PSR Keyboards (11 Boards) > PSR-E Series

Expectation of the PSR-E483

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PSR_E473 (Salman):
In this forum, I am telling that what are my and the worlds expectations for PSR-E483 (even though I am breaking down while telling  :'( )  Here are my expectations listed below:

. Firstly, Yamaha will change the display of the new PSR-E483 display as people around the worl were facing the issue of screen fading or e.t.c and may replace the screen with the Monochrome screen or with the new liquid display.

. Secondly, Yamaha will add new styles from the Genos 2 like ThrowbackPop , ChartSynthPop , Style that sounds like Take On Me by A-ha ( I forgot the name tho  :-[ ), 2, 5 styles from the first page of the Dance Category of the Genos 2 and last but not least, 3 styles of Blues and Balled.

. Thirdly, Yamaha shalll improve the voices and add some voices for the guitar and the synth category (MAYBE OR NOT).

. Forthly, Yamaha will add new DSP channels or DSP types

. Lastly, Yamaha will change the main frame like the lower model of psr-e433 or psr-e373

If there is something wrong with my exceptations, then pls reply to my post

Well, as usual, there will likely be some more sounds and styles.  My guess, since the E473 was a pretty big jump from the E463, at least in terms of the workflow of the instrument and the onboard effects, that the changes to the E483 will be more evolutionary than revolutionary.  With that said, here is what I would LIKE to see...

A function to allow the sustain pedal to sustain the lower part of a split keyboard, if desired -- with the ability to save the choice in a registration

Upgrading the style section somewhat so, at the very least, there is a way to do a drum fill-in with only one press of a button without having to change style variation.  Additional variations would be fine, but not something I need personally

Upgrading the 6-track sequencer so that, if you make a mistake when recording, you can start recording a particular track from a specific measure, instead of having to re-record the entire track from the beginning

Additional registrations -- either additional buttons per bank, or at the very least allow for a Bank 9 and Bank 0, in addition to the existing Banks 1-8, to allow for 40 registrations instead of 32.  C'mon -- We've had 8 banks of 4 registrations for a dozen years now!  Computer memory is cheap these days!

Dedicated line-outs would be nice -- It would allow the the on-board speakers to be used as monitors while still allowing for external amps and speakers

Move the live-control knobs back to a position right near the keyboard!  Where they are now, if you are using multiple keyboards, one above another, if the E473 is on a lower level, then it might be more difficult to access these knobs.  Additionally, on my E433, I sometimes manipulate the knobs with 1 or 2 fingers of my left hand while holding down notes on the keyboard with other fingers of that hand.  This is impossible with the layout of the E473

And please, bring back the superior key feel last seen on the E433.  Since then, the key feel on the subsequent models, while not bad, just isn't as crisp as that of the E433

Now, out of this list, what do I expect to see implemented?  Zilch!

Now, Salman, can you please clarify -- What do you mean by, "Lastly, Yamaha will change the main frame like the lower model of psr-e433 or psr-e373"?

Toril S:
No dedicated transpose buttons, that breaks my heart! Maybe I shouldn't admit it, but I use those! :) The E keyboards are nice and lightweight, but you always have to dive into menues, and the screens are not so good.

The E473 actually does have two buttons for octave shift up and down, and then you just have to use a shift button with those octave buttons to make them work as transpose buttons.  So, no menu diving!

I think that most people don't realise that the way cheaper E series keyboards are essentially a learning keyboard (E=Educational??) and their price point is low so learners and upcoming kids can afford them here in Australia the E473 sells for as little as $539 whereas a "proper arranger like the SX900 is $3100 ..HUGE difference !! I don't think one can expect a $500 keyboard to save a massive array of features like an arranger. You essentially get what you pay for!  My SX900 was $2000 USED which is still almost 4 times the price of an E473  My used S650 arranger has the sort of features requested here and that is a 12 year old keyboard and used STILL sells for $800 upwards.    The E series are great keyboards BUT one needs to realise that they won't have anywhere near the features of the more expensive arrangers.   Yamaha runs a business so are unlikely to produce a model for around $500 that has the same features as their more expensive models!


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