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PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: Korg PA5X v PSR SX900: initial impression
« Last post by Totomo on Today at 05:01:48 AM »
Been own a Pa700 less than 6 months then sell it.  Because she has no registration bank like SX900 and my oldies KN1000.   But the string on korg Pa700 sound better than SX900.
PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: Questions about SX900 Bonus Playlist
« Last post by DrakeM on Today at 03:51:19 AM »
In this case, it could be simply a plain description like "song name - style name" on paper, text file, or HTML page .....

Yes and that is what the Music Finder in the older keyboards always contained. But you could also put notes in the Music Finder data base. Things like what key you played the song in, search and sort by Codes for keeping the songs by gig set numbers. Search hundred of your songs from A-Z with the quick skip button.

I really hope Yamaha adds the Music Finder back.
PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: Questions about SX900 Bonus Playlist
« Last post by herb on Today at 02:42:17 AM »
Yes. If you need the sheet music, you can ask for it over in the Sheet Music section of the forum.

In this case, it could be simply a plain description like "song name - style name" on paper, text file, or HTML page .....

Remember that a Playlist entry is just a pointer to a registration file.

In this case, it could be simply a registration memory for a song ......
Actually, I found,  yes it is.
It is in fact a registration bank file for a song (with only one memory) !
Tyros 2 (SFF1) / Re: Question about Style Creator Tyros
« Last post by DrakeM on Yesterday at 11:24:30 PM »
The issue with using the "Style Tempo Editor" is once you SAVE the style, you can not edit any of it in the keyboard's "Style Creator" program. The style will change all the different Tempos to ONE speed if you try to edit it in anyway. 

I used it once and still do use the custom style I made with it, but it could sound even better if I could adjust and balance the volume on each of the style parts in it. I currently have a NOTE on my lead sheet to turn the style's volume down to 60. 

I have since found and use a Registration as the easiest and most effective way to go.   ;)



PSR-E Series / Re: Is hte PSR-E363 worth buying in 2024?
« Last post by p$manK32 on Yesterday at 10:56:21 PM »
the EK50 is nicely compact.

Yes. I noticed the E373’s portability was not better than the EK-50. EK-50 is just a little heavier. The EK-50 was my first arranger keyboard. I sold it when I got the SX900 and then got an E373 to have a cheaper lighter keyboard, but I realize now I should have kept the EK-50. The EK-50 is probably the competitor to the E473 more so than the E373.

PSR-E Series / Re: i500 - can i use custom made arpeggios ?
« Last post by shirish on Yesterday at 09:35:06 PM »
@SciNote  @PSR_E473(Salman)
Thank you for your help.
Looks like it is not very straight forward to create a custom Arpeggio. And even if i use a sequencer and create it, it has many limitations.

So One question, please help - what is the relation of a .sty (style) file and Arpeggio file ?
.sty file will have a rhythm pattern, that the Arpeggio setting can use to create its notes?
I am not an expert at this, trying to learn. Thank you.
Tyros 2 (SFF1) / Re: Question about Style Creator Tyros
« Last post by overover on Yesterday at 09:14:19 PM »
... I have a question regarding the operation of the style creator of the Tyros series. Specifically, my question is whether a style can be created/modified by assigning a tempo to the intro and a different tempo to the mains. I've tried it but when I change the tempo in any of the parts and hit save, it always saves the last option, assigning the same tempo to all the sections and intros. ...

Hi Fran,

As already mentioned, I recommend working with registrations, i.e. a registration bank with several registrations for the individual parts of a song.

If you don't want to work with registrations, you can use the "Style Tempo Editor" program, developed by our forum member Jørgen Sørensen. With this (Windows) program you can set a different Tempo for each Style Section (called "Part" in this program).

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
PSR-E Series / Re: Is hte PSR-E363 worth buying in 2024?
« Last post by Amwilburn on Yesterday at 09:13:31 PM »
I second that, the EK50 is really good at that price point (although it's actually over double the price of the E373 & E383). About 2.4 x the price, in fact.

The add on styles are kinda odd; you can download and add a single pack (with drum samples!) and they contain between 20 and 40 styles. But the styles sound really good, and easily better than the EX50 or PSRe473, although the PSRe473 has the added fun of sampling). And yes, the EK50 is nicely compact.

Tyros 2 (SFF1) / Re: Question about Style Creator Tyros
« Last post by DerekA on Yesterday at 08:52:50 PM »
Just to add a little to Drake's answer - you cannot have different tempos applied to different sections within the style. The *only* way to achieve what you want is using either different style files (bad idea really) or the same style file included in several registrations each with a different tempo / section selected.
PSR-SX900/SX700/SX600 / Re: Questions about SX900 Bonus Playlist
« Last post by DerekA on Yesterday at 08:50:08 PM »
Remember that a Playlist entry is just a pointer to a registration file.

So when you select the playlist entry, the system will load up whatever was in that registration file. And the person who created the registration had a completely free choice on which settings to include in it - voices, styles, MIDI file, text file, etc.

That means when you select a playlist entry that you've not used before, you don't know exactly how much - or how little - you are getting. The main flaw I see in the playlist / registration system is that there is no way *on the keyboard itself* to tell which groups of settings are contained within a registration.
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