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Are there any New problems after Genos 2.0 Update? Log them here

Started by jimlaing, November 16, 2019, 07:24:06 PM

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Well John as you no I use the toy speakers  ;) but I must admit some of the OTS set ups on the new styles sound very good indeed and well balanced. Very pleased with the update and the free pack.
  I had to reset a couple of things but only took a few minutes.


Quote from: EileenL on November 19, 2019, 07:26:08 AM
When you updated your YEM all packs should have been there with no alterations as mine were. As I wanted to now include the new superior pack and remove the packs I have for the voices now included in the update and add some new packs I made a new install file and loaded it. All my registrations that I have previously set up with some of these voices all work fine with no problem.

I'm glad that not everyone had the problems that a few of us have had in this regard. At this point I don't know the reason this problem occurred as I followed the instructions while upgrading YEM as I have for every other update. I do wonder, however, if others had as many packs to reload, in my case now using 3069 out of 3072MB of available space provided by Genos 2.0.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Quote from: EileenL on November 19, 2019, 09:40:05 AM
Well John as you no I use the toy speakers  ;) but I must admit some of the OTS set ups on the new styles sound very good indeed and well balanced. Very pleased with the update and the free pack.
  I had to reset a couple of things but only took a few minutes.

Hi Eileen
Hope i dd not come accross bad saying toy speakers, But for what they cost is a little over the top.
Considering my DXR8's ,they cost £500 more for the pair and are powered.
By the time the next Genos arrives and another set of Genos speakers the gap almost closes.
The DXR 8's which are quality in my view also has a 5 year guarantee.
They will probably last me out.
I purchased a pair of Warfdale Black Diamonds in the 90's for my Yamaha DSR 2000 keyboard and they still going great guns for my Computer speakers now.
Also great to take away for a HOT TUB weekend in the forest lodge holiday. "Friday's Alright"!!"Get Down Saturday Night"!!! groovy  ;D.
The Genos speakers are ok at short range, but you must admit that for the price of the Genos ,it deserves speakers that compliment it with a warm clear rounded sound.
Then again it all depends on how people perseive sound i suppose.

All the best John :)
Genos, I7 computer 32 gig ram, Focusrite 6i6, Cubase controller, Focal Alpha Monitors, Yamaha DXR8 Speakers
Cubase 10, Sonarworks, Izotope.  Sampletank, Arturia and Korg software.  Now IK Mixbox


Quote from: ugawoga on November 19, 2019, 08:09:32 AM
Hi Eileen
I am the same as you as everything was the same as before in Yem and the only thing that has changed for me is that i lost my eq settings which took me no more that 5 minutes to redo.
If everybody has the same machine ,then everybody must have the same unless not letting things load properly or readin instructions etc.
Is it me or does the sound since update sound better???

All the Best
John :)

Same here which mean NO PROBLEMS at all after installed V2.

Curent Instruments:  PSR A-5000
Previus instruments:SX-900,GENOS,PSR-A3000,PSR9000,Tyros2,Tyros3,TYROS5,psr2000,psr2100,psr1500,psr530,psr OR700,DX7,DX11,V50,DX21.
KORG:pa800,KORG PA-900,Triton Extreme,Triton rack,.KORG X3,Roland G600.Roland


Greetings everyone. I've been away for awhile and so I hope everyone is doing well. I recently updated to OS version 2.0 and I really liked the new layout and of course the new features. I did run into a problem though after updating. The update went fine and when it completed I was instructed to turn off the Genos which I did. I waited several seconds and then turned the Genos back on but about half way into boot-up there was an error message stating "Improper shutdown was detected, you may have lost User/or other files" or something to that effect. I checked all my files and they seemed to be still there so I'm not sure why the error message popped up in the first place. I was able to download and install the new Superior 2.0 pack i.e. Fiesta pack from Yamaha and it really is a great addition to my other packs. But when I tried to access my MIDI files and folders located on the User Drive I ran into a big problem. I have several 'folders' of Midi files located on the User Drive and some of these folders have an extensive amount of sub-folders which contain various midi files. When I try to access a folder that has several sub-folders it takes a loooooooooong time before the sub-folders show up and then a loooooooong time when trying to access the actual Midi files themselves. And if I select a Midi file from within one of the sub-folders and then try to go back up to the main folder(s) section it also takes a loooooooooong time to get back to the main folder(s). For example, I have one folder that contains 49 pages of sub-folders and each sub-folder contains, in some cases, hundreds of midi files. Trying to access the contents of the Main folder took over 2 minutes before the sub-folders showed up. Then when I tried to access a sub-folder it took roughly one minute 36 seconds before the actual midi files showed up. After I chose a midi file and then tried to go back up to the sub-folder section it once again took a very long time. Completely unacceptable in my opinion. The problem only seems to happen when there are more than a specific number of sub-folders contained within a folder. For instance, I have a folder that contains 27 pages of sub-folders and it opens up relatively quickly as do the sub-folders. BUT! When you select a midi file within one of the sub-folders and try to go back up to the main/sub-folder section, it took over 2 minutes! Again, completely unacceptable. I decided to downgrade to OS version 1.4.1 and now when I access my midi files and folders they open up very quickly in each and every case.

