Genos (12 Boards) > Genos2

SSS test

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--- Quote from: KurtAgain on April 30, 2024, 02:15:34 PM ---I would make sure that the two registrations use different DSPs. But that seems to me to be exactly what you don't want to do.


--- End quote ---
Here finally, it's just the "reverb" effect which is used and no additional DSP. (I put all of them to "Off/Through")


--- Quote from: soundphase on April 30, 2024, 04:49:06 PM ---Thank you for spending time.

I put exactly the same reverb/chorus/variation effect parameters in Both registrations. So I changed the reverb type on the OrchestralMarch-based registration to "REVelation Cathedral" and put exactly the same values.

What is more strange is:
When I switch reg1 to reg2 => reverb is cut.
When I switch reg2 to reg1 => reverb is not cut.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for your feedback, soundphase!

Did you notice that the reverb type is only memorized in a registration if the STYLE box is ticked in the Memory dialog?

Best regards,

Hello OverOver.

I can confirm you the STYLE checkbox is checked when I save my registration.

I attached a registration file containing 2 parts. You have to rename it (remove ".bmp" extension)

I restarted from scratch and succeeded repeating the issue.
I created a fully blank registration (all 10 are off)

Then I get the "DesertAdventure" style, chose OTS1 and saved it in reg1 and reg2.
On reg2, I chose "OrchestralMarch" style, and saved it to reg2.

In reg2, I changed the Reverb to "REVelation Cathedral"

In both reg1 and reg2 I changed all insertion effects (Assign part setting) to "Off/Through"
In both reg1 and reg2 I changed "variation effect" to "Through"

What I can now see
- on Reg2, Insertion effect level is deactivated but seen as activated (knob not « ghosted ») with a "30" level  for left, although all is off, and for Reg1 it is deactivated (« ghosted » knob with level 127)
- on both reg1/reg2, all insertion effects are "Off", but we can see the deactivated type which is not "through" for insertion effect > 16
- insertion effects are the same on reg1/reg2

You just have to play some notes (right hand) and switch between reg1 and reg2 alternatively

From reg1 to reg2, reverb is cut
From reg2 to reg1, reverb is not cut.


Edit: Attachment removed by overover. Please don't modify the file extension to circumvent our forum rules. To share files, you should upload them to an online storage service (e.g., Google Drive etc.) and then provide the link to the file(s) in your post. Thank you, Chris (overover)

Why don't you deactvate the insert effect for the left
in Reg 2 so it will exactly the same as Reg 1 and then try.


--- Quote from: bpsafran on May 01, 2024, 03:09:53 PM ---Why don't you deactvate the insert effect for the left
in Reg 2 so it will exactly the same as Reg 1 and then try.

--- End quote ---
It is fully deactivated (all insertion effects are off). My comment was not clear enough previously and I changed it.

The main screen doesn’t display any insertion effect title above the rotary knob for both registrations. The rotary knob remains « active » (not « ghosted ») with a level of 30 for the reg2 although it is displayed « deactivated » (« ghosted ») with a level of 127 for reg1.

I can’t change the insertion effect level for reg2 …. as there is no insertion effect associated.

You can download the registration and see the issue.


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