PSR Keyboards (11 Boards) > PSR-S950/S750/S650 (SFF2)

Genos 2 styles converted for PSR-S950 (and newer keyboards)

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Here is a link to You Tube of my work in progress so far where you may download the styles:

I work up about 15 styles a week and post them as I get them finished. I will send the complete set to Joe when I have finished them.

Here is the list of styles I will be working up:

Thanks to Chris for the styles
Thanks to Jorgen for the “revoice style” program so I can figure out the missing OTS
Thanks to Jorgen for the “rev drum clean” program to fix the G2 drum kit odd sounds out
Thanks to Stijn for converting the “Genos2 Playlist” to a PDF file. When I am at loss for what the missing voice is supposed to be, I use the suggested 2 songs from the list.

This was a team effort

Thank you Sir. Let me try these styles on my sx900  :)

Hi Drakes,
Thank you so much for this huge collection of genos 2 styles that you have made available to us.
I can't wait to try them out!
Certainly giving you a "thumbs up" for this great gift!
I love how you have named the songs that the styles go with.
It certainly is no problem making a list of song titles with matching styles from your videos. Just wondered if you had a list already that we might have to use?
Thanks again for all this hard work.,


Great Job thanks

Thanks Drake, I'm really curious to see what differences there will be between your conversions (the result of your experience) and the ones I'm trying to make haphazardly (the result of my inexperience lol) to understand  where to correct myself... thanks again. Pietro
P.S.: on SX900, I've already understood one thing, I have to use "rev drum clean" too, I'm doing the drum correction "on board" by ear, replacing the drum kit. Thanks to Jorgen for his fantastic programs.
P.P.S.: Sometimes a replaced voice sounds with an annoying metallic note... I have found that by replacing it with a megavoice the defect disappears, so I assume that some voices can only be replaced with a similar megavoice. correct?


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