Now Yamaha gave particular instructions for the 2.0 update but to me they seem very confusing...

"Firmware Installation Procedure Notice: After you've updated the firmware to this version, the System, MIDI, USER Effect, and Registration data are initialized the first time you start up again." "Save the MIDI Setup File and User Effect Setup file "before" updating, and load "after" updating." (quotations mine)

"Save Registrations to the file before updating." I could not find how to save Registrations to the Backup file(s).

"Even if you save the System Setup file before updating, it cannot be loaded "after" updating. (quotation mine) Okay, so the MIDI and User Effect backup files can apparently be loaded "after" updating but NOT the System backup file." But then if you read the next sentence...
"If you save the Backup data "before" updating and restore it "after" updating, the System, MIDI, User Effect and Registration data will NOT be restored."

So from what I gather, if you save a backup of the System, MIDI, User Effect file(s) before updating to OS 2.0, it doesn't really matter because if you try to load them back into Genos the data is NOT restored anyway?? But why does Yamaha instruct people to make backup copies of the MIDI, User Effect files 'before' updating and then instructs people to "load" the file(s) again into Genos "after" the update? Is Yamaha saying if we don't load a previous version - MIDI, User Effect backup files into Genos after updating to 2.0, that version 2.0 won't work correctly? We've never had to do this before on any of the other updates if I'm not mistaken.

Anyway, as I said, I went back to version 1.4.1 because of the Midi file access problem with version 2.0. Now my Fiesta Super-pack doesn't work and I don't get to enjoy the new features of OS 2.0 which is a real shame. PS: If a Yamaha staff person could clarify the update instructions and installation process if would be very helpful. If the Midi file access problem is addressed in a future update (hopefully soon) I would be extremely happy and I could also use the Super 2.0 expansion pack "Fiesta" again which would also be great. Yamaha, are you listening? If one of the members want to chime in feel free.

All the best,

Lee Batchelor

Mike, thanks for your post. It is the very reason I won't update to Version 2. I'm primarily a gigging musician and am very busy this time of year. I can't afford a horror story. Some folks on this forum have updated seamlessly while others have shared horror stories like yours.

I know little about the operating system on this beast but it seems to me that the instructions provided are VERY vague and meant for a Genos that has not been heavily customized. That is, there seems to be a ton of other prep work that must be done before the update, if you've owned the Genos for a few years and have carved your musical soul into its settings. For example, Yamaha says to back up a few things but half of those don't matter because the backed-up settings can't be restored anyway??!! Why back them up in the first place? We have yet another mystery.

As written, the update instructions are fine for a minority of Genos users. Some of us who are exploring the deep inner bowels of what the Genos can do, stand to lose a lot in this update if we don't do everything (whatever that is!!) just perfectly. I'm still very confused about all the different ways you need to update the Genos. I doubt I'll tackle it for another few months. Maybe by then, Yamaha will have a properly written set of instructions that address all audiences and every setup scenario under which we use our Genos. I'm not holding my breath though!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Take a look at this it is very helpful and if you got to the middle of the video around 36 minutes it is in English.


Mike, only System settings will NOT loading.

Backup will be restored.
Midi settings can be loaded.
User effects can be Loaded.

So, it's ok ;)

Yes, indeed, there are problems, like Live Control screen issue when you press registration buttons, or Text characters, as Fred said in a post.
But, I needed Style Section Reset, Playlist Sorting option now is available, for now, Scale is not helping me at all. So for some reasons and features, I'm pleased about this semi-upgrade :D ! After all, is free :D

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos

Lee Batchelor

Thanks, Eileen. I did save that link. It seems to be the best set of instructions so far. I just hope it covers everything. I have performed dozens of computer and software upgrades and there's always a surprise. I can live with the odd third-party program on my computer that doesn't work 100% as it should after an upgrade but that scenario is not negotiable when it comes to my Genos.

