PSR Keyboards (11 Boards) > PSR-3000/1500 (SFF1)

How to delete a full part of an existing style

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Ok Gary
We’ll take a look around there.

Good luck to you. 😎



Found a short Yamaha tutorial by Google. It was related to PSR 910, but works exactly on my CVP309PE (and PSR 3000 therefore).

Starting from Digital recording/Style Creator/Basic, as suggested by Gary:
1) Press the [F] 'REC CH' button to display the 8 Record Channels in the screen.
2) Hold down the [J] DELETE' button and then press the [^] toggle button above the Channel to be deleted.

I then experienced (that is for Pino.....) that is very fast to delete all 8 tracks of an Intro (or of any other part), by keeping pressed the DELETE button and  pressing one after the other the toggle button above all the 8 channels you want to delete.

.......very usefull. Thank you!

Angelo  :D

I must also say that so far instead of deleting a channel/part that I didn't like/needed, I just putted its volume to 0, trough Mixer, and saved the change.

That method of course does not reduce the memory space occupied by the style, as the track information still remain in the memory (with the only difference that the volume is 0). But gives the benefit that in case you change your mind about that track, you can use it again.

----to be honest.


If your a Registration player then there is no problem with none of this you just save what you want into registrations

I am an OTS player, when I’m gigging I find just having one light on the intro and one ending makes it a lot easier, variation A & B will be the same and C & D same with 4 different voices.

Works well for me, you just need to get a system going that feels good and stick to it.

Styleworks does sort the style variations out very quickly,


Dear Pino,

thank you for your comments.

Before I purchased the present CVP309PE, I had for about 20 years Korg keyboards, with hundreds and hundreds locations available on board (internal HD drive) for MY styles.

I'm getting the same availability of space thank to the USB port of my Clavinova.

I made a few Registrations for styles also, whenever the modifications to an existing style are minor.
But whenever I like to go more deeper (for example: change Rhy1 from snare to drumstick; or lower the volume of the kick drum  only without altering the volume of the other components of the drums; mute or change the volume of one or more tracks of one part only), I found that working in Style Creator give much more opportunities of fine tuning a style.

I like very much to use registrations for having my own set of voices that I can access instantly while playing real time, in addition to the 4 OTS.
In this respect, I found very useful to may change the OTS (often I don't like the voices selected by Yamaha for a particular style), by saving my choice into the Style.

Anyway, It's a matter of personal preference, of course.

Thank you



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