The PSR Tutorial Forum (5 Boards) > Forum How To Focus

charter member


hello all could some one please tell me how to join the charter member site i have purchased a style pack #17 last week also i have to email joe waters  with my user iD  thankyou

Roger Brenizer:

--- Quote from: Tonytony on December 28, 2023, 12:44:35 AM ---hello all could some one please tell me how to join the charter member site i have purchased a style pack #17 last week also i have to email joe waters  with my user iD  thankyou

--- End quote ---

Hi Tony,

I've never known Joe to request any forum member's User ID, because Joe is an administrator and has access to your User ID.

You should send Joe an email and remind him that you have purchased Style Pack #17 and are awaiting Supporter status. As soon as Joe receives your email, I'm certain he will update your member status to Supporter. Once this happens the Charter boards will automatically be made available to you. :)

Hi roger thankyou for your responce i will email him


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