Thanks again :)!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Joe H

Quote from: valimaties on November 17, 2019, 02:50:27 PM
... Really, I want to see how many of you play EDM and how many of you use Live Controls to make some DJ mixing stuff :) Come on, this is for 10% of those who use Genos...


Saving Live Control settings in registrations is not just for EDM.  It's a very powerful new feature that can be used for any kind of music.  It's a wonderful enhancement to registration memory. I think if you experiment with it you will find it very useful.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I Have a problem with instal Pack on my Genos  when i instal it say /   Cannot execute quick installation  Instal with a full installer ( .ppi / cpi  ) . 
but i not see a option to do a full Instal ,so how must i do that ?   I have 2.0 and the latest Manager on it.

i did from a usb stick ,after i use Expansion Manager to make the packs ready
someone knows  how to activate a Full Instal?



Quote from: Carlos84 on November 20, 2019, 02:42:23 AM
I Have a problem with instal Pack on my Genos  when i instal it say /   Cannot execute quick installation  Instal with a full installer ( .ppi / cpi  ) . 
but i not see a option to do a full Instal ,so how must i do that ?   I have 2.0 and the latest Manager on it.

i did from a usb stick ,after i use Expansion Manager to make the packs ready
someone knows  how to activate a Full Instal? ...

Hi Carlos,

in "Save as Pack Installation File" window (after clicking on "Save as Pack Install" button), simply click on "Quick Pack Installation File (*.cqi)". This will open a list with the two options you have. Then click on "Pack Installation File (*.cpi)" in this option list.

You have to use the option "*.cpi" (= "Full" Pack Installation WITH formatting the Expansion Wave Memory) only ONCE.

For future installations you can use "*.cqi" (= Quick Pack Installation WITHOUT formatting the Expansion Wave Memory) to quickly ADD (append) new Packs to the exisiting ones on the keyboard.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris,

If I have to modify my existing packs (basically delete some styles/voices which I don't use from the existing installed packs) and add some new packs  at the same time, will the .cqi work or I have to use the .cpi format





The .cqi installation only appends packs to the expansion memory.
The same goes for 'Send to instrument' over WiFi.

If you want to clean up you best use a full installation with formatting, thus the .cpi (Pack Installation File)

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


Quote from: anandmaloo on November 20, 2019, 03:21:32 AM
Hi Chris,

If I have to modify my existing packs (basically delete some styles/voices which I don't use from the existing installed packs) and add some new packs  at the same time, will the .cqi work or I have to use the .cpi format ...

Hi Anand,

in addition to Stijn's reply (#45):

In the case of a NOT protected Pack (.ppf format), you can edit the Pack first (e.g. deleting particular Styles/Voices) if you basically don't want to use them. Then save this edited Pack as a NEW PACK (with a different filename) in .ppf format. Now delete the "old" Pack from the YEM and import the new one.

With PROTECTED Packs (.cpf format) you can only "untick" some content you don't want to use, but you can NOT save a protected Pack as a new, edited Pack.

You can always TRY to install changed content as "Quick Installation", first. IF this should NOT be supported in individual cases, you will get an error message (and you have to make a FULL Pack Installation).

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



Being from India, I have to import a lot of Indian packs which fill up the memory. I was quite excited to hear about increase of memory from 2gb to 3gb

So after upgrading to V2, and importing the new Genos info file into YEM (confirmed by increase of waveform capacity)  I added the new superior pack and two more indian style packs.
The YEM failed to make the pack citing "the amount of user waveforms data exceeds the limit. Please reduce the number of selected voices."

So I reduced one pack and tried.  It still failed.

I reduced one more pack. It still failed.

Now I tried adding only the superior pack. THIS TIME TOO !!!! 

Attached is the screenshot of the error.

So I don't understand how can the pack creation fail when I have added only the superior pack (assuming it is not more than 1 GB)

I am attaching my workings of several tests that I did (both prior to upgrade and post upgrade) with waveform counts to understand what is the capacity of the YEM.  Still not able to understand.

Please check and help. To clarify (all attempts were .cpi method)   And my Genos from India does not have a wifi.



In the second image, the first yellow column is the capacity of YEM pre-update and the 2nd yellow column is the capacity post update. "Worked" column  means the pack was created with these sizes and "No" column means the pack failed to create

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: overover on November 20, 2019, 03:10:32 AM
Hi Carlos,

in "Save as Pack Installation File" window (after clicking on "Save as Pack Install" button), simply click on "Quick Pack Installation File (*.cqi)". This will open a list with the two options you have. Then click on "Pack Installation File (*.cpi)" in this option list.

