PSR Keyboards (11 Boards) > PSR-S900/S700 (SFF1)

Copy user saved vocal harmonies to paste into PSR s910 user vocal harmonies

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I saved the USER EFFECT PRESET on the s900 to a USB Stick. Then checked the stick using a PC. It showed that file as a s900.bup.  Changed the "bup" to "eff" then inserted the stick into the s910. Called up the "eff" file> hit save then went to VH USER file and sadly it was still empty.  There is no USB1 tab ont the VH screen.  I think I'm going to have to manualy copy the settings.  Thanks for your input.


--- Quote from: Terry on March 06, 2023, 10:52:22 PM ---I saved the USER EFFECT PRESET on the s900 to a USB Stick. Then checked the stick using a PC. It showed that file as a s900.bup.  Changed the "bup" to "eff" then inserted the stick into the s910. Called up the "eff" file> hit save then went to VH USER file and sadly it was still empty.  There is no USB1 tab ont the VH screen.  I think I'm going to have to manualy copy the settings.  Thanks for your input.

--- End quote ---

Hi Terry,

You obviously saved the wrong file. A .bup file is a Backup file and is saved in "Function > Utility > OWNER > BACKUP". A .bup file contains the following settings:

   - User System settings
   - User Effect settings (also User VH Settings)
   - User MIDI settings
   - User Music Finder settings
   - as well as the entire content of the internal User drive (!)

However, .bup Backup files are not intended to be loaded/restored on another model.

Please go through my first post again. If you go to SAVE as described in "Function > Utility > SYSTEM RESET > USER EFFECT FILES", an .eff file will be saved properly. Make sure that you really have selected the USB stick as the storage target, i.e. not the internal User drive.

Note: Loading of the S900 .eff file on the S910 is also done in "Function > Utility > SYSTEM RESET > USER EFFECT FILES", i.e. NOT in the VH display!

Best regards,


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