Yamaha Keyboards (4 Boards) > Yamaha Keyboards - General

For me !!


roger bradbury:
After many, many years of playing out with Tecknics and Yamaha keyboards I now have at 76 a new Genos keyboard for home use only. (May sneek out to play ). May sound a little strange but like my old KN7000 the Genos is good, very good. Trying to understand the hard drive and music finder ? Best wishes Roger

Hi Roger,
  Pleased you are enjoying your Genos. There is no Hard Drive as such now but 56 Gb of user memory. You can also use a large USB stick (I use 64 Gb) which I have in the closed slot under Genos. This is the one you need to download the additional playlist to before securing the flap shut. You can convery music finder files but you will only get one registration button filled unlike Play List.

  Have lots of fun.


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