You have to use the option "*.cpi" (= "Full" Pack Installation WITH formatting the Expansion Wave Memory) only ONCE.

For future installations you can use "*.cqi" (= Quick Pack Installation WITHOUT formatting the Expansion Wave Memory) to quickly ADD (append) new Packs to the exisiting ones on the keyboard.

Best regards,

Hi Chris,

After my attempt to add even the single new pack (superior pack) failed, I tried to create a new YEM installation file just with the existing packs which I had (already installed and working in Genos, nothing new).

The saving window gave me four options


Attached is the screenshot

Now I am confused again. Which option to choose ? What is the difference between  a ppi and a cpi  (or for that matter a pqi and a cqi)



An update - I was able to make a .cpi file (with the same packs - nothing added)
2nd update - I failed to make a cqi file adding only the new superior pack

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Anand,

if there is at least ONE protected Pack involved (that was originally imported as .cpf to the YEM), you will only have the options .cqi and .cpi when saving a Pack Installation file.

if you only have unprotected Packs (selected) in the YEM, you will have the options .ppi and .pqi when saving a Pack installation file.

When you want to newly save an edited unprotected Pack (or some Content of an existing Pack) as a NEW PACK, you normally will choose the .ppf (unprotected Pack) format. IF you want to save a PROTECTED Pack (which can only used on one particular instrument), choose the .cpf (protected Pack) format. You can also import the Instrument Info file (.n27) of another keyboard (for example of a Friend's keyboard) and make a protected Pack (.cpf) which will only work on that particular keyboard.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Anand,

regarding your inquiry about the error message "Total amount of User Waveform data exeeds the limit":

First, please be sure to use the new YEM version 2.6.

Have you checked whether possibly the "Voice Parameter Size" (max. 61044 KB) or the "Pack Install File Size" (max. 4096 MB) is exceeded?

If all three values (Voice Wave Size, Voice Parameter Size and Pack Install File Size) are below their limits, I can not help you right now, unfortunately.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



I did check and all the parameters are much below the maximum capacity

To be precise -

Paramater             Capacity       Size in YEM

Voice Wave          3072               1074
Voice Parameter      61440               9666
Pack Install File      2048               1077

I had just added the superior pack to my existing working installation and tried to make a .cqi file after upgradation. The file sizes were as mentioned above. But that too failed.

So basically even after increment of memory, and proper installation of YEM, I am unable to add a single pack to my GENOS.

What I feel is that there is some different rule or parameter for rex files in YEM as all my packs are self made packs from Rex files




When do you think the next V3.0 will come for Genos.....
maybe a lot of these needs will be addressed?
Lets not forget how many wonderful things the Genos has now.


Quote from: anandmaloo on November 20, 2019, 08:53:23 AM... I did check and all the parameters are much below the maximum capacity

To be precise -

Paramater             Capacity       Size in YEM

Voice Wave          3072               1074
Voice Parameter      61440               9666
Pack Install File      2048               1077


Hi Anand,

if the maximal Pack Install File Size is shown as only 2048 MB in your case, then that could be the error. YEM MUST show 4096 MB here!

Maybe you have updated from a YEM version prior to V2.4.0 without UNINSTALLING the old version (?)

Anyway, I recommend to UNINSTALL the YEM properly first, using Windows Control Panel (or "Settings - Apps & Features" when using Windows 10). (Your Packs in YEM will NOT be affected by doing this.) Then newly install YEM Version 2.6.0 and test again. Maybe it works then.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


I think it is more likely to be something like 2.01 to iron out any little adjustments to this update.


Quote from: keynote on November 19, 2019, 03:27:52 PM
IBut when I tried to access my MIDI files and folders located on the User Drive I ran into a big problem. I have several 'folders' of Midi files located on the User Drive and some of these folders have an extensive amount of sub-folders which contain various midi files. When I try to access a folder that has several sub-folders it takes a loooooooooong time before the sub-folders show up and then a loooooooong time when trying to access the actual Midi files themselves. And if I select a Midi file from within one of the sub-folders and then try to go back up to the main folder(s) section it also takes a loooooooooong time to get back to the main folder(s). For example, I have one folder that contains 49 pages of sub-folders and each sub-folder contains, in some cases, hundreds of midi files. Trying to access the contents of the Main folder took over 2 minutes before the sub-folders showed up. Then when I tried to access a sub-folder it took roughly one minute 36 seconds before the actual midi files showed up. After I chose a midi file and then tried to go back up to the sub-folder section it once again took a very long time. Completely unacceptable in my opinion. The problem only seems to happen when there are more than a specific number of sub-folders contained within a folder.

