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Where To in 2022?

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Joe W:
The bill to renew PSR Tutorial for another year comes due in less than two weeks.  It will cost me $3000. Is PSR Tutorial still worth it?  I have a dedicated server that supports not only this forum but also the main PSR Tutorial web site.  Roger spends a lot of time taking care of the forum and I spend my time taking care of the main web site.  Resources I have created on the main web site bring in the revenue to pay the bills.  But maybe the content is getting old and people are no longer interested.  I know I am getting old and finding it more difficult to keep up with things.  I'd like some input from members about moving into the future.

Should we take on another Year?  Do we need more "Lessons"?  Is the PSR Performer section worth keeping?  Maybe performers would just as soon simply use the forum to post their songs temporarily and a permanent page listing is not valuable.  Should archived performers be merged with current performers?  We have a lot of styles available.  Do we need additional new style collections?  What is needed to make the PSR Tutorial "better"?  Will new users continue to stumble on to the PSR Tutorial and discover the resources available here and in the forum?  Any feedback on these questions would certainly be appreciated.

Dear Joe,
I'm speaking for myself, but I'd have to think that many other members of the forum have to feel the same way. I think you and Roger do a stellar and amazing job keeping things going with the web and the forum. As you know I've contributed in the past, and am willing to do so now to help defray the costs incurred with the site. I hope other members would feel that way too... same as PBS Television, NPR radio, and the different news papers/ blogs, magazines that people subscribe. I truly wish that we had some corporate participation from Yamaha for this site that means so much to so very many.

I wish I could come up with some kind of constructive suggestions. I visit the forum at least once a day on the average... sometimes more, and have benefitted from music, styles, specific help for a specific situation, enjoyed the performances from so many members. I've said it before, the design of the site with all it's excellent and in-depth content for so many keyboards, players at many different levels is nothing short of miraculous. In ways... the old cliche "heading cats" might apply here, and somehow you and Roger keep out the riff riff, and keep things available and organized in an almost perfect way. Even all the old performances, lessons, recommendations, musical sources, styles, are well archieved so that a quick search brings up more answers than any other source.

I know Roger spends more than a full time job on this. And I know you do too. At the very least, you really should hear from the members about how important and appreciative we all are to you and the other moderators for an almost flawless job. I'm sure it gets old, especially with you both doing what would usually demand a team in a vacuum where this effort goes unappreciated. Others may have suggestions on how to improve things, but I think everything is great the way it is. I hope we'll all help with some $ for the expenses knowing how valuable this is to us every single day.  Gratefully and sincerely, John

Hello Joe,
  I have asked myself the same question on whether it is worth keeping my forum going. There are not many new keyboards coming along and most seem to have mastered what they want to do with theirs so questions have dropped off. There is so much on things like You Tube now giving very good tuition on using these newer keyboards where you can also ask questions and get answers. Seems to be the way things are going now. As for styles I think most people have large stores of these and doubt they are used much. We all seem to use about twenty of our favourite ones for our performances. Lots of people now us Multi Tracking to create songs where they don't use styles at all.
  Many people are now putting there performances on Face Book now so I find not that many being posted on forums. Alas things are changing and the pandemic seems to have changed some peoples minds on what they now want. There are a lot of live streams now of people performing for us where you can interact with many friends as you listen. This came about on Face Book to try and cheer people up during Lock Down an has become very popular.
  It is a hard decision to make but personally feel things have changed over the last couple of years and Face Book groups are taking the place of some forums.

Hi Joe
First of all let me thank you and Roger for the stellar work you both do in the upkeep of this site
Many of the observations you make are correct  The world is changing and so is the keyboard world
But for me one thing remains    Community
You guys have built a home for people who have one thing in common  Playing keyboards
I have been a member for almost 20 years and this site is my go to place if I need advice or help on any topic relating to my keyboards from 740 to Genos
Sure there is You tube  and other sources but this site is where it all comes together
I also love to browse around the site at least once a week to see what is new
I agree some of you seniors may wish to revamp the site Take out some old wood Look what is not used very often now a days
BUT please keep the community together  In this day and age it is more important than ever


Thank y'all for all of your work on this website!

Forum - yes, definitely it's useful and relevant, especially given the community as chesterkins mentioned.

One thing I'd recommend is an improved Styles database.  You have tens of thousands of styles on this website, but finding one for a particular use is challenging!  Make it highly searchable (author, name/comments, time signature - maybe including actual time signature rather than just the coded time signature, associated song names, supported keyboards, etc.), even a JavaScript-based "recommend" tool would be awesome (there are already JavaScript-based drum machines out there for preview listening), and allow people to comment on and "like" or rate particular styles.

- Greg


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