Yamaha Keyboards (4 Boards) > Yamaha Keyboards - General

Importing Yamaha SX900 to UK: Customs Duties and VAT?

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Hello everyone,

I just found that the price of the SX900 in a foreign country is much cheaper than the current price for the same keyboard in the UK. I don't know why. But suppose I can buy it abroad and bring it back to the UK. I guess I may need to deal with customs duties and VAT when importing the keyboard.

Does anyone have experience or advice on what to expect in terms of taxes and paperwork when bringing an instrument into the UK? Is it likely that I will have to pay a big amount in the UK, which would defeat the purpose of buying the keyboard abroad?

Thanks in advance!

Keep in mind that Yamaha UK may not provide a warranty on a self-imported device.


I pretty regularly take my keyboards into Europe and back to the UK..Just put them in as part of your luggage.. No boxes. I've never once had an issue.
We've got family in Switzerland and France, and friends in the EU.
Don't over think it would be my advice  8)

Kurt is right. Maybe it would be good if you check Yamaha warranty policy first -just so you know where you stand.

But speaking for me, I don't care about that at all (if price is right). In last 40+ years I've bough a lot of electro-stuff and I never needed a warranty repair -and no, I don't think that I was just lucky. The thing is, percent of flawed products is extremely small (especially if we buy a brand with good reputation) and so probability for something bad to happen is very slim.
How much warranty do we get if we buy a car second hand, which can cost 10-times more than keyboard? Yes, sh*t can happen.. but we still buy it.

I don't try to convince anyone -is just my personal way of thinking.

Use one of the many import duty calculators available on line.


Do it right.  Remember if you get caught attempting to break the law by pretending it is OK, you will have a fine on top of the actual duty.



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