Author Topic: custom voices on YEM : sample sound added crashes  (Read 2788 times)

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Offline emmaco

custom voices on YEM : sample sound added crashes
« on: January 03, 2021, 05:39:16 PM »

first of all, I wish you all my best wishes for this new year.

I'm on iMac Catalina, and YEM is working pretty well.
No problems creating normal voices.
I recovered sounds that I had (AIFF), and turned them into wave 16 bits, 41 KHz 44,1 KHz. It works fine with YEM and normal voice/Drum voice.

BUT... (there is always a "but"....) when I want to create a custom voice... it doesn't work.

I can create a custom voice and edit it, but when I want to add a sample, the sound crash while the same sample works when I create a normal voice.

moreover, when I want to add a sound (with the plus key in the element column or via the plus key in "wave assign") nothing is displayed on the screen.
When I press "add", a user waves window opens, but it is empty and the only thing you can do is press the "cancel" button (see photo 1 and 2).

I think the sounds should be in the right format because it works when I use them when I create a "normal voice".

Several questions :
Is this a bug ?
Am I stupid ?
Maybe a bit of both. ;D

I created superb voices (superb for me). Well, I didn't do anything or almost.. I only sampled the voices one by one, each note, while playing them in Logic pro.
it's a tedious process to enter the notes one by one in yem, but it works. That's cool.

so I wanted to use the Tutti Genos sound (in strings P6) in order to add the choirs in elements 6 (the first 5 elements are used in Tutti sound) and thus "gain" a voice on the 3 of the Genos.
But it was impossible to do. I've tried with other voices, other sound format, nothing works.

As I can't access to the "wave user" window (see pictures), I add sounds in YEM by dragging and dropping wave files, and it works fine.
But impossible to do with custom voices... so bad !... :-[

If anyone's got an idea...

EDIT : I think it works... I did not understand that it was necessary to load the voices before into the Genos via YEM, I thought it was automatic... (Mac user...).
so choice number two: I'm stupid... ;D

So I added photo 3...

86 / 5000
Résultats de traduction

I leave the message. Maybe it can be useful for someone as stupid as me... ;D

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« Last Edit: January 04, 2021, 01:24:40 PM by emmaco »

Offline ckobu

Re: custom voices on YEM : sample sound added crashes
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2021, 06:01:40 PM »
To add User Waw you must first add them to YEM. Look at the picture and you will understand where to start (1). Eventually you have Wav / Aiff in Yem (yellow marked) and then you can add them to your Voice.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline vanzee

Re: custom voices on YEM : sample sound added crashes
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2021, 09:30:18 AM »
WAV 16 bit 41 Khz,  must that not be  WAV 16 bit  "44,1" Khz ??
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee

Offline emmaco

Re: custom voices on YEM : sample sound added crashes
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2021, 01:24:14 PM »
Yes, 44,1 KHz of course. Typo.

@ckobu :Thanks for your answer and picture.

When I build a new normal voice with YEM, I can Drag and Drop Wave files (even AIFF files) from the desktop, and I thought it was the same with custom voices... it would have made sense for YEM to take care of this on its own, as it does for normal voice...

Now I can play Carmina Burana !... and as we say in France : "un régal !..."... ;)

Too bad we can not assign split zones for Right 1 and Right 2... :(