Genos (12 Boards) > Genos Styles/OTS/Multi Pads

Changing The Octave of a Style Part in Mixer

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I am wondering if it is possible to change the octave of a style part in the mixer.
Occasionally when I go to change the instrument voice of  one of the style parts in the mixer the octave is wrong for that instrument (too high or too low).
However, I can't seem to find the parameter to change the instrument's octave.
It must be possible to do this - I just can't figure it out.
Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.


You're thinking of the way it was before Yamaha's touchscreens, with the mixer and octaves of voices on the same page (it still works that way on  my s970). Ever since the touchscreen era, they've separated that function out of mixer, and now it's part of voice (one of the 6 lit white menu buttons on the right) and octave appears there instead



hello Mark (porterma)
No, for voices in style you cannot shift octave. If you wish to change the voice and octave doesn't match, then the only way to do that, is to shift all notes in that particular channel by using Style Creator (StepEditor).


Thanks Bogdan, I missed the style part (even though it was in the title! )

Yes, that makes it a *lot* more difficult :p Yes previously the only option was to go into step editing and manually shift all the notes (usually needing to unlock the style first, if you didn't create the style part yourself). The only other solution was the 'cheapest': just find a voice that's similar that defaults to the octave you want (I did this a lot with basses, because they have an extremely wide default octave variance in style creator)

There *is* a 3rd option, if you don't want to create the style part, and you can't unlock it (because unlock only works on 8 of the 16 style midi tracks): use the style to generate a midi (just the number of bars of that style part will suffice). Then edit the midi (which you *can* transpose notes in midi editor) run it through Midi2Style or Midi Song To Style and then steal the necessary part back. *note* that megavoice guitars can cause issues due to accidentally transposing fret noises *but*

if you split a megavoice guitar track into 2 tracks (and since generating midis from styles which can't use up more than 8 tracks, there will always be a spare) and filter the pick/fret noise data into 1 track which you don't transpose, and a 2nd with only the musical note data which you *do* transpose, then recombine them into a single midi track, and then run *that* into Midi song to to style, you're good to go.

It's not as difficult as it sounds, although having software to eliminate notes above a certain range and below a certain range would make the work a *lot* quicker.


Thanks Mark and Bogdan,
I appreciate your responses, although disappointed that the solution is not as complicated.
Thanks for your suggestions.



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