Author Topic: Meaning of "Live" and "Real"  (Read 683 times)

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Offline rattley

Meaning of "Live" and "Real"
« on: November 25, 2023, 12:03:00 AM »

Last week I watched the official Yamaha Genos 2 release. They advertised it as being "live" but clearly it was previously recorded.

My Ketron EventX brags about all its "live" styles, but are they really?  Aren't they also samples that are just manipulated?

Has the definition "live" changed?  Anything can be called live as long as it was recorded in a live environment? 

The word "real" can also be a mystery.  Is it live........or is it Memorex??  !!   Please confuse me some more!!  -charley


Offline pjd

Re: Meaning of "Live" and "Real"
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2023, 12:55:34 AM »

Hi Charley --

This is all marketing-speak.

Even for a single manufacturer a customer/player needs to dive into the particular meaning of a term. Yamaha "Live!" voices, for example, usually means "stereo waveforms", i.e., the voice data was recorded in stereo and plays back in stereo.

The word "real" has lost meaning entirely.

I wouldn't even bother to compare the meaning of these terms between manufacturers.  :)

All the best -- pj