Genos (12 Boards) > Genos Recording & Song Player

Left hand voices


Mr. Gary:
On my Genos, when I select any voice for the left hand there is always, on all voices an underlying tone of some description. For example I selected a choir on left hand to accompany the style, an underlying voice is ever present with the choir and seems to be similar to a low hum. Any suggestions on how to eliminate this gratefully appreciated, I’ve tried the Mixer but to no avail.

Are you using any accompaniment?  Could it be a style voice (or bass) creeping in?


Hi Gary,

I suspect this is about the “Stop ACMP” function:

If "Fixed" or "Style" is set here, a Pad/String sound plus a Bass sound will be played back (if ACMP is ON and the Style is stopped) when playing a chord in the Chord Detection area (left hand). To turn this off, please set the Stop ACMP parameter to OFF.

Please also see the following post:

Best regards,


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