Tyros Keyboards (5 Boards) > Tyros 1 (SFF1)

Eleanor Rigby recommendation in Tyros


Hi, everybody.

I'm wondering if it is a simple task, here in the forum...

I'm searching for The Beatles songstyles, since I am in the vibe on The Beatles covers.

Some of the styles I've got here in forum are awesome, rather than others.

Actually I haven't found a "Eleanor Rigby" songstyle that sweets my old Tyros 1 so far.

If anyone as such style playable on Tyros 1 and could share, I'm very grateful.


Pedro C.

Rick D.:

Try either Ballad/8BeatBallad1 at tempo 92, or Movie&Show/StringConcerto at tempo 92.

Hope they work for you.

Rick D.

Hi, Rick D.

Thank you so much for your suggestions.

I'll try the styles and see how they sounds.

I've tried to make the style on my own, but definetively that's not "my beach" and it's a very time consuming task.

I don't know if in the Tyros successors keyboards (2-5) the Style Creator options are so hard to tweak as Tyros 1, and the resulting sections of the style we created is often unexpectly bad. But, as I said, I am not experienced in style creator and all the know-how of that stuff requires.

All the best. :)
Pedro C.


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