Genos (12 Boards) > Genos Recording & Song Player

"Song setting" MP3


Non si riesce a riprodurre MP3 in sequenza, ma solo uno alla volta. Strano per una tastiera che costa migliaia di euro. Mi serve per riprodurre musica durante le pause. Puņ essere che occorre meglio impostare il Song Setting, chi puņ aiutarmi? Grazie per gli aiuti.

Google translation by overover:
You cannot play MP3s in sequence, but only one at a time. Strange for a keyboard that costs thousands of euros. I need it to play music during breaks. Maybe I need to set the Song Setting better, who can help me? Thanks for the help.

Edit: Added Google translation by overover.

Welcome to the PSR Tutorial Forum, marpi!

Note that we are an English speaking forum, so please respect our forum rules and post in English only here.

Best regards,
Chris (overover)

Maybe just put the MP3's onto your smartphone and play them from there.
Simple solution.

You can create a Song list and they will do what you want.


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