PSR Keyboards (11 Boards) > Earlier Models like PSR-9000/PSR-740

PSR9000 Hard Drive

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Hello All,

I hope you are all doing well.

I've recently found a really nice condition PSR9000 and I want to install a hard drive inside. Can anybody advise how this can be done, is it difficult to do and what type of drive I would need and the max size?

Any help would be great,
Thank you very much indeed,


Good luck,

Gary 8)

Hi Gary,

Sorry I never replied back to you !

I eventually found a couple of compatible HD’s on EBay at a good price and it works like a charm.

The 9000 is still a great keyboard and sounds / styles are still usable even today :)

Take care,

Hi Danny, I thought I would reply to your post. I have a 9000 also and put a hard drive in it a couple of years ago. Did you go ahead and do that too? I have some questions about using the keyboard if you don't mind. Thanks, George in Canada

Hi George,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes I did manage to install a hard drive. I think it forced me to partition it though, I can't remember if it was 5gb blocks or 10gb. Either way it worked out fine.

I still really like this keyboard and I get it out now and again. Some of the drums (like the latin drums) really do sound outdated, but the pop, rock & dance kits still sound really good as do a lot of the sounds. I just wished it wasn't so heavy !!!

Sure, fire away with some questions, I will try to answer them if I can.


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