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The Next Yamaha Keyboard / Re: Why do we always want more?
« Last post by Duffy on Today at 09:55:19 AM »
But the question was....

Having bought and paid for a new keyboard, piano, synth, guitar or whatever, why do we almost immediately start finding problems with it?

Only Eileen has nailed it so far.  ;)

That's what I can't get my head around. Why do we buy the latest, greatest instruments if they don't have what we want...I'm interested why some of us go and spend several thousands of £ $ € to buy something we're not happy with.. It's fascinating.

Bit like buying a Vintage Car and then being unhappy because it hasn't got a heated steering wheel....

It's because they give us "a little bit of what we want" but just not the whole lot.
As has been pointed out,  those who say they are completely happy with their instrument,  are still the first in the queue to upgrade when a new model comes out.
Everyone likes to think that,  they will sound better,  and will also enjoy the extra options that a new upgraded model will always bring.
I still have Genos one because Genos 2 still doesn't address the 2 main issues which I have with it, (sound glitch and poor Hammond Organ).
I like the Bohm but am too old to make massive changes now.
The Next Yamaha Keyboard / Re: Why do we always want more?
« Last post by Graham UK on Today at 09:25:11 AM »
For many years I worked with different speaker designers.
In the early years I was eager to learn and they all told me the same thing that at the end of the day you can't alter the laws of nature.
Materials are improved but the standard sound design rules still apply.
PSR-3000/1500 (SFF1) / Re: firmware psr 3000 HELP
« Last post by Masonic Organist on Today at 03:05:48 AM »
Hello folks,  I have just joined the site having recently bought 2 PSR 3000s to replace my well used, very frequently gigged (over 22 years) and now wearing out PSR 550 and PSR 740.

I have seen the various postings regarding the firmware upgrade for the 3000.  I already have 2 Smartmedia cards (both 128MB) and I have just arranged purchase of a USB Smartmedia card reader (arriving soon) so that I can download the 1.8 version firmware using my laptop (already done) and then install it on the 3000 using my Smartmedia card.

The question I have, is there any document or list of the upgraded features that the 1.8 firmware provides?  Using the guidance given in this thread I checked out the firmware versions I have on both of my 3000s and they are 1.04 and 1.54 so they would certainly both benefit from an upgrade to 1.8.

Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.  Many Thanks. Mark
PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: What Does the .- before a style mean
« Last post by hammer on Today at 02:31:59 AM »

Copy all the files onto a thumb drive.  Put that thumb drive in your Windows computer.
Open the folder with the files.  Highlight all the files with the .- in the title.  Press delete.
That is all there is to it.  It will delete the highlighted files and when you put that thumb drive
back into your PSR900 the .- files will be gone.

Keep in mind that Yamaha UK may not provide a warranty on a self-imported device.


They will. Most companies do this; they split up the global into national divisions, and then each national division (Yamaha Canada, US, UK) is responsible for their own product support. So if you get it for a lot less (I'm talking equivalent to a used price in the UK) then I guess it's worth taking the risk

From personal experience, working in music retail for a few decades now, I can tell you that everyone thinks they'll never have to use their warranty. Until they do, and they find out just how horribly expensive it can be. Anything can go, any brand, and the cost of repair is often *more* than buying a new unit, if not under warranty. While I'm not talking about Yamaha, there are 2 other major brands (which I won't name, since we sell one of them as well), where I've seen the *warranty* repair cost (due to shipping, etc) ended up being more than the cost of a new unit(!)

Buyer beware.

PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: What Does the .- before a style mean
« Last post by dlepera on Today at 01:17:12 AM »
Hello Hammer.

  Can I ask for the benefit of those that are not really computer savvy to maybe put a few lines in this post on how you were able to find all the files. The delete is simple but identifying them on a Windows computer requires just a little knowledge of the search criteria.

  I know in my case unless you have a more simple way,  once the USB is selected in Windows Explorer in the upper right hand Search Window I would enter ".-*". That is everything I typed including the quotes and let it do it's search which can take some time depending on the amount of data on the USB.  Have no idea if there is such a simple way with a MAC.

PS. If you read my Post on my SX700 Search Issue, I stated:

""" I have not had time yet to install the old version firmware provided to me to see if I can break things, but I still point my finger on those ".-E*" files as being my cause which broke things every single time when I had them on my USB with my styles. Once I cleaned them up from everywhere, I am unable to break this search function. """

  So cleaning these files has very good benefit. At least in my case with the ".-E*" files.

            Thanks.   dom 

The Next Yamaha Keyboard / Re: Why do we always want more?
« Last post by Oxford1035 on Today at 12:22:40 AM »
Why do,we always want more?

It’s called human nature!😉

Hello Everyone! / Re: Hi from Liverpool UK
« Last post by tyrosrick on Yesterday at 08:25:54 PM »
Welcome to the best forum for Genos2/PSR keyboards anywhere. You are in the company of players and helpers who are compassionate, sincere, encouraging, ready to assist, non-judgmental on any question or concern.......GEESH, they sound like my late mother (getting teary eyed now), gotta go!. ;)
PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: What Does the .- before a style mean
« Last post by hammer on Yesterday at 07:54:57 PM »
Thanks to everyone who answered my question.  I found a good and simple
answer to the problem. I put the thumb drive in my Windows computer
and very easily was able to delete every file starting with the .- symbol.
When I put the thumb drive back in my PSR900 they were all gone.  The
entire process took about 10 minutes for over 2000 files.

Yes, the onboard speakers of the SX 900 work well to self-monitor, while playing live.  Otherwise, an external speaker system seems a must.  I can’t recall ever using the SX 900 live without a set of powered monitors.
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