Yamaha Keyboards (4 Boards) > Yamaha Keyboards - General

Arturia AstroLab for Bert Smorenburg fans

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I don't normally post info about non-Yamaha keyboards, but Bert is back demonstrating the new Arturia AstroLab 61-key stage keyboard. The AstroLab is basically Analog Lab in a keyboard, so if you like Analog Lab, this could be for you.

A full demo on the new Arturia AstroLab with Bert Smorenburg: https://youtu.be/2kqK5S10JVo

Have fun -- pj


I didn't watch that video because I already watched another video about this keyboard -btw. I'm not interested on this kind of keyboards. However, those who are interested should also definitely watch this video.


The circlular screen is innovative design-wise but it’s weirdly part of the main knob itself and way too small to program things. It’s one of those form over function designs, like Jony Ive’s circle mouse designed for old iMacs

It's a "preset only" keyboard. Serious editing requires an Analog Lab license (or a license for an individual instrument of interest).

My main concern for live performance is the time required to change synthesis engines. A little too long in some cases...

Still, I'm glad to see another innovative player (Arturia) going up against the workstation/stage keyboard crowd.

Thanks for commenting -- pj

Keyboard Master:
I watched the video. The sounds are amazing 🤩


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