PSR Keyboards (11 Boards) > PSR-S910/S710 (SFF2)

S910 Registration Left

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Joe W:
Craven, take a look at the series of lessons on adjusting styles:

These will give you a much better handle on what is going on as you change things.  The left-hand voice is saved with the preset style.  So, if you load a preset style, you are going to get all the default voices, including that left-hand voice.  You can change the OTS and then resave the style under a separate name.  When you load that new, now renamed, style, all your OTS settings will come with it.  If you want to change the default tempo and/or left-hand voice in a style, you need to save the style using the more complicating procedure in the Style creator when saving your changed style.  With this procedure, explained in the lessons, your new saved style will have your new left-hand voice and tempo if that was changed as well.  Any registration that called up that style would use these new, now default, settings.

Craven Morehead:
Thanks Joe.  I'm not saving Styles in the Registration.  I'm saving Voices as described in Chapter six of the owners manual.  The Left Part will play with the Registration but you can't change and save a different voice (Left Part Only) to each Registration 1-8.  I change one and they all change to the same voice.  Example:  I select Grand Piano for Left part and click on Registration Memory, and then click on Registration 1.  It saves the Grand Piano to 1, but also 2-8 change also.  I have tried all the previous suggestions and none have work.  So I don't think there is anything wrong, it's just the way the keyboard is programmed.  I haven't tried it but I bet if I was saving Styles in the Registration it wouldn't be a problem.  I don't plan on putting styles into Registrations at this time. 

Fred Smith:

You still haven't understood what everyone is trying to tell you. You CAN save a left voice to a registration, but it is part of the Style group, not the Voice group. If you don't check the Style group when saving a registration, it won't save the left voice.

Because you haven't saved Style as part of your registration, switching to a new registration will not change the left voice. So it's misleading to say that when you manually change the left voice, it "changes for all registrations". What's happening is all the Style parameters (like style, style balance, left voice, etc.) remain unchanged when you switch registrations.

You'll be doing yourself a favor when you make an attempt to understand what your keyboard is doing. It will also make it much easier for us to help you, and avoid a lot of time wasted.

Hope this helps,

Craven Morehead:
I guess I'm just stupid, because I did save the style as part of the registration.  If you mean putting a check mark in the little start box just above the little voice box.
Are you saying I have to select a style to go into the Left Part?  I have been selecting a voice for the Left Part.  I don't want a Style to play when I select Left.
Maybe if you can give me step by step instructions I'll get it.  Obviously following the manuals instructions isn't working.  Sorry about not understanding, but this is all new to me. 


I guess I understood what you are trying to do. May be this will help.

1. Press the memory button and make sure the style and voice check boxes are checked and exit to home screen.
2. select the voices for R1, R2, and Left parts
3. Hold down the memory button again and now while holding press any of the registration buttons(1-8) to register the voices you have selected for R1, R2 and Left.

When you want to recall these part just press the registration button in which you have saved those parts, that should recall all the saved voices in realtime.

Guess this should work.



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