, but not absolute.  I guess once you exceed the limit, the addition of additional files to the directory would fail.

Genos2 / Re: SSS test
« Last post by overover on Today at 07:12:59 AM »
Hi soundphase,

Before I removed the attached file in your post above, I downloaded it and uploaded it to my account for you. Here is the link to this Registration Bank file:
>>> TestPSRTutorial.T559.rgt

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I cannot test/examine the file at the moment.

Best regards,
Yamaha Keyboards - General / Re: How Many Styles Do We Need ?
« Last post by SciNote on Today at 05:05:48 AM »
I probably play somewhat differently than most on here, probably due to learning to play keyboard on Classic home organs.  I only use the style for the drums, and on my PSR-E433, I usually rotate through about a dozen or so styles for all the different songs I play.  I then play as much as I can for bass with my left hand, and use both hands to fill in background accompaniment.  Because of this, I have searched and found a few sounds that give me the best "bang for the buck" as a left hand bass and accompaniment sound -- sounds that have enough punch for the bass, but are not too overwhelming when playing 2-3 notes with the left hand, and that will not fade out too quickly so that I can hold down notes for a measure or two.  Additionally, I do use a second keyboard -- a Roland Gaia SH-01 synth -- along with my E433, allowing me to jump to that keyboard for various fill-ins and orchestral changes without having to mess with any buttons.
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