All the best,

My update to version 2 went without a hitch, and after resetting all my user settings,
I've been  giving the Genos a thorough going over,  to spot any irregularities before
probably travelling with it to Germany next.

I have a similar problem, but with a single folder where I keep my my user styles , in the
USB stick under the keyboard.

It takes up to 2 minutes when I push the "Styles" button before the file opens.

I normally goi back and forth to the original style file (for comparison) as I work on my
registrations, which has now become quite difficult.

As the  keyboard shows " Checking" and searches for the style, i could get up and go get a coffee  just
to return and find the machine still searching.

This is a single folder on my keyboard without any sub folders within.

I have saved these styles together with the registrations to the USB stick under the keyboard,
with the intention of travelling just with the USB stick for a recording session in Germany,
in case I can't take the Genos with me.
If I do take the Genos with me, this issue could be quite a problem, as studio time is expensive.
Not that I'll be paying for it,  as the studio will take care of all expenses, including airfare and

Some user styles also hang on to the tempo of a previous registration until I open the style
file and click on it again.
This has never happened before, Neither with the Genos, nor with the Tyros.

I have also noticed that, while a style is running, the 8 channel lights for the style section in
the mixer do not light up when going from the master EQ/Compressor section directly to the
style section in the mixer. One has to first tap any other section, eg Panel etc.

The issue with smaller text has already been discussed by Fred others.
I just wonder about the motive of somebody deciding to make the letters smaller though.
Oh, and the playlist displays an error "file not found "

Best Regards,


Lee Batchelor

Quote from: EileenL on November 20, 2019, 09:57:12 AM
I think it is more likely to be something like 2.01 to iron out any little adjustments to this update.
Agreed, Eileen like proper and conclusive documentation instead of all this guesswork about how to install this update successfully on all Genos keyboards, not just the factory fresh ones that have no "extras" added on that can be instantly destroyed :).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.



Yesterday, I noticed a small (big) display bug on my Genos! :(

And today I looked for the rift to get around it!....

When I am on the Mixing pages with a Style in operation... if I make a Master setting of the Q or Compressor during operation and I return to my Style 1 (or 2) mixing page the green LEDs that indicate the tracks in operation are all off and this on all Mix pages that have this small LED above the fader !

I have to go back and forth on the mix tabs (except the Master) or with the arrows to turn everything on!

Of course, we don't do this kind of adjustment all the time but in a moment of post-V2 programming, it's surprising and worrying! !

Can someone do the manipulation to check it out? Thank you.

I posted this bug on a French forum, and those who tested it reproduced it... and you?
Genos-mfc10-GroovyBand Live Platinium-VoiceLive3X-DRX15- UI24R- HF SM35 ...

Music is a Wave, choose the right Frequency to touch the Soul of those who listen to you ...


Hi Lee,
  Nothing is destroyed by the update. You just need to take note of any User settings you have made or EQ settings. Best way was to take screen shots of these and then resave them in after you had done the update. It was explained that your back up restore files would not work in the new version.
  Heidrun released a very informative video that was posted on this site that helped a lot of people.

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Joe H


Where did you find the Analog Xperience pack for the Genos?   I thought is only available for the Montage.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: Patt22 on November 20, 2019, 12:05:28 PM

Yesterday, I noticed a small (big) display bug on my Genos! :(

And today I looked for the rift to get around it!....

When I am on the Mixing pages with a Style in operation... if I make a Master setting of the Q or Compressor during operation and I return to my Style 1 (or 2) mixing page the green LEDs that indicate the tracks in operation are all off and this on all Mix pages that have this small LED above the fader !

I have to go back and forth on the mix tabs (except the Master) or with the arrows to turn everything on!

Of course, we don't do this kind of adjustment all the time but in a moment of post-V2 programming, it's surprising and worrying! !

Can someone do the manipulation to check it out? Thank you.

I posted this bug on a French forum, and those who tested it reproduced it... and you?

Yes, my flashing green lights disappear if I just visit the Master tab and return to the style Pan/Volume tab (don' t need to alter settings to trigger it.) They never have shown on other edit categories in  Mixer apart from PV.
In my case I could not quickly find a way to retrieve them other than turning off and on. Luckily I'm not aware of a
critical need for them. Is it possible it may have been happening all along (even with Tyros if anyone rarely chose to visit the master tab at the "wrong" time) and it is the focus on V2 that has led to its discovery?
