Author Topic: How to change the STYLE of a song(midi file) and save it  (Read 591 times)

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Offline bassgolf

How to change the STYLE of a song(midi file) and save it
« on: December 01, 2023, 11:10:00 PM »
Hello all,

The Tyros 5, which has many great features, is also very bad at allowing simple things such as changing styles or having the ability to edit songs easily. I have spent many frustrating hours working on songs(midi files) and wondering why I could not save a change to a new style that I wanted for that song.

Well I finally had a EUREKA!! moment and stumbled upon how to do it. Here are detailed instructions:

How to change a Style for an existing song(midi file)

- Load the Song (midi file)

- Press the “Creator” button to the right of the screen

- using the “Tab” key, scroll to the right of the top menu to the “Chord” menu

- you should now see the current style highlighted

- Press the “Data Entry” #4 or #5 button which are at the bottom of the screen display. This takes you to the “Style” windows where you can now pick your new style.

- Now choose your new style from the menus

- Press “Exit” button (below J button) which takes you back to the “Creator” menu - You should now see the new style highlighted

- Press the “Expand” button “F” and answer “yes”

- Press “Save” button “I”

- Press “Save” button #6 (arrow down) and “OK”

- Press “Yes” button
The new style is now saved with your song(midi) file

I realize there are many steps for this process to work. Good Luck!


« Last Edit: December 01, 2023, 11:12:48 PM by bassgolf »

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