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PSR Performer Top Songs


Joe W:
In adding a few more "top songs" pages to the site, it occurred to me that a "good" top song listing would be of the most popular songs played by the PSR Performers over the past two decades.  I did some fideling with my database so I could see the total count of song for each song title and, from that, compile a list of songs that were recorded more than others.  There were over 7,000 songs in the collection and a great many represented a unique song recorded by only one artist.  But some did, indeed, appear multiple times.  I have just added that listing to the main page for top songs.  Here is a link where you can check it out if interested:

Toril S:
Thanks Joe! This is very interesting!

Joe, this is very interesting & important, thank you for taking the time to do this!.

 Regards, Gloria


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