Yamaha Keyboards (4 Boards) > Yamaha Keyboards - General

Another Yamaha Forum Bites The Dust

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Eileen Lowery just announced her Yamahakeyboardplayers forum will close down June 30, 2024. 

Eileen has been a huge contributor of very wise and useful advice to Yamaha keyboard owners. Her forum will be missed.


Edit: Corrected spelling of some words and removed unnecessary line breaks by overover

Sorry to hear that.

I always enjoy reading Eileen's posts as they are most often bang on.

I have visited her forum many times and even though she is shutting it down and I hope she continues to participate on this forum. Here's hoping and all the best to Eileen in whatever she decides




--- Quote from: hammer on May 25, 2024, 04:00:34 PM ---Eileen Lowery just announced her Yamahakeyboardplayers forum will close down June 30, 2024.

Eileen has been a huge contributor of very wise and useful advice to Yamaha keyboard owners. Her forum will be missed.


--- End quote ---
Hi Dean

Since Eileen is a very active member here, I am surprised you choose to announce the closure. I am sure Eileen will announce it when she is ready.  Sorry I just hate it when people talk about someone as though they are not here.

Edit: Quote adapted from Hammer's edited post by overover

Eileen has announced it. I’m pretty sure she has no issue with the word spreading around.


Edit: Corrected spelling of some words by overover


--- Quote from: hammer on May 25, 2024, 05:24:14 PM --- I’m pretty sure she has no issue with the word spreading around.

--- End quote ---

You just don’t understand, do you.

It’s immaterial whether she does or not since you have already beat her to the finish line. I hope you enjoy your prize for getting there first.


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